forked from MarseyWorld/MarseyWorld
158 lines
4.6 KiB
158 lines
4.6 KiB
from .get import *
from .alerts import *
from files.helpers.const import *
from files.helpers.get import *
from files.__main__ import db_session, limiter
from random import randint
import functools
import user_agents
import time
def calc_users(v):
loggedin = cache.get(f'{SITE}_loggedin') or {}
loggedout = cache.get(f'{SITE}_loggedout') or {}
timestamp = int(time.time())
if v:
if session["session_id"] in loggedout: del loggedout[session["session_id"]]
loggedin[] = timestamp
ua = str(user_agents.parse(g.agent))
if 'spider' not in ua.lower() and 'bot' not in ua.lower():
loggedout[session["session_id"]] = (timestamp, ua)
loggedin = {k: v for k, v in loggedin.items() if (timestamp - v) < LOGGEDIN_ACTIVE_TIME}
loggedout = {k: v for k, v in loggedout.items() if (timestamp - v[0]) < LOGGEDIN_ACTIVE_TIME}
cache.set(f'{SITE}_loggedin', loggedin)
cache.set(f'{SITE}_loggedout', loggedout)
g.loggedin_counter = len(loggedin)
g.loggedout_counter = len(loggedout)
return ''
def get_logged_in_user():
if hasattr(g, 'v'): return g.v
if not (hasattr(g, 'db') and g.db): g.db = db_session()
v = None
token = request.headers.get("Authorization","").strip()
if token:
client = g.db.query(ClientAuth).filter(ClientAuth.access_token == token).one_or_none()
if client:
v = client.user
v.client = client
lo_user = session.get("lo_user")
if lo_user:
id = int(lo_user)
v = get_account(id, graceful=True)
if not v:
return None
nonce = session.get("login_nonce", 0)
if nonce < v.login_nonce or != id:
return None
if request.method != "GET":
submitted_key = request.values.get("formkey")
if not submitted_key: abort(401)
if not v.validate_formkey(submitted_key): abort(401)
v.client = None
g.is_api_or_xhr = bool((v and v.client) or request.headers.get("xhr"))
if request.method.lower() != "get" and app.config['SETTINGS']['Read-only mode'] and not (v and v.admin_level >= PERMS['SITE_BYPASS_READ_ONLY_MODE']):
g.v = v
if v:
v.poor = session.get('poor')
# Check against last_active + ACTIVE_TIME to reduce frequency of
# UPDATEs in exchange for a ±ACTIVE_TIME margin of error.
timestamp = int(time.time())
if (v.last_active + LOGGEDIN_ACTIVE_TIME) < timestamp:
v.last_active = timestamp
if AEVANN_ID and request.headers.get("Cf-Ipcountry") == 'EG':
if v and not v.username.startswith('Aev') and v.truecoins > 0:
with open(f"/eg", "r+", encoding="utf-8") as f:
ip = request.headers.get('CF-Connecting-IP')
if f'@{v.username}, ' not in
t = str(time.strftime("%d/%B/%Y %H:%M:%S UTC", time.gmtime(time.time())))
f.write(f'@{v.username}, {v.truecoins}, {ip}, {t}\n')
return v
def auth_desired(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
v = get_logged_in_user()
return make_response(f(*args, v=v, **kwargs))
wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__
return wrapper
def auth_desired_with_logingate(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
v = get_logged_in_user()
if app.config['SETTINGS']['login_required'] and not v: abort(401)
#### WPD TEMP #### disable this /logged_out thing on .co
if SITE == '':
return make_response(f(*args, v=v, **kwargs))
#### END WPD TEMP ####
if not v and not request.path.startswith('/logged_out'):
return redirect(f"/logged_out{request.full_path}")
if v and request.path.startswith('/logged_out'):
redir = request.full_path.replace('/logged_out','')
if not redir: redir = '/'
return redirect(redir)
return make_response(f(*args, v=v, **kwargs))
wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__
return wrapper
def auth_required(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
v = get_logged_in_user()
if not v: abort(401)
return make_response(f(*args, v=v, **kwargs))
wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__
return wrapper
def is_not_permabanned(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
v = get_logged_in_user()
if not v: abort(401)
if v.is_suspended_permanently: abort(403)
return make_response(f(*args, v=v, **kwargs))
wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__
return wrapper
def admin_level_required(x):
def wrapper_maker(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
v = get_logged_in_user()
if not v: abort(401)
if v.admin_level < x: abort(403)
return make_response(f(*args, v=v, **kwargs))
wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__
return wrapper
return wrapper_maker
def feature_required(x):
def wrapper_maker(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if not FEATURES[x]: abort(404)
return make_response(f(*args, **kwargs))
wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__
return wrapper
return wrapper_maker