Update generate_emoji_html.

Main changes are:
- Uses correct path to the font when a font is used. With standalone, also
  copies the font to under the destination directory.
- Canonical sequences are used in text rendered by a font.  Chrome handles
  these better (though still not perfectly).
- The description column now is renamed 'Sequence' and shows the
  (canonical) codepoint sequence for all emoji.  It also continues to show
  the component images for sequences.
- The name column now always shows the sequence name using the unicode
  data.  Single character emoji that are not default emoji presentation
  now have the names prefixed by '(emoji)'.  Names for the unknown flag
  PUA char and for the combining enclosing keycaps char (not technically
  an emoji but an emoji component) are special-cased, they are not in the
  emoji sequence name data built by unicode_data.
Doug Felt 2017-02-08 18:00:30 -08:00
parent 930dfa805a
commit f68991b34b
1 changed files with 65 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ from os import path
import re
import shutil
import sys
from nototools import tool_utils
from nototools import unicode_data
_default_dir = 'png/128'
@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ def _merge_keys(dicts):
return frozenset(keys)
def _generate_row_cells(key, font, dir_infos, basepaths, colors):
def _generate_row_cells(key, canonical_key, font, dir_infos, basepaths, colors):
CELL_PREFIX = '<td>'
indices = range(len(basepaths))
def _cell(key, info, basepath):
@ -60,13 +62,7 @@ def _generate_row_cells(key, font, dir_infos, basepaths, colors):
basepath, info.filemap[key])
return '-missing-'
def _text_cell(key, text_dir):
def _cp_seq(cp):
# comment this out for now
if False and cp in [ord('*'), 0x2640, 0x2642, 0x2695]:
return unichr(cp) + unichr(0xfe0f)
return unichr(cp)
text = ''.join(_cp_seq(cp) for cp in key)
text = ''.join(unichr(cp) for cp in canonical_key)
return '<span class="efont" dir="%s">%s</span>' % (text_dir, text)
if font:
@ -99,17 +95,25 @@ def _get_desc(key_tuple, dir_infos, basepaths):
def _get_part(cp):
if cp == 0x200d: # zwj, common so replace with '+'
return '+'
if cp == 0xfe0f: # emoji variation selector, we ignore it
return None
if unicode_data.is_regional_indicator(cp):
return unicode_data.regional_indicator_to_ascii(cp)
if unicode_data.is_tag(cp):
return unicode_data.tag_character_to_ascii(cp)
fname = _get_filepath(cp)
if fname:
return '<img src="%s">' % fname
return '%04X' % cp
raise Exception()
if len(key_tuple) == 1:
desc = 'U+%04X' % key_tuple
desc = '%04x' % key_tuple
desc = ' '.join(filter(None, [_get_part(cp) for cp in key_tuple]))
desc = ' '.join('%04x' % cp for cp in key_tuple)
if len(unicode_data.strip_emoji_vs(key_tuple)) > 1:
desc += ' (%s)' % ''.join(
_get_part(cp) for cp in key_tuple if cp != 0xfe0f)
return CELL_PREFIX + desc
@ -118,15 +122,16 @@ def _get_name(key_tuple, annotated_tuples):
'' if annotated_tuples is None or key_tuple not in annotated_tuples
else ' class="aname"')
if len(key_tuple) != 1:
name = '(' + ' '.join('U+%04X' % cp for cp in key_tuple) + ')'
cp = key_tuple[0]
if cp in unicode_data.proposed_emoji_cps():
name = '(proposed) ' + unicode_data.proposed_emoji_name(cp)
seq_name = unicode_data.get_emoji_sequence_name(key_tuple)
if seq_name == None:
if key_tuple == (0x20e3,):
seq_name = '(combining enlosing keycap)'
elif key_tuple == (0xfe82b,):
seq_name = '(unknown flag PUA codepoint)'
name = unicode_data.name(cp, '(error)')
return CELL_PREFIX + name
print 'no name for %s' % unicode_data.seq_to_string(key_tuple)
seq_name = '(oops)'
return CELL_PREFIX + seq_name
def _collect_aux_info(dir_infos, all_keys):
@ -221,15 +226,24 @@ def _generate_content(
header_row.extend([info.title for info in dir_infos])
if len(colors) > 1:
header_row.extend([dir_infos[-1].title] * (len(colors) - 1))
header_row.extend(['Description', 'Name'])
header_row.extend(['Sequence', 'Name'])
for key in sorted(all_keys):
row = []
row.extend(_generate_row_cells(key, font, dir_infos, basepaths, colors))
row.append(_get_desc(key, dir_infos, basepaths))
row.append(_get_name(key, annotate))
canonical_key = unicode_data.get_canonical_emoji_sequence(key)
if not canonical_key:
canonical_key = key
key, canonical_key, font, dir_infos, basepaths, colors))
row.append(_get_desc(canonical_key, dir_infos, basepaths))
row.append(_get_name(canonical_key, annotate))
raise Exception('couldn\'t decode %s' % row)
return '\n <tr>'.join(lines) + '\n</table>'
@ -365,10 +379,10 @@ STYLE = """
th { background-color: rgb(210, 210, 210) }
td img { width: 64px; height: 64px }
td:nth-last-of-type(2) {
font-size: 20pt; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(210, 210, 210)
font-size: 18pt; font-weight: regular; background-color: rgb(210, 210, 210)
td:nth-last-of-type(2) img {
vertical-align: middle; width: 32px; height: 32px
vertical-align: bottom; width: 32px; height: 32px
td:last-of-type { background-color: white }
td.aname { background-color: rgb(250, 65, 75) }
@ -377,6 +391,29 @@ STYLE = """
def write_html_page(
filename, page_title, font, dir_infos, limit, annotate, standalone,
out_dir = path.dirname(filename)
if font:
if standalone:
# the assumption with standalone is that the source data and
# output directory don't overlap, this should probably be checked...
rel_fontpath = path.join('font', path.basename(font))
new_font = path.join(out_dir, rel_fontpath)
shutil.copy2(font, new_font)
font = rel_fontpath
common_prefix, (rel_dir, rel_font) = tool_utils.commonpathprefix(
[out_dir, font])
if rel_dir == '':
# font is in a subdirectory of the target, so just use the relative
# path
font = rel_font
# use the absolute path
font = path.normpath(path.join(common_prefix, rel_font))
content = _generate_content(
path.dirname(filename), font, dir_infos, limit, annotate, standalone,
@ -461,7 +498,6 @@ def main():
args.colors = """eceff1 f5f5f5 e4e7e9 d9dbdd 080808 263238 21272b 3c474c
4db6ac 80cbc4 5e35b1""".split()
dir_infos = _get_dir_infos(
args.image_dirs, args.exts, args.prefixes, args.titles,
args.default_ext, args.default_prefix)