import random import os from glob import glob from PIL import Image TRAINING_SIZE = 768 MARSEY_SIZE = TRAINING_SIZE * 0.65 # Resize the Marsey to this width/height. # Apply the alpha channel from marseys/?????.png to upscaled/?????_Swin2SR.png def remask(upscaled_path): basename = upscaled_path.split("/")[-1] # Strip the _Swin2SR suffix. original_basename = basename.split("_Swin2SR")[0] + ".png" original ="marseys/{original_basename}") upscaled = try: mask = original.getchannel("A").resize((upscaled.width, upscaled.height)) upscaled.putalpha(mask) return (original_basename, upscaled) except ValueError as e: # Usually means it's animated. print(e, upscaled_path) # Remasks the images in upscaled/ with alpha masks from marseys/, resizes the result, # and saves a copy with both a random background color and a white background. def generate_training_set(): backgrounds = [ "#fabfb7", "#ffda9e", "#c5c6c8", "#b2e2f2", "#b0c2f2", "#b0f2c2", "#fdcae1", "#8f7193", "#77DD77", "#836953", "#89cff0", "#99c5c4", "#9adedb", "#aa9499", "#aaf0d1", "#b2fba5", "#b39eb5", "#bdb0d0", "#bee7a5", "#befd73", "#c1c6fc", "#c6a4a4", "#cb99c9", "#ff6961", "#ff694f", "#ff9899", "#ffb7ce", "#ca9bf7", ] if not os.path.exists("training-white"): os.mkdir("training-white") if not os.path.exists("training-colors"): os.mkdir("training-colors") remasked_images = [remask(path) for path in glob("upscaled/*.png")] remasked_images = [i for i in remasked_images if i is not None] for basename, marsey in remasked_images: max_dim = max(marsey.size) scale_factor = 1 if max_dim > MARSEY_SIZE: scale_factor = MARSEY_SIZE / max_dim marsey = marsey.resize( ( round(marsey.size[0] * scale_factor), round(marsey.size[1] * scale_factor), ), resample=Image.Resampling.LANCZOS, ) box = ( TRAINING_SIZE // 2 - marsey.size[0] // 2, TRAINING_SIZE // 2 - marsey.size[1] // 2, ) white_bg ="RGBA", (TRAINING_SIZE, TRAINING_SIZE), "#ffffff") white_bg.paste(marsey, box, marsey)"training-white/{basename}") color_bg = "RGBA", (TRAINING_SIZE, TRAINING_SIZE), random.choice(backgrounds) ) color_bg.paste(marsey, box, marsey)"training-colors/{basename}") # Creates a metadata.jsonl in the format of HuggingFace's `datasets` library. def generate_metadata(training_dir): for path in glob(f"{training_dir}/*.png"): # "3 - Marsey walking.png" -> "Marsey walking" stem = path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] caption = stem.split("- ")[-1] with open(f"{training_dir}/metadata.jsonl", "a") as f: caption = caption.replace("Marsey", "Marsey the cat") f.write(f'{{"file_name": "{stem}.png", "text": "{caption}"}}\n') generate_training_set() generate_metadata("training-colors") generate_metadata("training-white")