marked.use({ extensions: [ { name: 'mention', level: 'inline', start: function(src){ const match = src.match(/@[\w-]{1,30}/); return match != null ? match.index : -1; }, tokenizer: function(src) { const rule = /^@[\w-]{1,30}/; const match = rule.exec(src); if (match){ return { type: 'mention', raw: match[0], text: match[0].trim().slice(1), tokens: [] }; } }, renderer(token) { const u = token.raw; return ` ${u}`; } }, { name: 'group_mention', level: 'inline', start: function(src){ const match = src.match(/![\w-]{3,25}/); return match != null ? match.index : -1; }, tokenizer: function(src) { const rule = /^![\w-]{3,25}/; const match = rule.exec(src); if (match){ return { type: 'group_mention', raw: match[0], text: match[0].trim().slice(1), tokens: [] }; } }, renderer(token) { const g = token.raw; return `${g}`; } }, ] }); const reDisableBeforeUnload = /^\/submit|^\/h\/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{3,20}\/submit/; const image_regex_extensions = document.getElementById('IMAGE_FORMATS').value.replaceAll(',', '|') const regex_pattern = String.raw`(^|\s)(https:\/\/[\w\-.#&/=\?@%;+,:]{5,250}(\.|\?format=)(` + image_regex_extensions + String.raw`)((\?|&)[\w\-.#&/=\?@%;+,:]*)?)($|\s)` const compiled_regex = new RegExp(regex_pattern, "g"); const approved_embed_hosts = document.getElementById('approved_embed_hosts').value.replace("{'", "").replace("'}", "").split("', '") function replace_image(match, prefix, url) { if (approved_embed_hosts.some(x => url.startsWith(`https://${x}/`))) return `${prefix}![](${url})` return match } const MODIFIERS = { PAT: 1, TALKING: 2, LARGE: 3, REVERSED: 4, USER: 5, REVERSED_MODIFIER: 6, GENOCIDE: 7, LOVE: 8, }; const findAllEmojiEndings = (word) => { let hasReachedNonModifer = false; let currWord = word; const currEndings = []; while(!hasReachedNonModifer) { if(currWord.endsWith('pat')) { if(currEndings.indexOf(MODIFIERS.PAT) !== -1) { hasReachedNonModifer = true; continue; } currWord = currWord.slice(0, -3); currEndings.push(MODIFIERS.PAT); continue; } if(currWord.endsWith('talking')) { if(currEndings.indexOf(MODIFIERS.TALKING) !== -1) { hasReachedNonModifer = true; continue; } currWord = currWord.slice(0, -7); currEndings.push(MODIFIERS.TALKING); continue; } if(currWord.endsWith('genocide')) { if(currEndings.indexOf(MODIFIERS.GENOCIDE) !== -1) { hasReachedNonModifer = true; continue; } currWord = currWord.slice(0, -8); currEndings.push(MODIFIERS.GENOCIDE); continue; } if(currWord.endsWith('love')) { if(currEndings.indexOf(MODIFIERS.LOVE) !== -1) { hasReachedNonModifer = true; continue; } currWord = currWord.slice(0, -4); currEndings.push(MODIFIERS.LOVE); continue; } hasReachedNonModifer = true; } return [currEndings, currWord]; } function markdown(t) { let input = t.value; if (!reDisableBeforeUnload.test(location.pathname)) { if (!window.onbeforeunload) { window.onbeforeunload = function (e) { e = e || window.event; if (e) { e.returnValue = 'Any string'; } return 'Any string'; }; } else if (!input) { window.onbeforeunload = null } } if (!input.includes('```') && !input.includes('
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