import string from copy import deepcopy from flask import g, request from sqlalchemy import func from files.classes.award import AwardRelationship from files.classes.userblock import UserBlock from files.helpers.actions import * from files.helpers.alerts import * from files.helpers.config.const import * from files.helpers.slurs_and_profanities import censor_slurs_profanities from files.helpers.config.awards import * from files.helpers.get import * from files.helpers.regex import * from files.helpers.sanitize import * from files.helpers.useractions import * from files.routes.wrappers import * from files.routes.routehelpers import get_alt_graph_ids from files.__main__ import app, cache, limiter from .front import frontlist @app.get("/shop") @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def shop_awards(v): return redirect('/shop/awards') @app.get("/shop/awards") @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def shop(v): AWARDS = deepcopy(AWARDS_ENABLED()) if AWARDS[] = deepcopy(HOUSE_AWARDS[]) for val in AWARDS.values(): val["owned"] = 0 for useraward in g.db.query(AwardRelationship).filter(AwardRelationship.user_id ==, AwardRelationship.post_id == None, AwardRelationship.comment_id == None): if useraward.kind in AWARDS: AWARDS[useraward.kind]["owned"] += 1 for val in AWARDS.values(): val["baseprice"] = int(val["price"]) if val["kind"].endswith('Founder'): val["baseprice"] = int(val["baseprice"] / 0.75) val["price"] = int(val["price"] * v.award_discount) sales = g.db.query(func.sum(User.coins_spent)).scalar() return render_template("shop.html", awards=list(AWARDS.values()), v=v, sales=sales) def buy_award(v, kind, AWARDS): og_price = AWARDS[kind]["price"] price = int(og_price * v.award_discount) if kind == "grass": currency = 'coins' elif kind == "benefactor": currency = 'marseybux' else: currency = 'coins/marseybux' charged = v.charge_account(currency, price) if not charged[0]: abort(400, f"Not enough {currency}!") v.coins_spent += charged[1] if v.coins_spent >= 1000000: badge_grant(badge_id=73, user=v) elif v.coins_spent >= 500000: badge_grant(badge_id=72, user=v) elif v.coins_spent >= 250000: badge_grant(badge_id=71, user=v) elif v.coins_spent >= 100000: badge_grant(badge_id=70, user=v) elif v.coins_spent >= 10000: badge_grant(badge_id=69, user=v) g.db.add(v) if kind == "lootbox": lootbox_items = [] for _ in range(LOOTBOX_ITEM_COUNT): # five items per lootbox LOOTBOX_CONTENTS = [x["kind"] for x in AWARDS_ENABLED().values() if x["included_in_lootbox"]] lb_award = random.choice(LOOTBOX_CONTENTS) lootbox_items.append(AWARDS[lb_award]['title']) lb_award = AwardRelationship(, kind=lb_award, price_paid=price // LOOTBOX_ITEM_COUNT) g.db.add(lb_award) v.lootboxes_bought += 1 lootbox_msg = "You open your lootbox and receive: " + ', '.join(lootbox_items) send_repeatable_notification(, lootbox_msg) if v.lootboxes_bought == 10: badge_grant(badge_id=76, user=v) elif v.lootboxes_bought == 50: badge_grant(badge_id=77, user=v) elif v.lootboxes_bought == 150: badge_grant(badge_id=78, user=v) return {"message": lootbox_msg} else: award_object = AwardRelationship(, kind=kind, price_paid=price) g.db.add(award_object) g.db.add(v) if CARP_ID and != CARP_ID and og_price >= 5000: award_title = AWARDS[kind]['title'] send_repeatable_notification(CARP_ID, f"@{v.username} has bought a `{award_title}` award!") return award_object"/buy/") @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath) @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath, key_func=get_ID) @limiter.limit("100/minute;200/hour;1000/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit("100/minute;200/hour;1000/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def buy(v, kind): AWARDS = deepcopy(AWARDS_ENABLED()) if AWARDS[] = HOUSE_AWARDS[] if kind not in AWARDS: abort(400) award_title = AWARDS[kind]['title'] award = buy_award(v, kind, AWARDS) if isinstance(award, dict): return award return {"message": f"{award_title} award bought!"} def alter_body(obj): obj.body_html = sanitize(obj.body, limit_pings=5, showmore=True, obj=obj, if isinstance(obj, Post): obj.title_html = filter_emojis_only(obj.title, golden=False, obj=obj,"/award//") @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath) @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath, key_func=get_ID) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def award_thing(v, thing_type, id): kind = request.values.get("kind", "").strip() if thing_type == 'post': obj = get_post(id) elif thing_type == 'comment': obj = get_comment(id) if not obj.parent_post and not obj.wall_user_id: abort(404) # don't let users award messages else: abort(400) author = AWARDS = deepcopy(AWARDS_ENABLED()) if AWARDS[] = HOUSE_AWARDS[] if kind not in AWARDS: abort(404, "This award doesn't exist") award_title = AWARDS[kind]['title'] award = g.db.query(AwardRelationship).filter( AwardRelationship.kind == kind, AwardRelationship.user_id ==, AwardRelationship.post_id == None, AwardRelationship.comment_id == None ).first() if not award: award = buy_award(v, kind, AWARDS) if isinstance(award, dict): return award if isinstance(obj, Post): award.post_id = else: award.comment_id = award.awarded_utc = int(time.time()) g.db.add(award) note = request.values.get("note", "").strip() if len(note) > 200: abort(400, "Award note is too long (max 200 characters)") award.note = note safe_username = f"@{obj.author_name} is" if AWARDS[kind]['negative'] and author.immune_to_negative_awards(v): if author.new_user and not author.alts: abort(403, "New users are immune to negative awards!") abort(403, f"{safe_username} immune to negative awards!") if isinstance(obj, Post) and == 210983: abort(403, "You can't award this post!") if isinstance(obj, Post) and obj.distinguish_level and AWARDS[kind]['cosmetic']: abort(403, "Distinguished posts are immune to cosmetic awards!") if kind == "benefactor": if == abort(403, "You can't use this award on yourself!") if in get_alt_graph_ids( abort(403, "You can't use this award on your alts!") if obj.ghost and not AWARDS[kind]['ghost']: abort(403, "This kind of award can't be used on ghost posts!") if != if author.deflector and v.deflector and AWARDS[kind]['deflectable']: msg = f"@{v.username} has tried to give your [{thing_type}]({obj.shortlink}) the {award_title} Award but it was deflected on them, they also had a deflector up, so it bounced back and forth until it vaporized!" send_repeatable_notification(, msg) msg = f"{safe_username} under the effect of a deflector award; your {award_title} Award has been deflected back to you but your deflector protected you, the award bounced back and forth until it vaporized!" send_repeatable_notification(, msg) g.db.delete(award) return {"message": f"{award_title} award given to {thing_type} successfully!"} if author.deflector and AWARDS[kind]['deflectable']: author = v safe_username = f"Your award has been deflected but failed since you're" if kind == 'shit': awarded_coins = int(AWARDS[kind]['price'] * COSMETIC_AWARD_COIN_AWARD_PCT) v.charge_account('coins', awarded_coins, should_check_balance=False)'coins', awarded_coins) elif kind != 'spider': if AWARDS[kind]['cosmetic'] and not AWARDS[kind]['included_in_lootbox']: awarded_coins = int(AWARDS[kind]['price'] * COSMETIC_AWARD_COIN_AWARD_PCT) else: awarded_coins = 0 if awarded_coins: if kind == 'shit': author.charge_account('coins', awarded_coins, should_check_balance=False) v.pay_account('coins', awarded_coins) else: author.pay_account('coins', awarded_coins) if isinstance(obj, Comment): link_text_in_notif = "your comment" else: link_text_in_notif = obj.title if kind == 'marsify' and author.marsify == 1: abort(409, f"{safe_username} already permanently marsified!") if kind == 'spider' and author.spider == 1: abort(409, f"{safe_username} already best friends with a spider!") link = f"[this {thing_type}]({obj.shortlink})" can_alter_body = not obj.is_longpost and (not or v == if kind == "ban": link = f"/{thing_type}/{}" if isinstance(obj, Comment): link += '#context' link_text_in_notif = link else: link_text_in_notif = obj.title ban_reason = f'1-Day ban award used by @{v.username} on {link}' if not author.is_suspended: author.ban(reason=ban_reason, days=1) send_repeatable_notification(, f"Your account has been banned for **a day** for [{link_text_in_notif}]({link}). It sucked and you should feel bad.") elif author.unban_utc: author.unban_utc += 86400 author.ban_reason = ban_reason send_repeatable_notification(, f"Your account has been banned for **yet another day** for [{link_text_in_notif}]({link}). Seriously man?") elif kind == "unban": if not author.is_suspended or not author.unban_utc: abort(403) if not author.ban_reason.startswith('1-Day ban award'): abort(400, "You can only use unban awards to undo the effect of ban awards!") if author.unban_utc - time.time() > 86400: author.unban_utc -= 86400 send_repeatable_notification(, "Your ban duration has been reduced by 1 day!") else: author.unban_utc = None author.is_banned = None author.ban_reason = None send_repeatable_notification(, "You have been unbanned!") elif kind == "grass": link3 = f"/{thing_type}/{}" if isinstance(obj, Comment): link3 = f'{link3}' else: link3 = f'{link3}' author.is_banned = AUTOJANNY_ID author.ban_reason = f"grass award used by @{v.username} on {link3}" author.unban_utc = int(time.time()) + 30 * 86400 send_repeatable_notification(, f"@{v.username} gave you the grass award on {link} and as a result you have been banned! You must [send the admins](/contact) a timestamped picture of you touching grass/snow/sand/ass to get unbanned!") elif kind == "pin": if not FEATURES['PINS']: abort(403) if obj.is_banned: abort(403) if obj.stickied and not obj.stickied_utc: abort(400, f"This {thing_type} is already pinned permanently!") if isinstance(obj, Comment): add = 3600*6 else: add = 3600 if obj.stickied_utc: obj.stickied_utc += add else: obj.stickied_utc = int(time.time()) + add if isinstance(obj, Comment): obj.pin_parents() obj.stickied = f'{v.username}{PIN_AWARD_TEXT}' if isinstance(obj, Post): cache.delete_memoized(frontlist) elif kind == "unpin": if not obj.stickied_utc: abort(400) if not or v == if isinstance(obj, Comment): t = obj.stickied_utc - 3600*6 else: t = obj.stickied_utc - 3600 if time.time() > t: obj.stickied = None obj.stickied_utc = None if isinstance(obj, Post): cache.delete_memoized(frontlist) else: obj.unpin_parents() else: obj.stickied_utc = t elif kind == "queen": if not author.queen: characters = list(filter(str.isalpha, author.username)) if characters: first_character = characters[0].upper() else: first_character = random.choice(string.ascii_letters).upper() available_names = GIRL_NAMES[first_character] random.shuffle(available_names) broken = False for new_name in available_names: existing = get_user(new_name, graceful=True) if not existing: broken = True break if not broken: new_name = new_name + f'-{}' if not author.prelock_username: author.prelock_username = author.username author.username = new_name if author.queen and time.time() < author.queen: author.queen += 86400 else: author.queen = int(time.time()) + 86400 author.namechanged = author.queen badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=285) if can_alter_body: obj.queened = True alter_body(obj) elif kind == "chud": if isinstance(obj, Post) and obj.hole == 'chudrama' \ or isinstance(obj, Comment) and and == 'chudrama': abort(403, "You can't give the chud award in /h/chudrama") if author.chud == 1: abort(409, f"{safe_username} already permanently chudded!") if author.chud and time.time() < author.chud: author.chud += 86400 else: author.chud = int(time.time()) + 86400 if not note: abort(400, "Missing phrase!") if note not in CHUD_PHRASES: abort(400, "Invalid phrase!") author.chud_phrase = note.lower() badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=58) if can_alter_body: obj.chudded = True complies_with_chud(obj) elif kind == "flairlock": new_flair = note if len(new_flair) > 100: abort(400, "New flair is too long (max 100 characters)") if not new_flair and author.flairchanged: author.flairchanged += 86400 else: author.flair = new_flair new_flair = filter_emojis_only(new_flair, link=True) new_flair = censor_slurs_profanities(new_flair, None) if len(new_flair) > 1000: abort(403) author.flair_html = new_flair author.flairchanged = int(time.time()) + 86400 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=96) elif kind == "namelock": new_name = note.strip().lstrip('@') if author.namechanged and (not new_name or new_name == author.username): author.namechanged += 86400 else: if not valid_username_regex.fullmatch(new_name): abort(400, "You need to enter a valid username to change the recipient to.") if not execute_blackjack(v, None, new_name, f'namelock award attempt on @{author.username}'): existing = get_user(new_name, graceful=True) if existing and != abort(400, f"@{new_name} is already taken!") if not author.prelock_username: author.prelock_username = author.username author.username = new_name author.namechanged = int(time.time()) + 86400 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=281) elif kind == "pause": badge_grant(badge_id=68, user=author) elif kind == "unpausable": badge_grant(badge_id=67, user=author) elif kind == "hieroglyphs": if author.hieroglyphs: author.hieroglyphs += 86400 else: author.hieroglyphs = int(time.time()) + 86400 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=98) elif kind == "pizzashill": if author.bird: author.bird = 0 badge = author.has_badge(95) if badge: g.db.delete(badge) else: if author.longpost: author.longpost += 86400 else: author.longpost = int(time.time()) + 86400 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=97) elif kind == "bird": if author.longpost: author.longpost = 0 badge = author.has_badge(97) if badge: g.db.delete(badge) else: if author.bird: author.bird += 86400 else: author.bird = int(time.time()) + 86400 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=95) elif kind == "eye": badge_grant(badge_id=83, user=author) elif kind == "offsitementions": badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=140) elif kind == "alt": badge_grant(badge_id=84, user=author) elif kind == "unblockable": badge_grant(badge_id=87, user=author) blocks = g.db.query(UserBlock).filter( or_( UserBlock.user_id ==, UserBlock.target_id ==, ) ) for block in blocks: g.db.delete(block) elif kind == "progressivestack": if not FEATURES['PINS']: abort(403) if author.progressivestack != 1: if author.progressivestack: author.progressivestack += 21600 else: author.progressivestack = int(time.time()) + 21600 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=94) elif kind == "benefactor": if not author.patron: author.patron = 1 if author.patron_utc: author.patron_utc += 2629746 else: author.patron_utc = int(time.time()) + 2629746 author.pay_account('marseybux', 1250) badge_grant(user=v, badge_id=103) elif kind == "rehab": if += 86400 else: = int(time.time()) + 86400 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=109) elif kind == "deflector": if author.deflector: author.deflector += 36000 else: author.deflector = int(time.time()) + 36000 elif kind == "beano": badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=128) elif kind == "checkmark": author.verified = "Verified" badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=150) elif kind == "pride": badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=303) elif kind == 'marsify': if not author.marsify or author.marsify != 1: if author.marsify: author.marsify += 86400 else: author.marsify = int(time.time()) + 86400 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=170) if can_alter_body: alter_body(obj) elif "Vampire" in kind and kind == if author.bite: author.bite += 172800 else: if"Vampire"): abort(400, f"{safe_username} already a permanent vampire!") author.bite = int(time.time()) + 172800 author.old_house = = "Vampire" badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=168) elif "Racist" in kind and kind == if author.earlylife: author.earlylife += 86400 else: author.earlylife = int(time.time()) + 86400 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=169) elif ("Furry" in kind and kind == or kind == 'owoify': if author.owoify: author.owoify += 21600 else: author.owoify = int(time.time()) + 21600 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=167) if can_alter_body: alter_body(obj) elif ("Edgy" in kind and kind == or kind == 'sharpen': if author.sharpen: author.sharpen += 86400 else: author.sharpen = int(time.time()) + 86400 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=289) if can_alter_body: obj.sharpened = True alter_body(obj) elif ("Femboy" in kind and kind == or kind == 'rainbow': if author.rainbow: author.rainbow += 86400 else: author.rainbow = int(time.time()) + 86400 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=171) if can_alter_body: obj.rainbowed = True elif kind == "emoji": award.note = award.note.strip(":").lower() emoji = g.db.query(Emoji).filter_by(name=award.note).one_or_none() if not emoji: abort(404, f'an Emoji with the name "{award.note}" was not found!') elif kind == "grinch": author.grinch = True if == session['event_music'] = False elif kind in {"ectoplasm", "candycorn", "candycane", "stab", "tilt"}: if obj.is_longpost: abort(403, f'Effortposts are protected from the {award_title} award!') elif kind == "gold": if obj.award_count('glowie', v): abort(409, f"This {thing_type} is under the effect of a conflicting award: Glowie award!") elif kind == "glowie": if obj.award_count('gold', v): abort(409, f"This {thing_type} is under the effect of a conflicting award: Gold award!") elif kind == "spider": if author.spider: author.spider += 86400 else: author.spider = int(time.time()) + 86400 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=179, notify=False) elif kind == "bite": if author.zombie < 0: author = v if author.zombie == 0: author.zombie = -1 badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=181) award_object = AwardRelationship(, kind='bite') g.db.add(award_object) send_repeatable_notification(, "As the zombie virus washes over your mind, you feel the urge " "to… BITE YUMMY BRAINS :marseyzombie:
" "You receive a free **Zombie Bite** award: pass it on!") elif author.zombie > 0: author.zombie -= 1 if author.zombie == 0: send_repeatable_notification(, "You are no longer **VAXXMAXXED**! Time for another booster!") badge = author.has_badge(182) if badge: g.db.delete(badge) elif kind == "vax": if author.zombie < 0: author.zombie = 0 send_repeatable_notification(, "You are no longer **INFECTED**! Praise Fauci!") badge = author.has_badge(181) if badge: g.db.delete(badge) elif author.zombie >= 0: author.zombie += 2 author.zombie = min(author.zombie, 10) badge_grant(user=author, badge_id=182) elif kind == "jumpscare": author.jumpscare += 1 author = if != if author.deflector and AWARDS[kind]['deflectable']: msg = f"@{v.username} has tried to give your [{thing_type}]({obj.shortlink}) the {award_title} Award but it was deflected and applied to them :marseytroll:" n = send_repeatable_notification(, msg) if n: n.created_utc -= 2 msg = f"@{obj.author_name} is under the effect of a deflector award; your {award_title} Award has been deflected back to you :marseytroll:" n = send_repeatable_notification(, msg) if n: n.created_utc -= 2 elif kind not in {'spider', 'jumpscare'}: msg = f"@{v.username} has given [{link_text_in_notif}]({obj.shortlink}) the {award_title} Award" if kind == 'shit': msg += f" and has stolen from you {awarded_coins} coins as a result" elif awarded_coins: msg += f" and you have received {awarded_coins} coins as a result" msg += "!" if kind == 'emoji': msg += f"\n\n> :{award.note}:" elif note: note = '\n\n> '.join(note.splitlines()) if kind == "chud": msg += f"\n\n**You now have to say this phrase in all posts and comments you make for 24 hours:**" msg += f"\n\n> {note}" n = send_repeatable_notification(, msg) if n: n.created_utc -= 2 if author.received_award_count: author.received_award_count += 1 else: author.received_award_count = 1 g.db.add(author) g.db.add(obj) if award.kind == "emoji": emoji_behavior = request.values.get("emoji_behavior").strip() if emoji_behavior == "horizontal": award.kind = "emoji-hz" return {"message": f"{award_title} award given to {thing_type} successfully!"}"/trick_or_treat") @limiter.limit("1/hour", key_func=lambda:f'{SITE}-{session.get("lo_user")}') @auth_required def trick_or_treat(v): if v.client: abort(403, "Not allowed from the API") if not IS_HOMOWEEN(): abort(403) result = random.choice([0,1]) if result == 0: message = "Trick!" else: choices = [x["kind"] for x in AWARDS_ENABLED().values() if x["included_in_lootbox"]] award = random.choice(choices) award_object = AwardRelationship(, kind=award) g.db.add(award_object) award_title = AWARDS_ENABLED()[award]['title'] message = f"Treat! You got a {award_title} award!" return {"message": f"{message}", "result": f"{result}"}"/jumpscare") @auth_required def execute_jumpscare(v): if v.client: abort(403, "Not allowed from the API") if not IS_HOMOWEEN(): abort(403) if v.jumpscare > 0: v.jumpscare -= 1 g.db.add(v) return {}