{% extends "settings.html" %} {% block pagetitle %}Personal Settings{% endblock %} {% block content %}
Site Experience

You're a {{TIERS_ID_TO_NAME[v.patron] if v.patron else "freeloader"}}!

{% if v.patron %} Thanks ily! <3{% endif %} {% if not v.patron and v.truescore >= TRUESCORE_DONATE_LIMIT %}

To stop freeloading, first verify your email, support us on {{DONATE_SERVICE}} with the same email, and click "Claim {{patron}} Rewards"

{% elif not v.patron %}

To stop freeloading, you can donate via crypto. Please let us know first beforehand by sending us a modmail. Thanks!

{% endif %}
{{common.color_section('theme-color', '/settings/themecolor', 'themecolor', 'Theme Color', v.themecolor)}}

Change the background for the website.

{% if v.background %}
{% endif %}
Your Aesthetic
{% if v.house %} {% set cost = HOUSE_SWITCH_COST %}

Change your house (cost: {{cost}} coins or marseybux).

{% if ' Founder' in v.house %}

Warning: you'll lose your founder status if you join a different house

{% endif %} {% else %} {% set cost = HOUSE_JOIN_COST %}

Join a house (cost: {{cost}} coins or marseybux).

{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
your profile picture
All image files are supported. Max file size is {% if v and v.patron %}16{% else %}8{% endif %} MB.
All image files are supported. Max file size is {% if v and v.patron %}16{% else %}8{% endif %} MB.
{%- endif %}

Your original username will always stay reserved for you: {{v.original_username}}

3-25 characters, including letters, numbers, _ , and -
{{common.color_section('namecolor', '/settings/namecolor', 'namecolor', 'Name Color', v.name_color)}} {{common.line_text_section('pronouns', '/settings/pronouns_change', 'pronouns', 'Pronouns', v.pronouns, '{2-5 characters} / {2-5 characters}', 'Enter pronouns here', 'Change Pronouns', false, 3, 11, '([a-zA-Z]{1,5})/[a-zA-Z]{1,5}(/[a-zA-Z]{1,5})?', FEATURES['PRONOUNS'], false)}} {# common.line_text_section(id, form_action, form_name, section_title, contents, below_text, placeholder_text, button_text, show_marseys, minlength, maxlength, pattern, show_if, disabled) #} {{common.line_text_section('flair', '/settings/title_change', 'title', 'Flair', v.customtitleplain, 'Limit of 100 characters', 'Enter a flair here', 'Change Flair', true, 0, 100, '.*', true, v.flairchanged)}} {{common.color_section('flaircolor', '/settings/titlecolor', 'titlecolor', 'Flair Color', v.titlecolor)}} {% if v.verified %} {{common.color_section('verifiedcolor', '/settings/verifiedcolor', 'verifiedcolor', 'Checkmark Color', v.verifiedcolor)}} {{common.line_text_section('checkmark_text', '/settings/checkmark_text', 'checkmark-text', 'Checkmark Text', v.verified, 'Limit of 100 characters', 'Enter checkmark hover text here', 'Change Text', false, 0, 100, '.*', v.verified, false)}} {% endif %} {% if FEATURES['USERS_PROFILE_SONG'] -%}

You can use an MP3 file or a YouTube video.

In some browsers, users have to click at least once anywhere in the profile page for the anthem to play.
{%- endif %} {# common.text_area_section(id, form_action, form_name, section_title, contents, below_text, placeholder_text, show_extras, show_file_upload, maxlength, show_if) #} {{common.text_area_section('profile-bio', '/settings/personal', 'bio', 'Bio', v.bio, 'Limit of 1500 characters', 'Tell the community a bit about yourself.', true, true, 1500, FEATURES['USERS_PROFILE_BODYTEXT'])}} {{common.text_area_section('profile-friends', '/settings/personal', 'friends', 'Friends', v.friends, 'Limit of 500 characters', 'Enter your friends on the site...', false, false, 500, true)}} {{common.text_area_section('profile-enemies', '/settings/personal', 'enemies', 'Enemies', v.enemies, 'Limit of 500 characters', 'Enter your enemies on the site...', false, false, 500, true)}} {{common.text_area_section('profile-signature', '/settings/personal', 'sig', 'Signature', v.sig, 'Limit of 200 characters', 'Enter a signature...', true, false, 200, v.patron or v.sig)}} {# toggle_section(title, id, name, flag, below_text, disabled) #} {{common.toggle_section('Private Mode', 'privateswitch', 'private', v.is_private, 'This will hide your post and comment history from others. We will also ask search engines to not index your profile page. (Your content will still be accessible via direct link.)', false)}} {{common.toggle_section('Spider', 'spiderswitch', 'spider', v.spider, 'Have a spider friend accompany you during your journey on the site.', false)}}
{% set ns = namespace(slurtext='Enable if you would like to automatically replace slurs.', profanitytext='Enable if you would like to automatically replace profanities.') %} {% if FEATURES['USERS_PERMANENT_WORD_FILTERS'] and v.slurreplacer %} {% if v.slurreplacer == 1 %} {% set ns.slurtext = 'Enable if you would like to automatically replace slurs. Make filter permanent for a badge!' %} {% else %} {% set ns.slurtext = "You've enabled the slur replacer permanently! ✊🏿" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if FEATURES['USERS_PERMANENT_WORD_FILTERS'] and v.profanityreplacer %} {% if v.profanityreplacer == 1 %} {% set ns.profanitytext = 'Enable if you would like to automatically replace profanities. Make filter permanent for a badge!' %} {% else %} {% set ns.profanitytext = "You've enabled the profanity replacer permanently! 😇" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {{common.toggle_section("Slur Replacer", "slurreplacer", 'slurreplacer', v.slurreplacer, ns.slurtext, FEATURES['USERS_PERMANENT_WORD_FILTERS'] and v.slurreplacer > 1)}} {{common.toggle_section("Profanity Replacer", "profanityreplacer", 'profanityreplacer', v.profanityreplacer, ns.profanitytext, FEATURES['USERS_PERMANENT_WORD_FILTERS'] and v.profanityreplacer > 1)}}
Refer a Friend!
Share this link with a friend. {% if v.referral_count==0 %} When they sign up, you'll get the bronze recruitment badge. Learn more.{% elif v.referral_count<10 %} When you refer 10 friends, you'll receive the silver recruitment badge. Learn more.{% elif v.referral_count<100 %} When you refer 100 friends, you'll receive the gold recruitment badge. Learn more.{% endif %}
{% include "modals/emoji.html" %} {% include "modals/gif.html" %} {% if v.flairchanged %} {% endif %} {% macro permanent_filter_modal(id, form_action, field, friendly_name, badge_name) %} {% if FEATURES['USERS_PERMANENT_WORD_FILTERS'] -%} {%- endif %} {% endmacro %} {% if v.slurreplacer == 1 -%} {{permanent_filter_modal('slurreplacer', '/settings/personal', 'slurreplacer', 'Slur Replacer', 'Social Justice Berserker')}} {%- endif %} {% if v.profanityreplacer == 1 -%} {{permanent_filter_modal('profanityreplacer', '/settings/personal', 'profanityreplacer', 'Profanity Replacer', 'Soapy-Mouthed Angel')}} {%- endif %} {% if FEATURES['USERS_PERMANENT_WORD_FILTERS'] -%} {%- endif %} {% endblock %}