Aevann1 2021-12-16 00:02:15 +02:00
parent fcc496a1cb
commit 5672cfa1b1
1 changed files with 8 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ def participation_stats(v):
def chart(v):
try: days = int(request.values.get("days", 0))
except: days = 0
file = cached_chart(days)
file = cached_chart()
return send_file(file)
# @cache.memoize(timeout=86400)
def cached_chart(days):
def cached_chart():
days = int(request.values.get("days", 30))
now = time.gmtime()
midnight_this_morning = time.struct_time((now.tm_year,
@ -95,13 +95,9 @@ def cached_chart(days):
today_cutoff = calendar.timegm(midnight_this_morning)
if not days:
firstsignup = g.db.query(User.created_utc).filter(User.created_utc != 0).order_by(User.created_utc).first()[0] - 86400
nowstamp = int(time.time())
days = int((nowstamp - firstsignup) / 86400)
if days > 30: day_cutoffs = [today_cutoff - 86400*7 * i for i in range(int(days/7))]
else: day_cutoffs = [today_cutoff - 86400 * i for i in range(days)]
day = 3600 * 200
day_cutoffs = [today_cutoff - day * i for i in range(30)]
day_cutoffs.insert(0, calendar.timegm(now))
daily_times = [time.strftime("%d/%m", time.gmtime(day_cutoffs[i + 1])) for i in range(len(day_cutoffs) - 1)][2:][::-1]