import random import re from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz from transformers import GPTNeoXTokenizerFast from data import config from maxsubstring import longest_common_substring URL_REGEX = ( r"http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\\(\\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+" ) tokenizer = GPTNeoXTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("float-trip/mpt-30b-drama") def remove_notifications(text): """Change @float-trip to @float-trip and carp to carp.""" text = re.sub(rf"@(?!{config['username']}\b)", "@", text) notified_users = [ "aevan", "avean", " capy", "the rodent", "carp", "clit", "snakes", "sneks", "snekky", "snekchad", "jc", "justcool", "lawlz", "transgirltradwife", "impassionata", "pizzashill", "idio3", "idio ", "telegram ", "schizo", "joan", "pewkie", "homocracy", "donger", "geese", "soren", "marseyismywaifu", "mimw", "heymoon", "gaypoon", "jollymoon", "chiobu", "mccox", "august", "marco", "klen", ] def replace(match): # Insert around the first character of the matched string. user = return f"{user[:1]}{user[1:]}" for user in notified_users: text = re.sub(user, replace, text, flags=re.IGNORECASE) return text def format_reply(text): for username in config["fake_usernames"]: text.replace(username, config["username"]) text = replace_rdrama_images(text) text = remove_notifications(text) return text.strip() def is_low_quality(reply, _post, comments): """ Label the reply as low quality if: - The Levenshtein distance determines it's similar to a previous comment in the thread. - len(longest_common_substring) > 100 - After removing links, Markdown images, and quoted text, the length is < 10. """ for comment in comments: if fuzz.ratio(reply, comment["body"]) > 90: return True lcs = list(longest_common_substring(reply).keys())[0] if len(lcs) >= 100: return True if reply_length(reply) < 10: return True # Lost pinging rights. if re.findall(r"!\w+", reply): return True return False def contains_url(text): return, text) is not None def replace_rdrama_images(text): """Replace images pointing to with a loading image.""" loading = "" webp_pattern = r"https://\S*\.rdrama\.net/\S*\.webp" md_img_pattern = r"!\[[^\]]*\]\((https://\S*\.rdrama\.net)?/\S*\)" text = re.sub(webp_pattern, loading, text) text = re.sub(md_img_pattern, f"![]({loading})", text) return text def normalize_emojis(s): """Bring # and ! to the front of an emoji.""" def repl(match): # Extract the word between colons and the special characters. word = specials = set(re.findall(r"[#!]", word)) # Sort specials and append the word without specials. new_emoji = "".join(sorted(specials, reverse=True)) + re.sub(r"[#!]", "", word) return new_emoji emoji_pattern = r"(?<=:)[a-zA-Z@#!]*[#!][a-zA-Z@#!]*(?=:)" s = re.sub(emoji_pattern, repl, s) return s def build_prompt(post, comments): prompt = ( f"[Post] [Author] {post['author_name']} " f"[Title] {post['title']} [URL] {post['url']} " f"[Hole] {post['sub'] or 'N/A'} [Votes] +71 / -0\n\n" f"{post['body']}\n\n[Comments]" ) comments.append({"author_name": config["username"], "body": ""}) for depth, comment in enumerate(comments): body = normalize_emojis(comment["body"]) author = comment["author_name"] comment_str = f"\n\n{author} +45 / -0\n{body}" indent = depth * " " comment_str = "\n".join([indent + line for line in comment_str.split("\n")]) prompt += comment_str prompt = prompt.replace(config["username"], random.choice(config["fake_usernames"])) prompt = prompt.replace("👻", "Ghost") prompt = prompt.strip() + "\n" # Truncate the prompt to leave room for generation. tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(prompt) if len(tokens) > config["prompt_token_limit"]: tokens = tokens[-config["prompt_token_limit"] :] prompt = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_string(tokens) return prompt def reply_length(reply): """Return the length of the reply, without Markdown images, URLs, or quoted text.""" # Remove Markdown images and URLs. reply = re.sub(r"!\[.*?\]\(.*?\)", "", reply) reply = re.sub(URL_REGEX, "", reply) # Remove quoted text. lines = reply.splitlines() lines = [line for line in lines if not line.lstrip().startswith((">", "\\>"))] reply = "\n".join(lines).strip() return len(reply) def median_by_key(lst, key): lst = sorted(lst, key=key) mid_index = len(lst) // 2 # For lists of even length, pick either option as the median. if len(lst) % 2 == 0: return random.choice([lst[mid_index - 1], lst[mid_index]]) else: return lst[mid_index] def count_tokens(text): return len(tokenizer(text).input_ids) def extract_reply(text): """ Generated text will either: - Be cut off at the token limit - End with the start of a new comment: `float-trip +10` For the latter case, drop the last line. """ new_comment_pattern = r"^ *[\w-]* +\+.*$" lines = text.split("\n") if re.match(new_comment_pattern, lines[-1]): lines = lines[:-1] return "\n".join([line.strip() for line in lines]).strip()