import os import subprocess import random from celery import Celery, Task, chain import time import celeryconfig from client import DramaClient from utils import concat_images app = Celery("tasks") app.config_from_object(celeryconfig) client = DramaClient() generator = None # # API worker tasks # @app.task def post_reply(context): basename = os.path.basename(context["image_path"]) save_path = f"/fs/marseys/{basename}" print(f"Copying {basename}") # Copy image from remote machine. [ "rsync", "-a", f"{context['worker_host']}:{context['image_path']}", save_path, "-e", f"ssh -p {context['worker_ssh_port']}", ] ) print(f"Replying for prompt {context['prompt']}") client.reply( context["parent_fullname"], context["submission"], f"`{context['prompt']}`", save_path, ) class FindPromptsTask(Task): last_call = None # Temp fix for comments being replied to multiple times. queued_ids = set() @app.task(base=FindPromptsTask) def find_prompts(): if find_prompts.last_call is not None and time.time() - find_prompts.last_call < 60: return find_prompts.last_call = time.time() print("Looking for prompts.") comments = client.fetch_new_comments() for comment in comments: if comment["id"] in find_prompts.queued_ids: continue find_prompts.queued_ids.add(comment["id"]) reply_contexts = [ { "parent_fullname": f"c_{comment['id']}", "submission": comment["post_id"], "prompt": line[4:], } for line in comment["body"].split("\n") if line.startswith("!sd ") ] # Max 5 prompts per comment. reply_contexts = reply_contexts[:5] for context in reply_contexts: print(f"Queueing prompt `{context['prompt']}`.") chain( generate_reply.s(context).set(queue="gen"), post_reply.s().set(queue="api"), ).apply_async() # # Generation worker tasks # class GenTask(Task): _generator = None @property def generator(self): if self._generator is None: from ldm.generate import Generate self._generator = Generate(sampler_name="k_euler_a") self._generator.load_model() print("Model loaded.") return self._generator @app.task(base=GenTask) def generate_reply(context): print(f"Generating `{context['prompt']}`.") if not os.path.exists("out"): os.makedirs("out") results = generate_reply.generator.prompt2png( context["prompt"], outdir=f"out/{os.environ['WORKER_ID']}", iterations=9 ) image_paths = [r[0] for r in results] grid = concat_images(image_paths, size=(512, 512), shape=(3, 3)) grid_basename = f"{random.randrange(10**6, 10**7)}.webp" if not os.path.exists("grid"): os.makedirs("grid") grid_path = f"grid/{grid_basename}", "WEBP") context["image_path"] = os.path.abspath(grid_path) context["worker_host"] = os.environ["WORKER_HOST"] context["worker_ssh_port"] = os.environ["WORKER_SSH_PORT"] return context