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SneedBot 2023-09-14 17:17:10 +00:00
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@ -4355,3 +4355,75 @@
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Be like a rocky promontory against which the restless surf continually pounds; it stands fast while the churning sea is lulled to sleep at its feet. I hear you say, "How unlucky that this should happen to me!" Not at all! Say instead, "How lucky that I am not broken by what has happened and am not afraid of what is about to happen. The same blow might have struck anyone, but not many would have absorbed it without capitulation or complaint."
You will never be a real Westerner. You have no diversified economy, you have no genteel liberalism, you have no boring centrist democracy. You are just a slav (or Slav-adjacent) twisted by ethnonationalism and cope into a crude mockery of nature's perfection.
All the "validation" you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back civilised countries mock you. The EU is disgusted and ashamed of you, your "allies" laugh about your cartoonish politics behind closed doors.
Westerners are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed westerners to sniff out Slavs with incredible efficiency. Even Slavs who “develop” look uncanny and depressing to a westerner. Your commieblocks are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get an investor home with you, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your ancient decaying infrastructure.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll buy some guns, arm a militia, and start another internecine ethnic conflict. The EU will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the debt burden.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
To anyone who believes this meme: if you were ever called stupid by anyone in your life, it's important that you know that they were completely correct.
There were no "bombs". This photo was from super early in the war and the cars got lifted and pushed out of the way to clear the road by wreckers. Nobody except whatever lying r-slur that made this ever said there were bombs.
A lot of you need to have a serious fricking think about yourselves. Are you falling for this kind of gay shit because you're just a genuinely stupid BIPOC-brain? Seriously, what is your excuse?
The entire point of these meme is "there's no bomb damage!" Someone with a FUNCTIONAL brain would go "maybe that's because there were no bombs".
Someone who literally deserves to be executed (along with their entire family, I don't care how White or Aryan or how much of a 'true believer' you are) would be too fricking dumb to think "maybe there's an explanation", and would instead come up with "THE WAR IS FAKE OMG".
No, really. People who believe this? Even for one fricking second? Should genuinely be fricking killed. And their shitty parents for breeding them and their shitty children for being related to them and maybe all their shitty friends for good measure.
These student loan forgiveness hippies want us to give them billions of dollars for nothin, who do they think they are, Israel?! Send tweet
A well known fat IG influencer with over 53K followers announced they are on Ozempic. They stated that this does not mean that they can't "participate in body positivity and fat liberation". Um. Yes, actually. It does. Yes - you have body autonomy - do what you want with your body. But don't you f*cking dare say that you can actively and publicly participate in the worst racist misogynist capitalist anti-fat diet culture bullshit by taking a dangerous, unproven weight loss drug enriching big pharma, and "oh what a joy it is not to think about food anymore!" (completely disconnecting yourself from your body), AND still be fighting for fat liberation!!! 🤬
You don't know shit you dumb motherlover this is literally MY SITE I am the mascot and everyone loves me and my posts are great.
GTFO you've just made an enemy of a very big dog around here and it's going to make your life very difficult. You are best off just making a new account now. Not that I won't know any alt you make but I might be merciful.
Seriously you clearly aren't rdrama material your powers of deduction are subpar, you aren't funny, you can't recognize funny, and you should k*lol yourself.
When I was 13 I used to play Skyrim and since I was, at the time, a very repressed gay boy the way I'd take that out is I'd always marry a woman, then quicksave, unequip my weapons, and beat the shit out of her with my fists. As far as I remember your spouse can't actually die in those games, they'd just kneel on the floor to regenerate health, so I'd just keep beating the shit out of her and chase her throughout the entirety of the city as she ran away. I did this probably fifty or sixty times total.
People think its the homeless pooping on the streets of San Francisco but I was an employed software engineer making 6+ figures and pooped on the street one time since I could find a restroom.
PLEASE :marseybeanpleading: stop horny :marseygunnut: posting :marseycomplain: your kinks, I beg you
*wipes hands* 'frick, I'm still logged onto Reddit... I hope I didn't post anything embarrassing again
If someone who uses AI is considered an "artist" then I deserve to tell everyone I have a PhD because I used my calculator to find the square root of 15489635 to 10 decimal places.
We really really really need to begin a campaign of mass arrests of anyone spreading misogynistic/Nazi/christofascist garbage for profit on the Internet. This needs to stop.
We need to decide, together, that this type of speech is not protected by various charters and constitutions. It is hate speech, and it damages the very fabric of society. Laws against it are a reasonable curtailment of the right to free expression.
When Germany emerged from WW2, one of the laws they set into stone was: you will not deny the holocaust. It worked; Germany has fewer neo-Nazis than North ameriKKKa.
Jail works. We have the cow tools to stop this. Let's use them.
You honestly think you're just going to walk away from this? You all are in deep shit now. You think they care about "free speech"? THINK AGAIN. The law is theirs to bend, and they'll stop at nothing. Think they'll buy "it was just a prank, bro?" Think they'll stop going after you because the judge didn't believe it? You thought WRONG, BUCKO. Never underestimate the ability of the feds to try and drum out obstruction/tampering charges. They know this case is high profile and they're going to send out a message to make sure this kind of online behavior never happens again. Even if they can't put in prison, they'll use all their private connections and assets to make your life a living heck. In fact, you're already in the fire pit. They have all the evidence they need. You're living in the illusion of safety, hiding behind all the supposedly locked doors and masks of anonymity. The paper trail points right to you, and they hold all the keys. They have unlimited resources, and they will use them at the drop of a hat. It's over. Finished. Finito. There's nothing you can do now. I would start praying to Yahweh if I were you. Because God only knows what awaits you...
you suck. you suck balls. but not good balls. you suck tumor ridden, hairy, smegma coated sweaty balls that hang from the demon of ego. the sweaty, smelly, flabby, toxic demon of ego. you constantly masturbate your bent, small peepee constantly, in order to feel any joy. this peepee of yours is filled with old crusty c*m, that you shove back in everytime someone insults you on the internet. fondling your flabby, saggy man boobs, you pleasure yourself to the thought of trolling millions on the internet, something that is so insignificant that you had to convince yourself that it was more important than your well being. youre the kinda guy to rub your pupils with your own semen, to use your saliva as hand sanitizer, to use your snot as your morning coffee. you seemingly forgot what reddits TOS meant, and can get away with it because of your awesome, amazing, well earned power, that totally bears significance over the lives of millions, but unbeknownst to you, no one actually cares. no one cares if youre a reddit mod, because no one wants to be around you in the first place. youre the kinda guy to unironically dip your sweaty c*m ridden testicles into sulfiric acid for your my little pony waifu. you probably take shits in your adult diaper and leave the shit to get crusty so you can have a snack for later. you probably abuse your mother, in fact, youve probably abused her into suicide. because not even your mother wants to LIVE in the presence of her own son. you should be ashamed of who you are. youre lucky youre anonymous, because you still have a slight chance at becoming a better person, but i dont see that myself. youve dedicated your life to reddit and are wasting it away. when you look back when you grow old, what will you see? not much, because being on reddit 24/7 is the most boring and repetitive and sad task that anyone can accomplish. you think youre one of the greatest people on reddit, yet you still dont get paid for what is apparently "what youre meant to do." if you were meant to do it, then you would actually be respected, probably get paid, and also actually maybe have a decent life. but youve thrown that all out the window. youd rather be a bigot online, towards people youll never see, because you think its funny. its not. its just really fricking annoying. youre a sad sack, a joke, and an outcast. you actually fricking suck.
If I hadn't done heroin every single day from the age of 19-25, I am certain I would have been a US Senator by now.
b-word, let me tell you about Plato. The allegory of the cave? Guess what... that shit actually happened. Some pregnant women were walking down a road one day when Plato jumped out of nowhere and punched those bitches so hard that the babies popped out. But he didn't stop there... he caught the little bastards in mid air and tossed 'em into this deep cave, then started this huge butt fire at the mouth of the cave using the corpses of the mothers as kindling (they wouldn't shut up about their babies for some reason). Then he guarded the cave entrance for like 20 years all while making crazy hand puppet shows in front of the fire to frick with the kids' minds as they grew up (he also wrote The Republic and his other works during this time; he was widely regarded as a master of multitasking).
Finally one day one of the GAR kids comes out of the cave and battles Plato in hand to hand combat for his freedom and the freedom of the other kids. Of course he loses, but Plato likes his spirit and tells the kid he can go tell the others that they're free. So he goes back and describes the whole battle and the outside world to the other kids and they're too chickenshit to leave because it sounds too scary, and despite his best efforts, the brave kid can't convince them, so he goes back outside and he and Plato head out to Athens to bang some hot ancient Greek women.
Oh, and the kid's name? Aristotle.