import time from typing import Iterable import itertools import requests from flask_caching import Cache from flask import g from sqlalchemy import or_ import files.helpers.config.const as const from files.classes.badges import Badge from files.classes.comment import Comment from files.classes.user import User from files.helpers.sanitize import * from files.helpers.alerts import push_notif from files.classes.notifications import Notification # Note: while provides the key # server_ratelimit_per_minute, in practice Cloudflare puts stricter, # unofficially documented limits at around 60/minute. We get nowhere near this # with current keyword quantities. If this ever changes, consider reading the # value from /meta (or just guessing) and doing a random selection of keywords. def offsite_mentions_task(cache:Cache): site_mentions = get_mentions(cache, const.REDDIT_NOTIFS_SITE) notify_mentions(site_mentions) if const.REDDIT_NOTIFS_USERS: for query, send_user in const.REDDIT_NOTIFS_USERS.items(): user_mentions = get_mentions(cache, [query], reddit_notifs_users=True) notify_mentions(user_mentions, send_to=send_user, mention_str='mention of you') db.commit() # commit early otherwise localhost testing fails to commit def get_mentions(cache:Cache, queries:Iterable[str], reddit_notifs_users=False): kinds = ['submission', 'comment'] mentions = [] exclude_subreddits = ['PokemonGoRaids', 'SubSimulatorGPT2', 'SubSimGPT2Interactive'] try: after = int(cache.get(const.REDDIT_NOTIFS_CACHE_KEY) or time.time()) except: print("Failed to retrieve last mention time from cache", flush=True) after = time.time() size = 1 if reddit_notifs_users else 100 for kind in kinds: try: url = ( f'{kind}/search?html_decode=true' f'&q={"%7C".join(queries)}' # f'&subreddit=!{",!".join(exclude_subreddits)}' f'&after={after}' f'&size={size}') data = requests.get(( f'{kind}/search?html_decode=true' f'&q={"%7C".join(queries)}' # f'&subreddit=!{",!".join(exclude_subreddits)}' f'&after={after}' f'&size={size}'), timeout=15).json()['data'] except Exception as e: continue for thing in data: if thing['subreddit'] in exclude_subreddits: continue if 'bot' in thing['author'].lower(): continue if 'AutoModerator' == thing['author']: continue after = max(after, thing["created_utc"]) if thing["created_utc"] else after if kind == 'comment': body = thing["body"].replace('>', '> ') text = f'


' else: title = thing["title"].replace('>', '> ') # Special case: a spambot says 'WPD' a lot unrelated to us. if 'Kathrine Mclaurin' in title: continue text = f'


' if thing["selftext"]: selftext = thing["selftext"].replace('>', '> ')[:5000] text += f'


' mentions.append({ 'permalink': thing['permalink'], 'author': thing['author'], 'text': text, }) try: if not reddit_notifs_users: cache.set(const.REDDIT_NOTIFS_CACHE_KEY, after + 1) except: print("Failed to set cache value; there may be duplication of reddit notifications", flush=True) return mentions def notify_mentions(mentions, send_to=None, mention_str='site mention'): for m in mentions: author = m['author'] permalink = m['permalink'] text = sanitize(m['text'], blackjack="reddit mention", golden=False) notif_text = ( f'

New {mention_str} by /u/{author}

' f'

' f'{permalink}?context=89

' f'{text}' ) existing_comment = db.query( author_id=const.AUTOJANNY_ID, parent_submission=None, body_html=notif_text).one_or_none() if existing_comment: break new_comment = Comment( author_id=const.AUTOJANNY_ID, parent_submission=None, body_html=notif_text, distinguish_level=6) db.add(new_comment) db.flush() new_comment.top_comment_id = if send_to: notif = Notification(, user_id=send_to) db.add(notif) push_notif({send_to}, f'New mention of you on reddit by /u/{author}', '', f'{SITE_FULL}/comment/{}?read=true#context')