forked from rDrama/rDrama
Fork 0
Aevann1 2021-12-08 02:49:37 +02:00
parent 89ca7db431
commit 5d5d599375
1 changed files with 2 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -733,15 +733,14 @@ def submit_post(v):
elif "" == domain:
try: embed = requests.get("", timeout=5, params={"url":url, "omit_script":"t"}).json()["html"]
except: embed = None
elif "youtu" in domain:
yt_id = re.match(re.compile("^.*(\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|shorts\/|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*"), url).group(2)
elif url.startswith(''):
yt_id = url.split('')[1].split('&')[0]
params = parse_qs(urlparse(url).query)
t = params.get('t', params.get('start', [0]))[0]
if isinstance(t, str): t = t.replace('s','')
embed = f'<lite-youtube videoid="{yt_id}" params="controls=0&modestbranding=1'
if t: embed += f'&start={t}'
embed += '"></lite-youtube>'
elif app.config['SERVER_NAME'] in domain and "/post/" in url and "context" not in url:
id = url.split("/post/")[1]
if "/" in id: id = id.split("/")[0]