import uuid import bleach import secrets import hashlib import os import random import regex as re import json from datetime import datetime import dateutil.relativedelta from loguru import logger from overseer.flask import SQLITE_MODE random.seed(random.SystemRandom().randint(0, 2**32 - 1)) def count_digits(number): digits = 1 while number > 10: number = number / 10 digits += 1 return digits class ConvertAmount: def __init__(self,amount,decimals = 1): self.digits = count_digits(amount) self.decimals = decimals if self.digits < 4: self.amount = round(amount, self.decimals) self.prefix = '' self.char = '' elif self.digits < 7: self.amount = round(amount / 1000, self.decimals) self.prefix = 'kilo' self.char = 'K' elif self.digits < 10: self.amount = round(amount / 1000000, self.decimals) self.prefix = 'mega' self.char = 'M' elif self.digits < 13: self.amount = round(amount / 1000000000, self.decimals) self.prefix = 'giga' self.char = 'G' else: self.amount = round(amount / 1000000000000, self.decimals) self.prefix = 'tera' self.char = 'T' def get_db_uuid(): if SQLITE_MODE: return str(uuid.uuid4()) else: return uuid.uuid4() def generate_client_id(): return secrets.token_urlsafe(16) def sanitize_string(text): santxt = bleach.clean(text).lstrip().rstrip() return santxt def hash_api_key(unhashed_api_key): salt = os.getenv("secret_key", "s0m3s3cr3t") # Note default here, just so it can run without env file hashed_key = hashlib.sha256(salt.encode() + unhashed_api_key.encode()).hexdigest() # logger.warning([os.getenv("secret_key", "s0m3s3cr3t"), hashed_key,unhashed_api_key]) return hashed_key def hash_dictionary(dictionary): # Convert the dictionary to a JSON string json_string = json.dumps(dictionary, sort_keys=True) # Create a hash object hash_object = hashlib.sha256(json_string.encode()) # Get the hexadecimal representation of the hash hash_hex = hash_object.hexdigest() return hash_hex def get_expiry_date(): return datetime.utcnow() + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(minutes=+20) def get_random_seed(start_point=0): '''Generated a random seed, using a random number unique per node''' return random.randint(start_point, 2**32 - 1) def count_parentheses(s): open_p = False count = 0 for c in s: if c == "(": open_p = True elif c == ")" and open_p: open_p = False count += 1 return count def validate_regex(regex_string): try: re.compile(regex_string, re.IGNORECASE) except: return False return True