{%- from 'util/assetcache.html' import asset -%} {%- import 'util/helpers.html' as help -%} {% if ref_user %}{{ref_user.username}} invites you to {{SITE_NAME}}{% else %}Sign up - {{SITE_NAME}}{% endif %}
{% if ref_user %}

@{{ref_user.username}} has invited you!

Looks like someone wants you to join {{SITE_NAME}}.

{% else %}

Create your account.

No email address required.

{% endif %}
{% if error %}{{error}}
{% endif %} {% if redirect %}{% endif %} {% if ref_user %} {% endif %} (optional) Minimum of 8 characters required. Your password meets the requirements.
{% if hcaptcha %}
{% endif %}
Already have an account?
{% if hcaptcha %} {% endif %}