Assetcache macro improvement: to support assets in folders which are
dynamically referenced by e.g. ID or name, the `asset` macro now
accepts an optional second parameter to be included in the path but
not to be used for versioning the class of assets.
To support recent commits, assetcache now applies for:
- images/badges/*.webp
- js/: award_modal.js, bootstrap.js, header.js
For too long, we've Replace-All'd to increment site asset version
numbers. This is a task that has an obvious solution using the
templating engine. As such, we now have templates/util/assetcache.html
which contains a dict of version numbers and a macro to generate the
versioned name of an asset.
Going forward, it is recommended that all future replace-all uses
are used as opportunities to switch to the macro. Do remember to
import the macro in all top-level templates, if not already present.
Recommended form: {%- from 'util/assetcache.html' import asset -%}
Then add a key to CACHE_VER in util/assetcache.html.
Then replace the asset path in templates eg: {{asset('css/main.css')}}
For all future versions of those assets, one can simply increment
the value in util/assetcache.html instead. This will greatly reduce
git spam touching unrelated files and generally be clearer and easier.
Adds award to enable viewing profile visitors for non-mops and
non-patrons. This commit should encompass all frontend, backend, and
database changes necessary. Perhaps usable as a model for other
user upgrade flag awards.