forked from MarseyWorld/MarseyWorld
791 lines
28 KiB
791 lines
28 KiB
import string
from copy import deepcopy
from flask import g, request
from sqlalchemy import func
from files.classes.award import AwardRelationship
from files.classes.userblock import UserBlock
from files.helpers.actions import *
from files.helpers.alerts import *
from files.helpers.config.const import *
from files.helpers.slurs_and_profanities import censor_slurs_profanities
from files.helpers.config.awards import *
from files.helpers.get import *
from files.helpers.regex import *
from files.helpers.sanitize import *
from files.helpers.useractions import *
from files.routes.wrappers import *
from files.routes.routehelpers import *
from files.__main__ import app, cache, limiter
from .front import frontlist
@limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400)
@limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID)
def shop_awards(v):
return redirect('/shop/awards')
@limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400)
@limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID)
def shop(v):
for val in AWARDS.values(): val["owned"] = 0
for useraward in g.db.query(AwardRelationship).filter(AwardRelationship.user_id ==, AwardRelationship.post_id == None, AwardRelationship.comment_id == None):
if useraward.kind in AWARDS: AWARDS[useraward.kind]["owned"] += 1
for val in AWARDS.values():
val["baseprice"] = int(val["price"])
val["price"] = int(val["price"] * v.award_discount)
if' Founder') and val["kind"] in {"earlylife", "rainbow", "sharpen", "owoify", "bite"}:
val["price"] = int(val["price"] * 0.75)
sales = g.db.query(func.sum(User.currency_spent_on_awards)).scalar()
return render_template("shop.html", awards=list(AWARDS.values()), v=v, sales=sales)
def buy_awards(v, kind, AWARDS, quantity):
og_price = AWARDS[kind]["price"]
price = int(og_price * v.award_discount)
if' Founder') and kind in {"earlylife", "rainbow", "sharpen", "owoify", "bite"}:
price = int(price * 0.75)
if kind == "grass":
currency = 'coins'
elif kind == "benefactor":
currency = 'marseybux'
currency = 'coins/marseybux'
if quantity == 1:
s = ""
es = ""
s = "s"
es = "es"
charged = v.charge_account(currency, price*quantity, f"Cost of {quantity} {AWARDS[kind]['title']} award{s}")
if not charged:
stop(400, f"Not enough {currency}!")
v.currency_spent_on_awards += price*quantity
if v.currency_spent_on_awards >= 1000000:
badge_grant(badge_id=73, user=v)
if v.currency_spent_on_awards >= 500000:
badge_grant(badge_id=72, user=v)
if v.currency_spent_on_awards >= 250000:
badge_grant(badge_id=71, user=v)
if v.currency_spent_on_awards >= 100000:
badge_grant(badge_id=70, user=v)
if v.currency_spent_on_awards >= 10000:
badge_grant(badge_id=69, user=v)
if kind == "lootbox":
lootbox_items = []
for _ in range(LOOTBOX_ITEM_COUNT*quantity): # five items per lootbox
LOOTBOX_CONTENTS = [x["kind"] for x in AWARDS_ENABLED(v).values() if x["included_in_lootbox"]]
lb_award = random.choice(LOOTBOX_CONTENTS)
lb_award = AwardRelationship(, kind=lb_award, price_paid=0)
v.lootboxes_bought += quantity
lootbox_msg = f"You open your lootbox{es} and receive: " + ', '.join(lootbox_items)
send_repeatable_notification(, lootbox_msg)
if v.lootboxes_bought == 10:
badge_grant(badge_id=76, user=v)
elif v.lootboxes_bought == 50:
badge_grant(badge_id=77, user=v)
elif v.lootboxes_bought == 150:
badge_grant(badge_id=78, user=v)
return {"message": lootbox_msg}
award_objects = []
for x in range(quantity):
award_object = AwardRelationship(, kind=kind, price_paid=price)
if CARP_ID and != CARP_ID and og_price >= 5000:
award_title = AWARDS[kind]['title']
send_repeatable_notification(CARP_ID, f"@{v.username} has bought {quantity} `{award_title}` award{s}!")
return award_objects
@limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath) #Needed to fix race condition
@limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath, key_func=get_ID) #Needed to fix race condition
@limiter.limit("100/minute;400/hour;1000/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400)
@limiter.limit("100/minute;400/hour;1000/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID)
def buy(v, kind):
if kind not in AWARDS: stop(400)
award_title = AWARDS[kind]['title']
award = buy_awards(v, kind, AWARDS, 1)
if isinstance(award, dict):
return award
return {"message": f"{award_title} award bought!"}
def alter_body(obj):
obj.body_html = sanitize(obj.body, limit_pings=5, obj=obj,
if isinstance(obj, Post):
obj.title_html = filter_emojis_only(obj.title, golden=False, obj=obj,
@limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath) #Needed to fix race condition
@limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath, key_func=get_ID) #Needed to fix race condition
@limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400)
@limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID)
def award_thing(v, thing_type, id):
kind = request.values.get("kind", "").strip()
if thing_type == 'post':
obj = get_post(id)
elif thing_type == 'comment':
obj = get_comment(id)
if not obj.parent_post and not obj.wall_user_id: stop(404) # don't let users award messages
author =
if kind not in AWARDS:
stop(404, "This award doesn't exist.")
if kind == "grass" and ==
stop(403, "You can't grass yourself.")
award_title = AWARDS[kind]['title']
quantity = int(request.values.get("quantity", "1").strip() or 1)
if quantity < 1 or quantity > 30:
quantity = 1
if quantity == 1:
s = ""
it = "it"
was = "was"
has = "has"
s = "s"
it = "they"
was = "were"
has = "have"
if v.shadowbanned:
return {"message": f"{quantity} {award_title} award{s} given to {thing_type} successfully!"}
if obj.is_longpost and kind in {"ectoplasm", "candycorn", "candycane", "stab", "glowie", "tilt", "queen", "chud", "marsify", "owoify", "sharpen", "rainbow"}:
stop(403, f'Long posts and comments are immune to the {award_title} award!')
if obj.distinguished and (AWARDS[kind]['cosmetic'] or AWARDS[kind]['negative']):
stop(403, 'Distinguished posts and comments are immune to cosmetic and negative awards!')
note = request.values.get("note", "").strip()
if len(note) > 200:
stop(400, "Award note is too long (max 200 characters)")
safe_username = f"@{obj.author_name} is"
if AWARDS[kind]['negative'] and author.immune_to_negative_awards(v):
if author.new_user and not author.alts:
stop(403, "New users are immune to negative awards!")
stop(403, f"{safe_username} immune to negative awards!")
if isinstance(obj, Post) and == 210983:
stop(403, "You can't award this post!")
if kind == "benefactor":
if ==
stop(403, "You can't use this award on yourself!")
if in get_alt_graph_ids(
stop(403, "You can't use this award on your alts!")
if obj.ghost and not AWARDS[kind]['ghost']:
stop(403, "This kind of award can't be used on ghost posts!")
if kind == 'marsify' and author.marsify == 1:
stop(409, f"{safe_username} already permanently marsified!")
if kind == 'spider' and author.spider == 1:
stop(409, f"{safe_username} already best friends with a spider!")
awards = g.db.query(AwardRelationship).filter(
AwardRelationship.kind == kind,
AwardRelationship.user_id ==,
AwardRelationship.post_id == None,
AwardRelationship.comment_id == None
num_owned = len(awards)
if quantity > num_owned:
bought = buy_awards(v, kind, AWARDS, quantity-num_owned)
if isinstance(bought, dict):
return bought
if == and kind == "zombiebite":
stop(403, "You can't bite yourself!")
for award in awards:
if isinstance(obj, Post): award.post_id =
else: award.comment_id =
award.awarded_utc = int(time.time())
award.note = note
if note:
msg_note = '\n\n> ' + '\n\n> '.join(note.splitlines())
if !=
if author.deflector and v.deflector and AWARDS[kind]['deflectable'] and v.admin_level < PERMS['IMMUNE_TO_DEFLECTIONS']:
msg = f"@{v.username} has tried to give {obj.textlink} {quantity} {award_title} award{s} but {it} {was} deflected on them, they also had a deflector up, so {it} bounced back and forth until {it} vaporized!"
if note:
msg += msg_note
send_repeatable_notification(, msg)
msg = f"{safe_username} under the effect of a deflector award; your {award_title} award{s} {has} been deflected back to you but your deflector protected you, the award{s} bounced back and forth until {it} vaporized!"
send_repeatable_notification(, msg)
return {"message": f"{quantity} {award_title} award{s} given to {thing_type} successfully!"}
if author.deflector and AWARDS[kind]['deflectable'] and v.admin_level < PERMS['IMMUNE_TO_DEFLECTIONS']:
author = v
safe_username = f"Your award{s} {has} been deflected but failed since you're"
if kind == 'shit':
not_from_lootbox_quantity = len([award for award in awards if award.price_paid])
awarded_coins = int(AWARDS[kind]['price'] * COSMETIC_AWARD_COIN_AWARD_PCT) * not_from_lootbox_quantity
v.charge_account('coins', awarded_coins, f"{quantity} deflected Shit award{s} on {obj.textlink}", should_check_balance=False)
|'coins', awarded_coins, f"{quantity} deflected Shit award{s} on {obj.textlink}")
elif kind != 'spider':
not_from_lootbox_quantity = len([award for award in awards if award.price_paid])
if AWARDS[kind]['cosmetic']:
awarded_coins = int(AWARDS[kind]['price'] * COSMETIC_AWARD_COIN_AWARD_PCT) * not_from_lootbox_quantity
awarded_coins = 0
if awarded_coins:
if kind == 'shit':
author.charge_account('coins', awarded_coins, f"{quantity} Shit award{s} on {obj.textlink}", should_check_balance=False)
v.pay_account('coins', awarded_coins, f"{quantity} Shit award{s} on {obj.textlink}")
author.pay_account('coins', awarded_coins, f"{quantity} {award_title} award{s} on {obj.textlink}")
can_alter_body = not or v ==
if kind in {"ban", "grass"}:
if author.is_suspended and author.ban_reason.startswith('Grass award used by @'):
stop(400, f"You can't give a {kind} award to an already-grassed user!")
ban_reason_link = f"/{thing_type}/{}"
if isinstance(obj, Comment):
ban_reason_link += '#context'
ban_reason = f'{award_title} award{s} used by <a href="/id/{}">@{v.username}</a> on <a href="{ban_reason_link}">{ban_reason_link}</a>'
author.ban_reason = ban_reason
if kind == "pause":
if author.has_badge(68):
stop(409, f"@{obj.author_name} already has this profile upgrade!")
badge_grant(badge_id=68, user=author)
elif kind == "unpausable":
if author.has_badge(67):
stop(409, f"@{obj.author_name} already has this profile upgrade!")
badge_grant(badge_id=67, user=author)
elif kind == "eye":
if author.has_badge(83):
stop(409, f"@{obj.author_name} already has this profile upgrade!")
badge_grant(badge_id=83, user=author)
elif kind == "offsitementions":
if author.has_badge(140):
stop(409, f"@{obj.author_name} already has this profile upgrade!")
author.offsite_mentions = True
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=140)
elif kind == "alt":
if author.has_badge(84):
stop(409, f"@{obj.author_name} already has this profile upgrade!")
badge_grant(badge_id=84, user=author)
elif kind == "unblockable":
if author.has_badge(87):
stop(409, f"@{obj.author_name} already has this profile upgrade!")
badge_grant(badge_id=87, user=author)
blocks = g.db.query(UserBlock).filter(
UserBlock.user_id ==,
UserBlock.target_id ==,
for block in blocks:
elif kind == "beano":
if author.has_badge(128):
stop(409, f"@{obj.author_name} already has this profile upgrade!")
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=128)
elif kind == "checkmark":
if author.has_badge(150):
stop(409, f"@{obj.author_name} already has this profile upgrade!")
author.verified = "Verified"
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=150)
elif kind == "pride":
if author.has_badge(303):
stop(409, f"@{obj.author_name} already has this profile upgrade!")
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=303)
elif kind == "grinch":
if author.grinch:
stop(409, f"@{obj.author_name} already has this profile upgrade!")
author.grinch = True
if ==
session['event_music'] = False
elif kind == "emoji":
emoji_behavior = request.values.get("emoji_behavior").strip()
for award in awards:
award.note = award.note.strip(":").lower()
if emoji_behavior == "horizontal":
award.kind = "emoji-hz"
emoji = g.db.query(Emoji).filter_by(name=award.note).one_or_none()
if not emoji:
stop(404, f'an Emoji with the name "{award.note}" was not found!')
elif kind == "ban":
if author.is_permabanned:
stop(400, f"{safe_username} already permabanned!")
author.ban(reason=ban_reason, days=quantity, modlog=False)
text = f"Your account has been banned for **{quantity} day{s}** for {obj.textlink}. It sucked and you should feel bad."
send_repeatable_notification(, text)
if SITE_NAME == 'WPD':
for x in get_alt_graph(
x.ban(reason=ban_reason, days=quantity, modlog=False, original_user=author)
one_month_ago = time.time() - 2592000
if x.last_active > one_month_ago:
send_repeatable_notification(, text)
elif kind == "unban":
if not author.is_suspended or not author.unban_utc or not author.ban_reason.startswith('Ban award'):
stop(400, "You can only use unban awards to undo the effect of ban awards!")
if author.unban_utc - time.time() > 86400 * quantity:
author.unban_utc -= 86400 * quantity
send_repeatable_notification(, f"Your ban duration has been reduced by {quantity} day{s}!")
author.unban_utc = None
author.is_banned = None
author.ban_reason = None
send_repeatable_notification(, "You have been unbanned!")
if SITE_NAME == 'WPD':
for x in get_alt_graph(
if not x.is_suspended or not x.unban_utc or not x.ban_reason.startswith('Ban award'):
if x.unban_utc - time.time() > 86400 * quantity:
x.unban_utc -= 86400 * quantity
one_month_ago = time.time() - 2592000
if x.last_active > one_month_ago:
send_repeatable_notification(, f"Your ban duration has been reduced by {quantity} day{s}!")
x.unban_utc = None
x.is_banned = None
x.ban_reason = None
one_month_ago = time.time() - 2592000
if x.last_active > one_month_ago:
send_repeatable_notification(, "You have been unbanned!")
elif kind == "grass":
new_unban_utc = int(time.time()) + 30 * 86400 * quantity
if author.is_banned and (not author.unban_utc or author.unban_utc > new_unban_utc):
stop(403, f"{safe_username} already banned for more than 30 days!")
author.ban(reason=ban_reason, days=30, modlog=False)
send_repeatable_notification(, f"@{v.username} gave you {quantity} grass award{s} on {obj.textlink} and as a result you have been banned! You must [send the admins](/contact) a timestamped picture of you touching grass/snow/sand/ass to get unbanned!")
elif kind == "hieroglyphs":
if author.hieroglyphs: author.hieroglyphs += 86400 * quantity
else: author.hieroglyphs = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=98)
elif kind == "progressivestack":
if not FEATURES['PINS']:
if author.progressivestack != 1:
if author.progressivestack: author.progressivestack += 21600 * quantity
else: author.progressivestack = int(time.time()) + 21600 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=94)
elif kind == "benefactor":
if not author.patron:
author.patron = 1
if author.patron_utc: author.patron_utc += 2629746 * quantity
else: author.patron_utc = int(time.time()) + 2629746 * quantity
author.pay_account('marseybux', 1250 * quantity, f"Benefactor award on {obj.textlink}")
badge_grant(user=v, badge_id=103)
elif kind == "rehab":
if += 86400 * quantity
else: = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=109)
elif kind == "deflector":
stop(400, f"{safe_username} immune to negative awards!")
if author.deflector: author.deflector += 36000 * quantity
else: author.deflector = int(time.time()) + 36000 * quantity
elif kind == 'marsify':
if not author.marsify or author.marsify != 1:
if author.marsify: author.marsify += 86400 * quantity
else: author.marsify = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=170)
if can_alter_body:
elif kind == "bite":
if author.bite: author.bite += 86400 * quantity
stop(400, f"{safe_username} already a permanent vampire!")
author.bite = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
author.old_house =
| = "Vampire"
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=168)
elif kind == "earlylife":
if author.earlylife: author.earlylife += 21600 * quantity
else: author.earlylife = int(time.time()) + 21600 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=169)
elif kind == "owoify":
if author.owoify: author.owoify += 21600 * quantity
else: author.owoify = int(time.time()) + 21600 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=167)
if can_alter_body:
elif kind == "sharpen":
if author.sharpen: author.sharpen += 86400 * quantity
else: author.sharpen = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=289)
if can_alter_body:
obj.sharpened = True
elif kind == "rainbow":
if author.rainbow: author.rainbow += 86400 * quantity
else: author.rainbow = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=171)
if can_alter_body:
obj.rainbowed = True
elif kind == "gold":
if obj.award_count('glowie', v):
stop(409, f"This {thing_type} is under the effect of a conflicting award: Glowie award!")
elif kind == "glowie":
if obj.award_count('gold', v):
stop(409, f"This {thing_type} is under the effect of a conflicting award: Gold award!")
elif kind == "spider":
if author.spider: author.spider += 86400 * quantity
else: author.spider = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=179, notify=False)
elif kind in {"pin", "gigapin"}:
if not FEATURES['PINS']: stop(403)
if obj.is_banned:
stop(403, f"You can't give a {kind} award to a removed {thing_type}!")
if obj.pinned and not obj.pinned_utc:
stop(400, f"This {thing_type} is already pinned permanently!")
if SITE_NAME == 'WPD' and isinstance(obj, Comment) and not obj.parent_post:
stop(400, "You can't pin wall comments!")
if isinstance(obj, Comment): add = 3600*6 * quantity
else: add = 3600 * quantity
if kind == "gigapin":
add *= 12
if obj.pinned_utc:
obj.pinned_utc += add
obj.pinned_utc = int(time.time()) + add
if isinstance(obj, Comment):
obj.pinned = f'{v.username}{PIN_AWARD_TEXT}'
if isinstance(obj, Post):
elif kind == "unpin":
if not obj.pinned_utc:
stop(400, f"This {thing_type} is not pinned!")
if not or v ==
if isinstance(obj, Comment):
t = obj.pinned_utc - 3600*6 * quantity
t = obj.pinned_utc - 3600 * quantity
if time.time() > t:
obj.pinned = None
obj.pinned_utc = None
if isinstance(obj, Post):
else: obj.pinned_utc = t
elif kind == "queen":
if not author.queen:
characters = list(filter(str.isalpha, author.username))
if characters:
first_character = characters[0].upper()
first_character = random.choice(string.ascii_letters).upper()
available_names = GIRL_NAMES[first_character]
broken = False
for new_name in available_names:
existing = get_user(new_name, graceful=True)
if not existing:
broken = True
if not broken:
new_name = new_name + f'-{}'
if not author.prelock_username:
author.prelock_username = author.username
author.username = new_name
if author.queen and time.time() < author.queen: author.queen += 86400 * quantity
else: author.queen = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
author.namechanged = author.queen
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=285)
if can_alter_body:
obj.queened = True
elif kind == "chud":
if isinstance(obj, Post) and obj.hole == 'chudrama' \
or isinstance(obj, Comment) and and == 'chudrama':
stop(403, "You can't give the chud award in /h/chudrama")
if author.chud == 1:
stop(409, f"{safe_username} already permanently chudded!")
if author.chud and time.time() < author.chud: author.chud += 86400 * quantity
else: author.chud = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
if not note: stop(400, "Missing phrase!")
if note not in CHUD_PHRASES:
stop(400, "Invalid phrase!")
author.chud_phrase = note
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=58)
if can_alter_body:
obj.chudded = True
elif kind == "flairlock":
new_flair = note
if len(new_flair) > 100:
stop(400, "New flair is too long (max 100 characters)")
if not new_flair and author.flairchanged:
author.flairchanged += 86400 * quantity
author.flair = new_flair
new_flair = filter_emojis_only(new_flair, link=True)
new_flair = censor_slurs_profanities(new_flair, None)
if len(new_flair) > 1000: stop(403)
author.flair_html = new_flair
author.flairchanged = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=96)
elif kind == "namelock":
new_name = note.strip().lstrip('@').strip()
if author.namechanged and (not new_name or new_name == author.username):
author.namechanged += 86400 * quantity
if not valid_username_regex.fullmatch(new_name):
stop(400, "You need to enter a valid username to change the recipient to.")
if not execute_blackjack(v, None, new_name, f'namelock award attempt on @{author.username}'):
existing = get_user(new_name, graceful=True)
if existing and !=
stop(400, f"@{new_name} is already taken!")
if not author.prelock_username:
author.prelock_username = author.username
author.username = new_name
author.namechanged = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=281)
elif kind == "pizzashill":
if author.bird:
author.bird = 0
badge = author.has_badge(95)
if badge: g.db.delete(badge)
if author.longpost: author.longpost += 86400 * quantity
else: author.longpost = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=97)
elif kind == "bird":
if author.longpost:
author.longpost = 0
badge = author.has_badge(97)
if badge: g.db.delete(badge)
if author.bird: author.bird += 86400 * quantity
else: author.bird = int(time.time()) + 86400 * quantity
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=95)
elif kind == "jumpscare":
author.jumpscare += 1 * quantity
elif kind == "vax":
if v.zombie < 0:
stop(403, "Zombies can't vaccinate others!")
for award in awards:
if author.zombie < 0:
author.zombie = 0
send_repeatable_notification(, "You are no longer **INFECTED**! Praise Fauci!")
badge = author.has_badge(181)
if badge: g.db.delete(badge)
elif author.zombie >= 0:
author.zombie += 2
author.zombie = min(author.zombie, 10)
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=182)
elif kind == "zombiebite":
if v.zombie >= 0:
stop(403, "Only zombies can bite others!")
for award in awards:
if author.zombie < 0:
author = v
if author.zombie == 0:
author.zombie = -1
badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=181)
award_object = AwardRelationship(, kind='zombiebite')
"As the zombie virus washes over your mind, you feel the urge "
"to… BITE YUMMY BRAINS :marseyzombie:<br>"
"You receive a free **Zombie Bite** award: pass it on!")
elif author.zombie > 0:
author.zombie -= 1
if author.zombie == 0:
send_repeatable_notification(, "You are no longer **VAXXMAXXED**! Time for another booster!")
badge = author.has_badge(182)
if badge: g.db.delete(badge)
author =
if !=
if author.deflector and AWARDS[kind]['deflectable'] and v.admin_level < PERMS['IMMUNE_TO_DEFLECTIONS']:
msg = f"@{v.username} has tried to give {obj.textlink} {quantity} {award_title} award{s} but {it} {was} deflected and applied to them :marseytroll:"
if note:
msg += msg_note
n = send_repeatable_notification(, msg)
if n: n.created_utc -= 2
msg = f"@{obj.author_name} is under the effect of a deflector award; your {award_title} award{s} {has} been deflected back to you :marseytroll:"
n = send_repeatable_notification(, msg)
if n: n.created_utc -= 2
elif kind not in {'spider', 'jumpscare'}:
msg = f"@{v.username} has given {obj.textlink} {quantity} {award_title} award{s}"
if kind == 'shit':
msg += f" and has stolen from you {awarded_coins} coins as a result"
elif awarded_coins:
msg += f" and you have received {awarded_coins} coins as a result"
msg += "!"
if kind == 'emoji':
msg += f"\n\n> :{award.note}:"
elif note:
if kind == "chud":
msg += f"\n\n**You now have to say this phrase in all posts and comments you make for {24*quantity} hours:**"
msg += msg_note
if SITE_NAME == 'rDrama' and kind == "chud":
msg += f"\n\nPlease keep your chud behavior to /h/chudrama in the future!"
n = send_repeatable_notification(, msg)
if n: n.created_utc -= 2
if author.received_award_count: author.received_award_count += quantity
else: author.received_award_count = quantity
return {"message": f"{quantity} {award_title} award{s} given to {thing_type} successfully!"}
@limiter.limit("1/hour", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400)
@limiter.limit("1/hour", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID)
def trick_or_treat(v):
if v.client:
stop(403, "Not allowed from the API")
if not IS_HOMOWEEN():
result = random.choice([0,1])
if result == 0:
message = "Trick!"
choices = [x["kind"] for x in AWARDS_ENABLED(v).values() if x["included_in_lootbox"]]
award = random.choice(choices)
award_object = AwardRelationship(, kind=award)
award_title = AWARDS_ENABLED(v)[award]['title']
message = f"Treat! You got a {award_title} award!"
return {"message": f"{message}", "result": f"{result}"}
def execute_jumpscare(v):
if v.client:
stop(403, "Not allowed from the API")
if not IS_HOMOWEEN():
if v.jumpscare > 0:
v.jumpscare -= 1
return {}