#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2015 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Google Author(s): Doug Felt import argparse import codecs import os.path import re import sys from xml.parsers import expat from xml.sax import saxutils # Expat doesn't allow me to identify empty tags (in particular, with an # empty tag the parse location for the start and end is not the same) so I # have to take a dom-like approach if I want to identify them. There are a # lot of empty tags in svg. This way I can do some other kinds of cleanup # as well (remove unnecessary 'g' elements, for instance). # Use nodes instead of tuples and strings because it's easier to mutate # a tree of these, and cleaner will want to do this. class _Elem_Node(object): def __init__(self, name, attrs, contents): self.name = name self.attrs = attrs self.contents = contents def __repr__(self): line = ["elem(name: '%s'" % self.name] if self.attrs: line.append(" attrs: '%s'" % self.attrs) if self.contents: line.append(" contents[%s]: '%s'" % (len(self.contents), self.contents)) line.append(')') return ''.join(line) class _Text_Node(object): def __init__(self, text): self.text = text def __repr__(self): return "text('%s')" % self.text class SvgCleaner(object): """Strip out unwanted parts of an svg file, primarily the xml declaration and doctype lines, comments, and some attributes of the outermost element. The id will be replaced when it is inserted into the font. viewBox causes unwanted scaling when used in a font and its effect is difficult to predict. version is unneeded, xml:space is ignored (we're processing spaces so a request to maintain them has no effect). enable-background appears to have no effect. x and y on the outermost svg element have no effect. We keep width and height, and will elsewhere assume these are the dimensions used for the character box.""" def __init__(self): self.reader = SvgCleaner._Reader() self.cleaner = SvgCleaner._Cleaner() self.writer = SvgCleaner._Writer() class _Reader(object): """Loosely based on fonttools's XMLReader. This generates a tree of nodes, either element nodes or text nodes. Successive text content is merged into one node, so contents will never contain more than one _Text_Node in a row. This drops comments, xml declarations, and doctypes.""" def _reset(self, parser): self._stack = [] self._textbuf = [] def _start_element(self, name, attrs): self._flush_textbuf() node = _Elem_Node(name, attrs, []) if len(self._stack): self._stack[-1].contents.append(node) self._stack.append(node) def _end_element(self, name): self._flush_textbuf() if len(self._stack) > 1: self._stack = self._stack[:-1] def _character_data(self, data): if len(self._stack): self._textbuf.append(data) def _flush_textbuf(self): if self._textbuf: node = _Text_Node(''.join(self._textbuf)) self._stack[-1].contents.append(node) self._textbuf = [] def from_text(self, data): """Return the root node of a tree representing the svg data.""" parser = expat.ParserCreate() parser.StartElementHandler = self._start_element parser.EndElementHandler = self._end_element parser.CharacterDataHandler = self._character_data self._reset(parser) parser.Parse(data) return self._stack[0] class _Cleaner(object): def _clean_elem(self, node): nattrs = {} for k, v in node.attrs.items(): if node.name == 'svg' and k in [ 'x', 'y', 'id', 'version', 'viewBox', 'width', 'height', 'enable-background', 'xml:space']: continue v = re.sub('\s+', ' ', v) nattrs[k] = v node.attrs = nattrs # scan contents. remove any empty text nodes, or empty 'g' element nodes. # if a 'g' element has no attrs and only one subnode, replace it with the # subnode. wpos = 0 for n in node.contents: if isinstance(n, _Text_Node): if not n.text: continue elif n.name == 'g': if not n.contents: continue if not n.attrs and len(n.contents) == 1: n = n.contents[0] node.contents[wpos] = n wpos += 1 if wpos < len(node.contents): node.contents = node.contents[:wpos] def _clean_text(self, node): text = node.text.strip() # common case is text is empty (line endings between elements) if text: text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text) node.text = text def clean(self, node): if isinstance(node, _Text_Node): self._clean_text(node) else: # do contents first, so we can check for empty subnodes after for n in node.contents: self.clean(n) self._clean_elem(node) class _Writer(object): """For text nodes, replaces sequences of whitespace with a single space. For elements, replaces sequences of whitespace in attributes, and removes unwanted attributes from elements.""" def _write_node(self, node, lines, indent): """Node is a node generated by _Reader, either a TextNode or an ElementNode. Lines is a list to collect the lines of output. Indent is the indentation level for this node.""" if isinstance(node, _Text_Node): if node.text: lines.append(node.text) else: margin = ' ' * indent line = [margin] line.append('<%s' % node.name) for k in sorted(node.attrs.keys()): v = node.attrs[k] line.append(' %s=%s' % (k, saxutils.quoteattr(v))) if node.contents: line.append('>') lines.append(''.join(line)) for elem in node.contents: self._write_node(elem, lines, indent + 1) line = [margin] line.append('' % node.name) lines.append(''.join(line)) else: line.append('/>') lines.append(''.join(line)) def to_text(self, root): # set up lines for recursive calls, let them append lines, then return # the result. lines = [] self._write_node(root, lines, 0) return '\n'.join(lines) def tree_from_text(self, svg_text): return self.reader.from_text(svg_text) def clean_tree(self, svg_tree): self.cleaner.clean(svg_tree) def tree_to_text(self, svg_tree): return self.writer.to_text(svg_tree) def clean_svg(self, svg_text): """Return the cleaned svg_text.""" tree = self.tree_from_text(svg_text) self.clean_tree(tree) return self.tree_to_text(tree) def clean_svg_files(in_dir, out_dir, match_pat=None, quiet=False): regex = re.compile(match_pat) if match_pat else None count = 0 if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) if not quiet: print 'created output directory: %s' % out_dir cleaner = SvgCleaner() for file_name in os.listdir(in_dir): if regex and not regex.match(file_name): continue in_path = os.path.join(in_dir, file_name) with open(in_path) as in_fp: result = cleaner.clean_svg(in_fp.read()) out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, file_name) with codecs.open(out_path, 'w', 'utf-8') as out_fp: if not quiet: print 'wrote: %s' % out_path out_fp.write(result) count += 1 if not count: print 'failed to match any files' else: print 'processed %s files to %s' % (count, out_dir) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate 'cleaned' svg files.") parser.add_argument('in_dir', help='Input directory.') parser.add_argument('out_dir', help='Output directory.') parser.add_argument('regex', help='Regex to select files, default matches all files.', default=None) parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', help='Quiet operation.', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() clean_svg_files(args.in_dir, args.out_dir, match_pat=args.regex, quiet=args.quiet) if __name__ == '__main__': main()