forked from rDrama/rDrama
Fork 0

refactor comment commands

Aevann1 2022-07-11 14:14:18 +02:00
parent bd323d2bb9
commit b5d9db86d1
4 changed files with 21 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -813,16 +813,11 @@ NOTIFIED_USERS = {
FORTUNE_REPLIES = ('<b style="color:#6023f8">Your fortune: Allah Wills It</b>','<b style="color:#d302a7">Your fortune: Inshallah, Only Good Things Shall Come To Pass</b>','<b style="color:#e7890c">Your fortune: Allah Smiles At You This Day</b>','<b style="color:#7fec11">Your fortune: Your Bussy Is In For A Blasting</b>','<b style="color:#43fd3b">Your fortune: You Will Be Propositioned By A High-Tier Twink</b>','<b style="color:#9d05da">Your fortune: Repent, You Have Displeased Allah And His Vengeance Is Nigh</b>','<b style="color:#f51c6a">Your fortune: Reply Hazy, Try Again</b>','<b style="color:#00cbb0">Your fortune: lmao you just lost 100 coins</b>','<b style="color:#2a56fb">Your fortune: Yikes 😬</b>','<b style="color:#0893e1">Your fortune: You Will Be Blessed With Many Black Bulls</b>','<b style="color:#16f174">Your fortune: NEETmax, The Day Is Lost If You Venture Outside</b>','<b style="color:#fd4d32">Your fortune: A Taste Of Jannah Awaits You Today</b>','<b style="color:#bac200">Your fortune: Watch Your Back</b>','<b style="color:#6023f8">Your fortune: Outlook good</b>','<b style="color:#d302a7">Your fortune: Godly Luck</b>','<b style="color:#e7890c">Your fortune: Good Luck</b>','<b style="color:#7fec11">Your fortune: Bad Luck</b>','<b style="color:#43fd3b">Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail</b>','<b style="color:#9d05da">Your fortune: Very Bad Luck</b>','<b style="color:#00cbb0">Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!</b>','<b style="color:#2a56fb">Your fortune: Better not tell you now</b>','<b style="color:#0893e1">Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger</b>','<b style="color:#16f174">Your fortune:  ´_ゝ`)フーン</b>','<b style="color:#fd4d32">Your fortune: Excellent Luck</b>','<b style="color:#bac200">Your fortune: Average Luck</b>')
EIGHTBALL_REPLIES = [('It is certain.', 0), ('It is decidedly so.', 0), ('Without a doubt.', 0),
('Yes definitely.', 0), ('You may rely on it.', 0), ('As I see it, yes.', 0),
('Most likely.', 0), ('Outlook good.', 0), ('Yes.', 0), ('Signs point to yes.', 0),
('Reply hazy, try again.', 1), ('Ask again later.', 1), ('Better not tell you now.', 1),
('Cannot predict now.', 1), ('Concentrate and ask again.', 1), ('Dont count on it.', 2),
('My reply is no.', 2), ('My sources say no.', 2), ('Outlook not so good.', 2), ('Very doubtful.', 2),]
EIGHTBALL_COLORS = ['#7FEC11', '#E7890C', '#FD4D32']
FACTCHECK_REPLIES = ('<b style="color:#6023f8">Factcheck: This claim has been confirmed as correct by experts. </b>','<b style="color:#d302a7">Factcheck: This claim has been classified as misogynistic.</b>','<b style="color:#e7890c">Factcheck: This claim is currently being debunked.</b>','<b style="color:#7fec11">Factcheck: This claim is 100% true.</b>','<b style="color:#9d05da">Factcheck: This claim hurts trans lives.</b>','<b style="color:#f51c6a">Factcheck: [REDACTED].</b>','<b style="color:#00cbb0">Factcheck: This claim is both true and false.</b>','<b style="color:#2a56fb">Factcheck: You really believe that shit? Lmao dumbass nigga 🤣</b>','<b style="color:#0893e1">Factcheck: None of this is real.</b>','<b style="color:#16f174">Factcheck: Yes.</b>','<b style="color:#fd4d32">Factcheck: This claim has not been approved by experts.</b>','<b style="color:#bac200">Factcheck: This claim is a gross exageration of reality.</b>','<b style="color:#ff2200">Factcheck: WARNING! THIS CLAIM HAS BEEN CLASSIFIED AS DANGEROUS. PLEASE REMAIN STILL, AN AGENT WILL COME TO MEET YOU SHORTLY.</b>')
EIGHTBALL_REPLIES = ('<b style="color:#7FEC11">The 8-Ball Says: It is certain.</b>', '<b style="color:#7FEC11">The 8-Ball Says: It is decidedly so.</b>', '<b style="color:#7FEC11">The 8-Ball Says: Without a doubt.</b>', '<b style="color:#7FEC11">The 8-Ball Says: Yes definitely.</b>', '<b style="color:#7FEC11">The 8-Ball Says: You may rely on it.</b>', '<b style="color:#7FEC11">The 8-Ball Says: As I see it, yes.</b>', '<b style="color:#7FEC11">The 8-Ball Says: Most likely.</b>', '<b style="color:#7FEC11">The 8-Ball Says: Outlook good.</b>', '<b style="color:#7FEC11">The 8-Ball Says: Yes.</b>', '<b style="color:#7FEC11">The 8-Ball Says: Signs point to yes.</b>', '<b style="color:#E7890C">The 8-Ball Says: Reply hazy, try again.</b>', '<b style="color:#E7890C">The 8-Ball Says: Ask again later.</b>', '<b style="color:#E7890C">The 8-Ball Says: Better not tell you now.</b>', '<b style="color:#E7890C">The 8-Ball Says: Cannot predict now.</b>', '<b style="color:#E7890C">The 8-Ball Says: Concentrate and ask again.</b>', '<b style="color:#FD4D32">The 8-Ball Says: Dont count on it.</b>', '<b style="color:#FD4D32">The 8-Ball Says: My reply is no.</b>', '<b style="color:#FD4D32">The 8-Ball Says: My sources say no.</b>', '<b style="color:#FD4D32">The 8-Ball Says: Outlook not so good.</b>', '<b style="color:#FD4D32">The 8-Ball Says: Very doubtful.</b>')
if SITE_NAME == 'rDrama': patron = 'Paypig'
else: patron = 'Patron'

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import re
from .const import *
from random import choice
if SITE_NAME == 'PCM':
valid_username_chars = 'a-zA-Z0-9_\-А'
@ -128,3 +129,15 @@ def torture_ap(body, username):
lines[i] = torture_regex2.sub(rf'\1@{username} is ', lines[i])
return ''.join(lines)
commands = {
command_regex = re.compile("(\s|\n)#(fortune|factcheck|8ball)", flags=re.A|re.I)
def command_regex_matcher(match, upper=False):
return + choice(commands[])

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@ -201,6 +201,8 @@ def sanitize(sanitized, edit=False):
sanitized = link_fix_regex.sub(r'\1https://\2', sanitized)
sanitized = command_regex.sub(command_regex_matcher, sanitized)
sanitized = markdown(sanitized)
sanitized = strikethrough_regex.sub(r'\1<del>\2</del>', sanitized)
@ -302,25 +304,10 @@ def sanitize(sanitized, edit=False):
marsey.count += 1
if '#fortune' in sanitized:
sanitized = sanitized.replace('#fortune', '')
sanitized += '\n\n<p>' + choice(FORTUNE_REPLIES) + '</p>'
if '#8ball' in sanitized:
(b8txt, b8knd) = choice(EIGHTBALL_REPLIES)
b8color = EIGHTBALL_COLORS[b8knd]
sanitized = sanitized.replace('#8ball', '')
sanitized += '\n\n<p><span style="font-weight: bold; color: %s;">The 8-Ball Says: %s</span></p>' % (b8color, b8txt)
if '#factcheck' in sanitized:
sanitized = sanitized.replace('#factcheck', '')
sanitized += '\n\n<p>' + choice(FACTCHECK_REPLIES) + '</p>'
sanitized = sanitized.replace('<p></p>', '')
sanitized = utm_regex.sub('', sanitized)
sanitized = utm_regex2.sub('', sanitized)
sanitized = sanitized.replace('<html><body>','').replace('</body></html>','')
css_sanitizer = CSSSanitizer(allowed_css_properties=allowed_styles)

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@ -3799,6 +3799,8 @@ This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back. You are the