/* addFormattingCopyButtons(): creates a button in the first column of each row of a table that copies the text in the second column of that row */ function addFormattingCopyButtons() { var allTablesGenerateCopyButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('generate-copy-buttons') for (let table = 0; table < allTablesGenerateCopyButtons.length; table++) { if(allTablesGenerateCopyButtons[table].tagName != 'TABLE') { continue; } for (var i = 1, row; row = allTablesGenerateCopyButtons[table].rows[i]; i++) { const textCopyButton = document.createElement("button"); textCopyButton.setAttribute("type", "button"); textCopyButton.className = "btn caction ml-1 py-0 nobackground px-1 text-muted copy-link"; /* replace HTML newlines with text newlines */ var cleanedText = row.cells[1].cloneNode(true) cleanedText.innerHTML = cleanedText.innerHTML.replace(/
/gi, "\n") /* remove lots of extraneous tabs */ cleanedText = cleanedText.textContent.replace(/\t/g,''); textCopyButton.setAttribute("data-clipboard-text", cleanedText); copyIcon = document.createElement("i"); copyIcon.className = "fas fa-copy"; textCopyButton.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', copyIcon) const textCopyButtonDiv = document.createElement("div"); textCopyButtonDiv.appendChild(textCopyButton); textCopyButtonDiv.className = "mr-4 ml-auto my-auto"; const x = row.cells[1].innerHTML row.cells[1].innerHTML = `
` } } } addFormattingCopyButtons();