import functools
import random
import re
import signal
from functools import partial
from os import path, listdir
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse, unquote, ParseResult, urlencode, urlunparse
import time
import requests
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
import bleach
from bleach.css_sanitizer import CSSSanitizer
from bleach.linkifier import LinkifyFilter
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from mistletoe import markdown
from import BannedDomain
from files.classes.mod_logs import ModAction
from files.classes.notifications import Notification
from import Group
from files.classes.follows import Follow
from files.helpers.config.const import *
from files.helpers.const_stateful import *
from files.helpers.regex import *
from files.helpers.get import *
from files.helpers.marsify import *
from files.helpers.owoify import *
from files.helpers.sharpen import *
from files.helpers.queenify import *
allowed_tags = ('a','audio','b','big','blockquote','br','center','code','del','details','em','g','h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','hr','i','img','li','lite-youtube','marquee','ol','p','pre','rp','rt','ruby','small','span','spoiler','strike','strong','sub','summary','sup','table','tbody','td','th','thead','tr','u','ul','video')
allowed_styles = ['background-color', 'color', 'filter', 'font-weight', 'text-align', 'transform']
def allowed_attributes(tag, name, value):
if name == 'style':
return True
if tag == 'marquee':
if name in {'direction', 'behavior', 'scrollamount'}: return True
if name in {'height', 'width'}:
try: value = int(value.replace('px', ''))
except: return False
if 0 < value <= 250: return True
if tag == 'a':
if name == 'href' and '\\' not in value and 'xn--' not in value:
return True
if name == 'rel' and value == 'nofollow noopener': return True
if name == 'target' and value == '_blank': return True
if tag == 'img':
if name in {'src','data-src'}: return is_safe_url(value)
if name == 'loading' and value == 'lazy': return True
if name == 'data-bs-toggle' and value == 'tooltip': return True
if name in {'g','b','glow','party'} and not value: return True
if name in {'alt','title'}: return True
if name == 'class' and value == 'img': return True
if name == 'data-user-submitted' and not value: return True
if tag == 'lite-youtube':
if name == 'params' and value.startswith('autoplay=1&modestbranding=1'): return True
if name == 'videoid': return True
if tag == 'video':
if name == 'controls' and value == '': return True
if name == 'preload' and value == 'none': return True
if name == 'src': return is_safe_url(value)
if tag == 'audio':
if name == 'src': return is_safe_url(value)
if name == 'controls' and value == '': return True
if name == 'preload' and value == 'none': return True
if tag == 'p':
if name == 'class' and value in {'mb-0','resizable','yt','text-center'}: return True
if tag == 'span':
if name == 'data-bs-toggle' and value == 'tooltip': return True
if name == 'title': return True
if name == 'alt': return True
if name == 'cide' and not value: return True
if name == 'bounce' and not value: return True
if tag == 'table':
if name == 'class' and value == 'table': return True
return False
def create_comment_duplicated(text_html):
new_comment = Comment(author_id=AUTOJANNY_ID,
new_comment.top_comment_id =
def send_repeatable_notification_duplicated(uid, text):
if uid in BOT_IDs: return
text_html = sanitize(text)
existing_comments = g.db.query(, parent_post=None, body_html=text_html, is_bot=True).order_by(
for c in existing_comments:
existing_notif = g.db.query(Notification.user_id).filter_by(user_id=uid,
if not existing_notif:
notif = Notification(, user_id=uid)
cid = create_comment_duplicated(text_html)
notif = Notification(comment_id=cid, user_id=uid)
def execute_blackjack(v, target, body, kind):
if not blackjack or not body: return False
execute = False
for x in blackjack.split(','):
if all(i in body.lower() for i in x.split()):
execute = True
if not execute: return False
v.shadowbanned = AUTOJANNY_ID
ma = ModAction(
_note='reason: "Blackjack"'
v.ban_reason = "Blackjack"
notified_ids = [x[0] for x in g.db.query( >= PERMS['BLACKJACK_NOTIFICATIONS'])]
extra_info = kind
if target:
if kind == 'post':
extra_info = target.permalink
elif kind == 'report':
extra_info = f"reports on {target.permalink}"
elif kind in {'comment', 'message'}:
for id in notified_ids:
n = Notification(, user_id=id)
extra_info = None
if extra_info:
for id in notified_ids:
send_repeatable_notification_duplicated(id, f"Blackjack by @{v.username}: {extra_info}")
return True
def find_all_emoji_endings(emoji):
endings = []
if path.isfile(f'files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}.webp'):
return endings, emoji
is_non_ending_found = False
while not is_non_ending_found:
if emoji.endswith('pat'):
if 'pat' in endings:
is_non_ending_found = True
emoji = emoji[:-3]
if emoji.endswith('talking'):
if 'talking' in endings:
is_non_ending_found = True
emoji = emoji[:-7]
if emoji.endswith('genocide'):
if 'genocide' in endings:
is_non_ending_found = True
emoji = emoji[:-8]
if emoji.endswith('love'):
if 'love' in endings:
is_non_ending_found = True
emoji = emoji[:-4]
is_non_ending_found = True
if emoji.endswith('random'):
kind = emoji.split('random')[0].title()
if kind == 'Donkeykong': kind = 'Donkey Kong'
elif kind == 'Marseyflag': kind = 'Marsey Flags'
elif kind == 'Marseyalphabet': kind = 'Marsey Alphabet'
if kind in EMOJI_KINDS:
emoji = g.db.query(, nsfw=False).order_by(func.random()).first()[0]
return endings, emoji
def render_emoji(html, regexp, golden, emojis_used, b=False, is_title=False):
emojis = list(regexp.finditer(html))
captured = set()
for i in emojis:
if in captured: continue
emoji =
attrs = ''
if b: attrs += ' b'
if is_title: emoji = emoji.replace('#','')
if golden and len(emojis) <= 20 and ('marsey' in emoji or emoji in MARSEYS_CONST2):
if random.random() < 0.005:
attrs += ' ' + random.choice(('g', 'glow', 'party'))
old = emoji
emoji = emoji.replace('!','').replace('#','')
emoji_partial_pat = ''
emoji_partial = ''
emoji_html = None
ending_modifiers, emoji = find_all_emoji_endings(emoji)
is_talking = 'talking' in ending_modifiers
is_patted = 'pat' in ending_modifiers
is_talking_first = ending_modifiers.index('pat') > ending_modifiers.index('talking') if is_talking and is_patted else False
is_loved = 'love' in ending_modifiers
is_genocided = 'genocide' in ending_modifiers
is_user = emoji.startswith('@')
end_modifier_length = 3 if is_patted else 0
end_modifier_length = end_modifier_length + 7 if is_talking else end_modifier_length
hand_html = f'' if is_patted and emoji != 'marseyunpettable' else ''
talking_html = f'' if is_talking else ''
loved_html = f''
genocide_attr = ' cide' if is_genocided else ''
modifier_html = ''
if (is_talking and is_patted):
modifier_html = f'{talking_html}{hand_html}' if is_talking_first else f'{hand_html}{talking_html}'
elif (is_patted):
modifier_html = hand_html
elif (is_talking):
modifier_html = talking_html
modifier_html = f'{modifier_html}{loved_html}'
if (is_patted and emoji != 'marseyunpettable') or is_talking or is_genocided or is_loved:
if path.isfile(f"files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}.webp"):
emoji_html = f'{modifier_html}{emoji_partial_pat.format(old, f"{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/{emoji}.webp", attrs)}'
elif is_user:
if u := get_user(emoji[1:], graceful=True):
emoji_html = f'{modifier_html}{emoji_partial_pat.format(old, f"/pp/{}", attrs)}'
elif path.isfile(f'files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}.webp'):
emoji_html = emoji_partial.format(old, f'{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/{emoji}.webp', attrs)
if emoji_html:
html = re.sub(f'(?)', emoji_html, html)
return html
def with_sigalrm_timeout(timeout):
'Use SIGALRM to raise an exception if the function executes for longer than timeout seconds'
# while trying to test this using time.sleep I discovered that gunicorn does in fact do some
# async so if we timeout on that (or on a db op) then the process is crashed without returning
# a proper 500 error. Oh well.
def sig_handler(signum, frame):
print("Timeout!", flush=True)
raise Exception("Timeout")
def inner(func):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, sig_handler)
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
return inner
def remove_cuniform(sanitized):
if not sanitized: return ""
sanitized = sanitized.replace('\u200e','').replace('\u200b','').replace('\u202e','').replace("\ufeff", "").replace("\u033f","").replace("\u0589", ":")
sanitized = sanitized.replace("𒐪","").replace("𒐫","").replace("﷽","")
sanitized = sanitized.replace("\r\n", "\n")
sanitized = sanitized.replace("’", "'")
return sanitized.strip()
def get_youtube_id_and_t(url):
params = parse_qs(urlparse(url).query, keep_blank_values=True)
id = params.get('v')
if not id: return (None, None)
id = id[0]
t = None
split = id.split('?t=')
if len(split) == 2:
id = split[0]
t = split[1]
id = id.split('?')[0]
return (id, t)
def handle_youtube_links(url):
url = url.replace('&','&')
params = parse_qs(urlparse(url).query, keep_blank_values=True)
html = None
id, t = get_youtube_id_and_t(url)
if not id: return None
if yt_id_regex.fullmatch(id):
if not t:
t = params.get('t', params.get('start', [0]))[0]
if isinstance(t, str):
t = t.replace('s','').replace('S','')
split = t.split('m')
if len(split) == 2:
minutes = int(split[0])
seconds = int(split[1])
t = minutes*60 + seconds
html = f'
' if obj and not (isinstance(obj, Post) and len(obj.body) > 1000): if author.owoify: sanitized = owoify(sanitized) if author.marsify and not author.chud: sanitized = marsify(sanitized) if obj.sharpened: sanitized = sharpen(sanitized) if obj.queened: sanitized = queenify(sanitized) if '```' not in sanitized and '' not in sanitized: sanitized = linefeeds_regex.sub(r'\1\n\n\2', sanitized) sanitized = greentext_regex.sub(r'\1\>\2 ', sanitized) sanitized = image_sub_regex.sub(r'![](\1)', sanitized) sanitized = image_check_regex.sub(r'\1', sanitized) sanitized = link_fix_regex.sub(r'\1https://\2', sanitized) if FEATURES['MARKUP_COMMANDS']: sanitized = command_regex.sub(command_regex_matcher, sanitized) sanitized = numbered_list_regex.sub(r'\1\. ', sanitized) sanitized = strikethrough_regex.sub(r'\1\2', sanitized) sanitized = sanitized.replace('_', '▔') sanitized = markdown(sanitized) sanitized = sanitized.replace('▔', '_').replace('%E2%96%94', '_') sanitized = sanitized.replace('/\1', sanitized) sanitized = hole_mention_regex.sub(r'/\1', sanitized) names = set( for m in mention_regex.finditer(sanitized)) if limit_pings and len(names) > limit_pings and v.admin_level < PERMS['POST_COMMENT_INFINITE_PINGS']: error("Max ping limit is 5 for comments and 50 for posts!") users_list = get_users(names, graceful=True) users_dict = {} for u in users_list: users_dict[u.username.lower()] = u if u.original_username: users_dict[u.original_username.lower()] = u if u.prelock_username: users_dict[u.prelock_username.lower()] = u def replacer(m): u = users_dict.get( if not u or (v and in v.all_twoway_blocks) or (v and u.has_muted(v)): return return f'@{u.username}' sanitized = mention_regex.sub(replacer, sanitized) if FEATURES['PING_GROUPS']: def group_replacer(m): name = if name == 'everyone': return f'!{name}' elif name == 'jannies': return f'!{name}' elif name == 'commenters' and commenters_ping_post_id: return f'!{name}' elif name == 'followers': return f'!{name}' elif g.db.get(Group, name): return f'!{name}' else: return sanitized = group_mention_regex.sub(group_replacer, sanitized) soup = BeautifulSoup(sanitized, 'lxml') for tag in soup.find_all("img"): if tag.get("src") and not tag["src"].startswith('/pp/') and not (snappy and tag["src"].startswith(f'{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/')): if not is_safe_url(tag["src"]): a = soup.new_tag("a", href=tag["src"], rel="nofollow noopener", target="_blank") a.string = tag["src"] tag.replace_with(a) continue del tag["g"] del tag["glow"] del tag["party"] tag["loading"] = "lazy" tag["data-src"] = tag["src"] tag["src"] = f"{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/i/l.webp" tag['alt'] = tag["data-src"] tag['class'] = "img" if != 'a': a = soup.new_tag("a", href=tag["data-src"]) if not is_site_url(a["href"]): a["rel"] = "nofollow noopener" a["target"] = "_blank" tag = tag.replace_with(a) a.append(tag) tag["data-src"] = tag["data-src"] tag["data-user-submitted"] = "" sanitized = str(soup).replace('','').replace('','').replace('/>','>') sanitized = spoiler_regex.sub(r'\1 ', sanitized) emojis_used = set() emojis = list(emoji_regex.finditer(sanitized)) if len(emojis) > 20: golden = False captured = [] for i in emojis: if in captured: continue captured.append( old = if 'marseylong1' in old or 'marseylong2' in old or 'marseylongcockandballs' in old or 'marseyllama1' in old or 'marseyllama2' in old: new = old.lower().replace(">", " class='mb-0'>") else: new = old.lower() new = render_emoji(new, emoji_regex2, golden, emojis_used, True) sanitized = sanitized.replace(old, new) emojis = list(emoji_regex2.finditer(sanitized)) if len(emojis) > 20: golden = False sanitized = render_emoji(sanitized, emoji_regex2, golden, emojis_used) sanitized = sanitized.replace('&','&') sanitized = video_sub_regex.sub(r'', sanitized) sanitized = audio_sub_regex.sub(r'', sanitized) if count_emojis: for emoji in g.db.query(Emoji).filter(Emoji.submitter_id==None, emoji.count += 1 g.db.add(emoji) if obj: for emoji in emojis_used: if emoji in OVER_18_EMOJIS: obj.nsfw = True break sanitized = sanitized.replace('', '') allowed_css_properties = allowed_styles.copy() if v and v.chud: allowed_css_properties.remove('filter') css_sanitizer = CSSSanitizer(allowed_css_properties=allowed_css_properties) sanitized = bleach.Cleaner(tags=allowed_tags, attributes=allowed_attributes, protocols=['http', 'https'], css_sanitizer=css_sanitizer, filters=[partial(LinkifyFilter, skip_tags=["pre"], parse_email=False, url_re=sanitize_url_regex)] ).clean(sanitized) #doing this here cuz of the linkifyfilter right above it (therefore unifying all link processing logic) soup = BeautifulSoup(sanitized, 'lxml') has_transform = bool('[style*=transform i]')) links = soup.find_all("a") if v and v.admin_level >= PERMS["IGNORE_DOMAIN_BAN"]: banned_domains = [] else: banned_domains = [x.domain for x in g.db.query(BannedDomain.domain)] for link in links: #remove empty links if not link.contents or not str(link.contents[0]).strip(): link.extract() continue href = link.get("href") if not href: continue link["href"] = normalize_url(href) if link.string == href: link.string = link["href"] href = link["href"] def unlinkfy(): link.string = href del link["href"] #\ in href right after / makes most browsers ditch site hostname and allows for a host injection bypassing the check, see cool if "\\" in href: unlinkfy() continue #don't allow something like this domain = tldextract.extract(href).registered_domain if domain and not allowed_domain_regex.fullmatch(domain): unlinkfy() continue #check for banned domain combined = (domain + urlparse(href).path).lower() if any((combined.startswith(x) for x in banned_domains)): unlinkfy() continue #don't allow something like this [@Aevann2]( if str(link.string).startswith('@') and not href.startswith('/'): unlinkfy() continue #don't allow something like this [!jannies]( if str(link.string).startswith('!') and not href.startswith('/'): unlinkfy() continue #don't allow something like this [https://rԁ]( if not snappy and not post_mention_notif: string_domain = tldextract.extract(str(link.string)).registered_domain if string_domain and string_domain != tldextract.extract(href).registered_domain: link.string = href #insert target="_blank" and ref="nofollower noopener" for external link if not href.startswith('/') and not href.startswith(f'{SITE_FULL}/'): link["target"] = "_blank" link["rel"] = "nofollow noopener" if has_transform: del link["href"] sanitized = str(soup).replace('','').replace('','').replace('/>','>') captured = [] for i in youtube_regex.finditer(sanitized): if in captured: continue captured.append( html = handle_youtube_links( if html: if not chat: html = f'{html}
' sanitized = sanitized.replace(, html) if '' not in sanitized and blackjack != "rules": sanitized = sanitized.replace('\n','') if showmore: # Insert a show more button if the text is too long or has too many paragraphs CHARLIMIT = 3000 pos = 0 for _ in range(20): pos = sanitized.find('', pos + 4) if pos < 0: break if (pos < 0 and len(sanitized) > CHARLIMIT) or pos > CHARLIMIT: pos = CHARLIMIT - 500 if pos >= 0: sanitized = (sanitized[:pos] + showmore_regex.sub(r'\1\2 ', sanitized[pos:], count=1)) if "style" in sanitized and "filter" in sanitized: if sanitized.count("blur(") + sanitized.count("drop-shadow(") > 5: error("Max 5 usages of 'blur' and 'drop-shadow'!") return sanitized.strip() def allowed_attributes_emojis(tag, name, value): if tag == 'img': if name == 'src': if '\\' in value: return False if value.startswith('/') : return True if value.startswith(f'{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/') : return True if name == 'loading' and value == 'lazy': return True if name == 'data-bs-toggle' and value == 'tooltip': return True if name in {'g','glow','party'} and not value: return True if name in {'alt','title'}: return True if tag == 'span': if name == 'data-bs-toggle' and value == 'tooltip': return True if name == 'title': return True if name == 'alt': return True if name == 'cide' and not value: return True return False @with_sigalrm_timeout(2) def filter_emojis_only(title, golden=True, count_emojis=False, obj=None, author=None): title = title.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").replace("\t", "").replace('<','<').replace('>','>') title = remove_cuniform(title) if obj and not (isinstance(obj, Post) and len(obj.body) > 1000): if author.owoify: title = owoify(title) if author.marsify and not author.chud: title = marsify(title) if obj.sharpened: title = sharpen(title) emojis_used = set() title = render_emoji(title, emoji_regex2, golden, emojis_used, is_title=True) if count_emojis: for emoji in g.db.query(Emoji).filter(Emoji.submitter_id==None, emoji.count += 1 g.db.add(emoji) if obj: for emoji in emojis_used: if emoji in OVER_18_EMOJIS: obj.nsfw = True break title = strikethrough_regex.sub(r'\1\2', title) title = bleach.clean(title, tags=['img','del','span'], attributes=allowed_attributes_emojis, protocols=['http','https']).replace('\n','') if len(title) > POST_TITLE_HTML_LENGTH_LIMIT: abort(400, "Rendered title is too big!") title = title.strip() return title def is_whitelisted(domain, k): if domain.endswith(''): return True if 'sort' in k.lower() or 'query' in k.lower(): return True if k in {'_x_tr_hl','_x_tr_pto','_x_tr_sl','_x_tr_tl','abstract_id','after','article','bill_id','c','clip','comments','context','count','f','fbid','format','forum_id','i','ID','id','lb','list','oldid','p','page','post_id','postid','q','run','scrollToComments','search','sl','sp','story_fbid','tab','term','text','thread_id','threadid','ticket_form_id','time_continue','title','title_no','tl','token','topic','type','tz1','tz2','u','udca','url','v','vid','viewkey'}: return True if k == 't' and domain != '': return True if k == 'oid' and domain != '': return True return False def normalize_url(url): url = unquote(url) url = url.replace("", "") url = reddit_domain_regex.sub(r'\1\5', url) url = url.replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("", "") \ .replace("/giphy.gif", "/giphy.webp") \ .replace('', 'https://') \ .replace('https://amp.', 'https://') \ .replace('', '') \ .replace('/amp/', '/') \ .replace('', '') \ .replace('', '') \ .replace(DONATE_LINK, f'{SITE_FULL}/donate') \ if url.endswith('.amp'): url = url.split('.amp')[0] url = giphy_regex.sub(r'\1.webp', url) if not url.startswith('/') and not url.startswith('') and not url.startswith(''): try: parsed_url = urlparse(url) except: print(url, flush=True) abort(500) netloc = parsed_url.netloc path = parsed_url.path.rstrip('/') qd = parse_qs(parsed_url.query, keep_blank_values=True) filtered = {} if netloc == '': filtered['v'] = path.lstrip('/') netloc = '' path = '/watch' filtered |= {k: val for k, val in qd.items() if is_whitelisted(netloc, k)} if netloc == '' and reddit_comment_link_regex.fullmatch(url): filtered['context'] = 8 new_url = ParseResult(scheme="https", netloc=netloc, path=path, params=parsed_url.params, query=urlencode(filtered, doseq=True), fragment=parsed_url.fragment) url = urlunparse(new_url) url = url.rstrip('/') url = imgur_regex.sub(r'\1_d.webp?maxwidth=9999&fidelity=grand', url) return url def normalize_url_gevent(url): try: url = requests.get(url, headers=HEADERS, timeout=2, proxies=proxies).url except: return url return normalize_url(url) def validate_css(css): if '@import' in css: return False, "CSS @import statements are not allowed!" if '/*' in css: return False, "CSS comments are not allowed!" for i in css_url_regex.finditer(css): url = if not is_safe_url(url): domain = tldextract.extract(url).registered_domain return False, f"The domain '{domain}' is not allowed here!" return True, "" def torture_chud(string, username): if not string: return string for k, l in CHUD_REPLACEMENTS.items(): string = string.replace(k, l) string = torture_regex.sub(rf'\1@{username}\3', string) string = torture_regex2.sub(rf'\1@{username} is\3', string) string = torture_regex3.sub(rf"\1@{username}'s\3", string) return string def complies_with_chud(obj): #check for cases where u should leave if not obj.chudded: return True if return True if isinstance(obj, Post): if in ADMIGGER_THREADS: return True if obj.hole == "chudrama": return True elif obj.parent_post: if obj.parent_post in ADMIGGER_THREADS: return True if == "chudrama": return True #perserve old body_html to be used in checking for chud phrase old_body_html = obj.body_html #torture body_html if obj.body_html and '&&' not in obj.body_html and '
$$' not in obj.body_html and '
##' not in obj.body_html: soup = BeautifulSoup(obj.body_html, 'lxml') tags = soup.html.body.find_all(lambda tag: not in {'blockquote','codeblock','pre'} and tag.string, recursive=False) for tag in tags: tag.string.replace_with(torture_chud(tag.string, obj.body_html = str(soup).replace('
','').replace('','') #torture title_html and check for chud_phrase in plain title and leave if it's there if isinstance(obj, Post): obj.title_html = torture_chud(obj.title_html, if not or in obj.title.lower(): return True #check for chud_phrase in body_html if old_body_html: excluded_tags = {'del','sub','sup','marquee','spoiler','lite-youtube','video','audio'} soup = BeautifulSoup(old_body_html, 'lxml') tags = soup.html.body.find_all(lambda tag: not in excluded_tags and not tag.attrs, recursive=False) for tag in tags: for text in tag.find_all(text=True, recursive=False): if not or in text.lower(): return True return False