/*confetti*/ #post-award-confetti { position: fixed; z-index: 9998; width: 100%; height: 100%; pointer-events: none !important; background-image: url(/assets/images/confetti2.webp); background-repeat: repeat; } /*fireworks*/ .firework { position:fixed; z-index:9999; pointer-events: none; width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; pointer-events: none !important; } .firework img { max-width: 15rem; } /*ricardo*/ .ricardo { position: fixed; z-index: 9997; pointer-events: none !important; } .ricardo img { max-height: 15rem !important; max-height: min(30vw,15rem) !important; } .ricardoleft { animation: ricardoleft 2.9s 2 alternate !important; } .ricardoright { animation: ricardoright 2.9s 2 alternate !important; } @keyframes ricardoleft { from {} to {transform: translateX(200px);} } @keyframes ricardoright { from {transform: translateX(110vw);} to {transform: translateX(95vw);} } #ricardo1 { top:70%; left:-10%; } #ricardo2 { top:80%; left:50%; animation: ricardo2 1.7s linear infinite !important; } #ricardo3 { top:85%; animation: ricardo3 10s linear infinite !important; } @keyframes ricardo2 { 0% {opacity:20%} 50% {opacity:100%} 100% {opacity:0%} } @keyframes ricardo3 { 50% {transform: translateX(105vw);} 51% {transform: translate(105vw,-86vh) rotate(180deg);} 100% {transform: translate(-15vw,-86vh) rotate(180deg);} } @media (max-width: 768px) { @keyframes ricardo3 { 50% {transform: translateX(105vw);} 51% {transform: translate(105vw,-86vh) rotate(180deg);} 100% {transform: translate(-70vw,-86vh) rotate(180deg);} } }