fix duplicated posts in WPD

Aevann 2024-07-23 00:58:06 +03:00
parent b3f816a039
commit e62c2ca36d
1 changed files with 6 additions and 14 deletions

View File

def frontlist(v=None, sort="hot", page=1, t="all", ids_only=True, filter_words='', gt=0, lt=0, hole=None, pins=True, effortposts_only=False, hide_cw=False, is_community=False):
posts = g.db.query(Post)
posts = g.db.query(Post).options(load_only(
if v and v.hidevotedon:
posts = posts.outerjoin(Vote,
@ -182,20 +182,12 @@ def frontlist(v=None, sort="hot", page=1, t="all", ids_only=True, filter_words='
elif page == 1 and not hole and sort == "hot":
posts = posts.filter(Post.hole != 'pets')
posts = posts.options(load_only( * (page - 1))
if SITE_NAME == 'WPD' and sort == "hot" and hole == None and not is_community:
posts = posts.limit(200).all()
posts_in_limited_holes = [x for x in posts if x.hole in LIMITED_WPD_HOLES]
captured_holes = set()
for post in posts_in_limited_holes:
if len(captured_holes) < 3 and post.hole not in captured_holes:
posts = posts[:size]
if SITE_NAME == 'WPD' and sort == "hot" and hole == None and not is_community:
posts1 = posts.filter(Post.hole.notin_(LIMITED_WPD_HOLES)).offset((size - 3) * (page - 1)).limit(size - 3).all()
posts2 = posts.filter(Post.hole.in_(LIMITED_WPD_HOLES)).offset(3 * (page - 1)).limit(3).all()
posts = posts1 + posts2
posts = posts.limit(size).all()
posts = posts.offset(size * (page - 1)).limit(size).all()
if pins and page == 1 and not gt and not lt:
if hole: