{% extends "default.html" %} {% block pagetitle %} {%- if focused_comment -%} @{{focused_comment.author_name}}'s comment on '{{p.plaintitle(v)}}' {%- else -%} {{p.plaintitle(v)}} {%- endif -%} {% endblock %} {% block pagetype %}thread{% endblock %} {% if IS_HOMOWEEN() and p.award_count("haunt", v) %} {% block hauntBg %}
{% endblock %} {% endif %} {% block head_final %} {% if not (v and v.poor) %} {% include "awards.html" %} {% if IS_FISTMAS() %} {% include "events/fistmas/awards.html" %} {% elif IS_HOMOWEEN() %} {% include "events/homoween/awards.html" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% set ups=p.upvotes %} {% set downs=p.downvotes %} {% set score=ups-downs %} {% if v %} {% set voted=p.voted if p.voted else 0 %} {% else %} {% set voted=-2 %} {% endif %} {% set v_forbid_deleted = (p.deleted_utc != 0) and not (v and v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION']) and not (v and v.id == p.author_id) %} {% block actionsModal %} {% if v %} {% endif %} {% if v and v.admin_level %} {% include "post_admin_actions_mobile.html" %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if p.thumb_url and not p.deleted_utc and not p.is_image and not p.is_video and not p.is_audio and not p.embed %}
Unable to load image
{% endif %}
{{macros.reports(p, 'post')}}

{% if p.cw %} CHILD WARNING {% endif %} {% if p.effortpost and not p.draft %} EFFORTPOST {% endif %} {% if p.flair %}{{p.flair | safe}}{% endif %} {% if p.realurl(v) and not v_forbid_deleted %} {{p.realtitle(v) | safe}} {% else %} {{p.realtitle(v) | safe}} {% endif %}

{% if not v_forbid_deleted %} {% set tilt = p.award_count('tilt', v) %}
{% if p.realurl(v) and not p.is_image and not p.is_video and not p.is_audio %}
{% endif %} {% if p.embed %} {% if p.domain in ['youtu.be','youtube.com'] and p.embed.startswith(' {{p.embed | safe}}

{% elif p.embed|int %}
{{p.embed | post_embed(v) | safe}}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if p.url %} {% if p.url.startswith('https://old.reddit.com/r/') and not p.url.endswith('/new/') and not (v and v.reddit == "undelete.pullpush.io") %}

									{% elif p.url.startswith('https://tiktok.com/@') %}
										{% set id = p.url.split('/video/')[1] %}
										{% if id %}
										{% endif %}
									{% elif p.url.startswith('https://www.teamblind.com/') %}
										{% set id = p.url.split('-')[-1] %}
										{% if id %}
										{% endif %}
									{% elif p.url.startswith('https://instagram.com/') %}
										{% set path = p.url.split('https://instagram.com/')[1].rstrip('/') %}
										{% if '/' in path %}
											{% set path = path + '/embed/captioned' %}
										{% else %}
											{% set path = path + '/embed' %}
										{% endif %}
									{% elif p.domain.endswith('substack.com') %}
										{% if 'substack.com/p/' in p.url and p.url.count('/') == 4 %}
										{% elif '/note/c-' in p.url %}
											{% set id = p.url.split('/note/c-')[-1] %}
										{% endif %}
									{% endif %}
								{% endif %}

{% if p.is_image %} {% elif p.is_video %}

{% elif p.is_audio %}
{% endif %} {{p.realbody(v) | safe}} {% if p.is_banned %}
Removed by @{{p.ban_reason}}
{% endif %}
{% if not p.ghost %} {{p.author.switched.rendered_sig(v) | safe}} {% endif %}
{% else %}
[Deleted by author.]
{% endif %} {% if v and v.can_edit(p) %} {% endif %}
    {{p.comment_count}} {% if v and v.can_edit(p) %} {% elif v and v.id != p.author_id and p.body and not v_forbid_deleted %} {% endif %} {% include 'post_actions.html' %}
{% if v %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
  • {{p.comment_count}} {% if v and v.admin_level %} {% endif %}
  • {% if v %}
  • {% endif %}
  • {% if v %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{score}} {% if v %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% if v and v.id != p.author_id and p.body and not v_forbid_deleted and v.admin_level < PERMS['POST_COMMENT_EDITING'] %}
{% endif %}
{{- macros.sorting_buttons(COMMENT_SORTS, False, True) -}}
{{macros.comment_reply_box(p.fullname, 'comment-reply-' + p.fullname, subwrapper_css_classes='mb-3', enable_cancel_button=false)}} {% if focused_comment %} {% endif %} {% if p.replies %}
{% with comments=p.replies %} {% include "comments.html" %} {% endwith %}
{% if offset %} {% endif %} {% elif not p.replies and p.deleted_utc == 0 %}
{% if v %} {% set ghost_town = 'This comment section is a ghost town...' %} {% else %} {% set ghost_town = 'This comment section is a ghost town... Sign in

'%} {% endif %} {{macros.ghost_box('Be the first to comment!', ghost_town, 1)}}
{% endif %}
{% if v %} {% if v.id == p.author_id %} {% include "modals/delete_post.html" %} {% endif %} {% include "modals/report_post.html" %} {% if p.hole_changable(v) %} {% include "modals/change_hole.html" %} {% endif %} {% if v.can_edit(p) %} {% endif %} {% if v.admin_level >= PERMS['PINNING_POSTS'] %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if not p.replies %}{% include "comments.html" %}{% endif %} {% if fart and not (v and v.has_badge(128)) %} {% endif %} {% if v and v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION'] %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}