#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Create a copy of the emoji images that instantiates aliases, etc. as symlinks.""" import argparse import glob import os from os import path import re import shutil from nototools import tool_utils # copied from third_party/color_emoji/add_glyphs.py EXTRA_SEQUENCES = { 'u1F46A': '1F468_200D_1F469_200D_1F466', # MWB 'u1F491': '1F469_200D_2764_FE0F_200D_1F468', # WHM 'u1F48F': '1F469_200D_2764_FE0F_200D_1F48B_200D_1F468', # WHKM } # Flag aliases - from: to FLAG_ALIASES = { 'BV': 'NO', 'CP': 'FR', 'HM': 'AU', 'SJ': 'NO', 'UM': 'US', } OMITTED_FLAGS = set( 'BL BQ DG EA EH FK GF GP GS MF MQ NC PM RE TF WF XK YT'.split()) def _flag_str(ris_pair): return '_'.join('%04x' % (ord(cp) - ord('A') + 0x1f1e6) for cp in ris_pair) def _copy_files(src, dst): """Copies files named 'emoji_u*.png' from dst to src, and return a set of the names with 'emoji_u' and the extension stripped.""" code_strings = set() tool_utils.check_dir_exists(src) dst = tool_utils.ensure_dir_exists(dst, clean=True) for f in glob.glob(path.join(src, 'emoji_u*.png')): shutil.copy(f, dst) code_strings.add(path.splitext(path.basename(f))[0][7:]) return code_strings def _alias_people(code_strings, dst): """Create aliases for people in dst, based on code_strings.""" for src, ali in sorted(EXTRA_SEQUENCES.items()): if src[1:].lower() in code_strings: src_name = 'emoji_%s.png' % src.lower() ali_name = 'emoji_u%s.png' % ali.lower() print 'creating symlink %s -> %s' % (ali_name, src_name) os.symlink(path.join(dst, src_name), path.join(dst, ali_name)) else: print >> os.stderr, 'people image %s not found' % src def _alias_flags(code_strings, dst): for ali, src in sorted(FLAG_ALIASES.items()): src_str = _flag_str(src) if src_str in code_strings: src_name = 'emoji_u%s.png' % src_str ali_name = 'emoji_u%s.png' % _flag_str(ali) print 'creating symlink %s (%s) -> %s (%s)' % (ali_name, ali, src_name, src) os.symlink(path.join(dst, src_name), path.join(dst, ali_name)) else: print >> os.stderr, 'flag image %s (%s) not found' % (src_name, src) def _alias_omitted_flags(code_strings, dst): UNKNOWN_FLAG = 'fe82b' if UNKNOWN_FLAG not in code_strings: print >> os.stderr, 'unknown flag missing' return dst_name = 'emoji_u%s.png' % UNKNOWN_FLAG dst_path = path.join(dst, dst_name) for ali in sorted(OMITTED_FLAGS): ali_str = _flag_str(ali) if ali_str in code_strings: print >> os.stderr, 'omitted flag %s has image %s' % (ali, ali_str) continue ali_name = 'emoji_u%s.png' % ali_str print 'creating symlink %s (%s) -> unknown_flag (%s)' % ( ali_str, ali, dst_name) os.symlink(dst_path, path.join(dst, ali_name)) def materialize_images(src, dst): code_strings = _copy_files(src, dst) _alias_people(code_strings, dst) _alias_flags(code_strings, dst) _alias_omitted_flags(code_strings, dst) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-s', '--srcdir', help='path to input sources', metavar='dir', default = 'build/compressed_pngs') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--dstdir', help='destination for output images', metavar='dir') args = parser.parse_args() materialize_images(args.srcdir, args.dstdir) if __name__ == '__main__': main()