from overseer.apis.v1.base import * from overseer.classes.instance import Guarantee, Endorsement class Guarantors(Resource): get_parser = reqparse.RequestParser() get_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers") get_parser.add_argument("csv", required=False, type=bool, help="Set to true to return just the domains as a csv. Mutually exclusive with domains", location="args") get_parser.add_argument("domains", required=False, type=bool, help="Set to true to return just the domains as a list. Mutually exclusive with csv", location="args") @api.expect(get_parser) @cache.cached(timeout=10, query_string=True) @api.marshal_with(models.response_model_model_Whitelist_get, code=200, description='Instances', skip_none=True) @api.response(404, 'Instance not registered', models.response_model_error) def get(self, domain): '''Display all guarantees given by a specific domain ''' self.args = self.get_parser.parse_args() instance = database.find_instance_by_domain(domain) if not instance: raise e.NotFound(f"No Instance found matching provided domain. Have you remembered to register it?") instance_details = [] for guaranteed in database.get_all_guaranteed_instances_by_guarantor_id( instance_details.append(guaranteed.get_details()) if self.args.csv: return {"csv": ",".join([guaranteed["domain"] for guaranteed in instance_details])},200 if return {"domains": [guaranteed["domain"] for guaranteed in instance_details]},200 return {"instances": instance_details},200 class Guarantees(Resource): get_parser = reqparse.RequestParser() get_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers") get_parser.add_argument("csv", required=False, type=bool, help="Set to true to return just the domains as a csv. Mutually exclusive with domains", location="args") get_parser.add_argument("domains", required=False, type=bool, help="Set to true to return just the domains as a list. Mutually exclusive with csv", location="args") @api.expect(get_parser) @cache.cached(timeout=10, query_string=True) @api.marshal_with(models.response_model_model_Whitelist_get, code=200, description='Instances', skip_none=True) @api.response(404, 'Instance not registered', models.response_model_error) def get(self, domain): '''Display all instances guaranteeing for this domain ''' self.args = self.get_parser.parse_args() instance = database.find_instance_by_domain(domain) if not instance: raise e.NotFound(f"No Instance found matching provided domain. Have you remembered to register it?") instance_details = [] for guarantor in database.get_all_guarantor_instances_by_guaranteed_id( instance_details.append(guarantor.get_details()) if self.args.csv: return {"csv": ",".join([guarantor["domain"] for guarantor in instance_details])},200 if return {"domains": [guarantor["domain"] for guarantor in instance_details]},200 logger.debug(database.get_guarantor_chain( return {"instances": instance_details},200 put_parser = reqparse.RequestParser() put_parser.add_argument("apikey", type=str, required=True, help="The sending instance's API key.", location='headers') put_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers") @api.expect(put_parser) @api.marshal_with(models.response_model_simple_response, code=200, description='Endorse Instance') @api.response(400, 'Bad Request', models.response_model_error) @api.response(401, 'Invalid API Key', models.response_model_error) @api.response(403, 'Instance Not Guaranteed or Tartget instance Guaranteed by others', models.response_model_error) @api.response(404, 'Instance not registered', models.response_model_error) def put(self, domain): '''Endorse an instance ''' self.args = self.put_parser.parse_args() if not self.args.apikey: raise e.Unauthorized("You must provide the API key that was PM'd to your account") instance = database.find_instance_by_api_key(self.args.apikey) if not instance: raise e.NotFound(f"No Instance found matching provided API key and domain. Have you remembered to register it?") if len(instance.guarantors) == 0: raise e.Forbidden("Only guaranteed instances can guarantee others.") unbroken_chain, chainbreaker = database.has_unbroken_chain( if not unbroken_chain: raise e.Forbidden(f"Guarantee chain for this instance has been broken. Chain ends at {chainbreaker.domain}!") target_instance = database.find_instance_by_domain(domain=domain) if not target_instance: raise e.BadRequest("Instance to endorse not found") if database.get_guarantee(, return {"message":'OK'}, 200 gdomain = target_instance.get_guarantor_domain() if gdomain: raise e.Forbidden("Target instance already guaranteed by {gdomain}") new_guarantee = Guarantee(,, ) db.session.add(new_guarantee) # Guaranteed instances get their automatic first endorsement new_endorsement = Endorsement(,, ) db.session.add(new_endorsement) db.session.commit() pm_instance(target_instance.domain, f"Congratulations! Your instance has just been guaranteed by {instance.domain}. This also comes with your first endorsement.") orphan_ids = database.get_guarantee_chain( for orphan in database.get_instances_by_ids(orphan_ids): pm_instance(orphan.domain, f"Phew! You guarantor chain has been repaired as {instance.domain} has guaranteed for {domain}.")"{instance.domain} Guaranteed for {domain}") return {"message":'Changed'}, 200 delete_parser = reqparse.RequestParser() delete_parser.add_argument("apikey", type=str, required=True, help="The sending instance's API key.", location='headers') delete_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers") @api.expect(delete_parser) @api.marshal_with(models.response_model_simple_response, code=200, description='Withdraw Instance Endorsement') @api.response(400, 'Bad Request', models.response_model_error) @api.response(401, 'Invalid API Key', models.response_model_error) @api.response(404, 'Instance not registered', models.response_model_error) def delete(self,domain): '''Withdraw an instance guarantee ''' self.args = self.delete_parser.parse_args() if not self.args.apikey: raise e.Unauthorized("You must provide the API key that was PM'd to your account") instance = database.find_instance_by_api_key(self.args.apikey) if not instance: raise e.NotFound(f"No Instance found matching provided API key and domain. Have you remembered to register it?") target_instance = database.find_instance_by_domain(domain=domain) if not target_instance: raise e.BadRequest("Instance from which to withdraw endorsement not found") # If API key matches the target domain, we assume they want to remove the guarantee added to them to allow another domain to guarantee them if == guarantee = instance.get_guarantee() else: guarantee = database.get_guarantee(, if not guarantee: return {"message":'OK'}, 200 # Removing a guarantee removes the endorsement endorsement = database.get_endorsement(, if endorsement: db.session.delete(endorsement) db.session.delete(guarantee) db.session.commit() pm_instance(target_instance.domain, f"Attention! You guarantor instance {instance.domain} has withdrawn their backing.\n\nIMPORTANT: All your guarantees will be deleted unless you manage to find a new guarantor within 24hours!") orphan_ids = database.get_guarantee_chain( for orphan in database.get_instances_by_ids(orphan_ids): pm_instance(orphan.domain, f"Attention! You guarantor chain has been b broken because {instance.domain} has withdrawn their backing from {domain}.\n\nIMPORTANT: All your guarantees will be deleted unless the chain is repaired or you find a new guarantor within 24hours!")"{instance.domain} Withdrew guarantee from {domain}") return {"message":'Changed'}, 200