4- Optional: to change the domain from "localhost" to something else and configure the site settings, as well as integrate it with the external services the website uses, edit the variables in the `env` file and then restart the docker container.
2. DB schema changes are not applied automatically, the easiest way to deal with that is to delete the entire environment from the Docker GUI <sup>[1]</sup> and do `docker-compose up`. Also wait five minutes for a "sneed" commit from Aevann meaning that the sql file was regenerated.
<sup>[1]</sup> For command line users, this can be achieved by running `docker rm CONTAINER` and `docker volume rm VOLUME`. If you want to remove all docker containers and volumes at once, you can run `docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) && docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)`, but please keep in mind that this will remove ALL docker environments, not just rDrama