diff --git a/add_svg_glyphs.py b/add_svg_glyphs.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..413f0d398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/add_svg_glyphs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Google Author(s): Doug Felt
+"""Tool to update GSUB, hmtx, cmap, glyf tables with svg image glyphs."""
+import argparse
+import glob
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+# find the noto root, so we can get nototools
+# alternatively we could just define PYTHONPATH or always run this from
+# noto root, but for testing we might not always be doing that.
+_noto_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..'))
+from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables
+from fontTools.ttLib.tables import _g_l_y_f
+from fontTools.ttLib.tables import S_V_G_ as SVG
+from fontTools import ttx
+from nototools import add_emoji_gsub
+import svg_builder
+import svg_cleaner
+class FontBuilder(object):
+ """A utility for mutating a ttx font. This maintains glyph_order, cmap, and hmtx tables,
+ and optionally GSUB, glyf, and SVN tables as well."""
+ def __init__(self, font):
+ self.font = font;
+ self.glyph_order = font.getGlyphOrder()
+ self.cmap = font['cmap'].tables[0].cmap
+ self.hmtx = font['hmtx'].metrics
+ def init_gsub(self):
+ """Call this if you are going to add ligatures to the font. Creates a GSUB table
+ if there isn't one already."""
+ if hasattr(self, 'ligatures'):
+ return
+ font = self.font
+ if 'GSUB' not in font:
+ ligature_subst = otTables.LigatureSubst()
+ ligature_subst.ligatures = {}
+ lookup = otTables.Lookup()
+ lookup.LookupType = 4
+ lookup.LookupFlag = 0
+ lookup.SubTableCount = 1
+ lookup.SubTable = [ligature_subst]
+ font['GSUB'] = add_emoji_gsub.create_simple_gsub([lookup])
+ else:
+ lookup = font['GSUB'].table.LookupList.Lookup[0]
+ assert lookup.LookupType == 4
+ assert lookup.LookupFlag == 0
+ self.ligatures = lookup.SubTable[0].ligatures
+ def init_glyf(self):
+ """Call this if you need to create empty glyf entries in the font when you add a new
+ glyph."""
+ if hasattr(self, 'glyphs'):
+ return
+ font = self.font
+ if 'glyf' not in font:
+ glyf_table = _g_l_y_f.table__g_l_y_f()
+ glyf_table.glyphs = {}
+ glyf_table.glyphOrder = self.glyph_order
+ font['glyf'] = glyf_table
+ self.glyphs = font['glyf'].glyphs
+ def init_svg(self):
+ """Call this if you expect to add SVG images in the font. This calls init_glyf since SVG
+ support currently requires fallback glyf records for each SVG image."""
+ if hasattr(self, 'svgs'):
+ return
+ # svg requires glyf
+ self.init_glyf()
+ font = self.font
+ if 'SVG ' not in font:
+ svg_table = SVG.table_S_V_G_()
+ svg_table.docList = []
+ svg_table.colorPalettes = None
+ font['SVG '] = svg_table
+ self.svgs = font['SVG '].docList
+ def glyph_name(self, string):
+ return "_".join(["u%04X" % ord(char) for char in string])
+ def glyph_name_to_index(self, name):
+ return self.glyph_order.index(name) if name in self.glyph_order else -1;
+ def glyph_index_to_name(self, glyph_index):
+ if glyph_index < len(self.glyph_order):
+ return self.glyph_order[glyph_index]
+ return ''
+ def have_glyph(self, name):
+ return self.name_to_glyph_index >= 0
+ def _add_ligature(self, glyphstr):
+ lig = otTables.Ligature()
+ lig.CompCount = len(glyphstr)
+ lig.Component = [self.glyph_name(ch) for ch in glyphstr[1:]]
+ lig.LigGlyph = self.glyph_name(glyphstr)
+ first = self.glyph_name(glyphstr[0])
+ try:
+ self.ligatures[first].append(lig)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.ligatures[first] = [lig]
+ def _add_empty_glyph(self, glyphstr, name):
+ """Create an empty glyph. If glyphstr is not a ligature, add a cmap entry for it."""
+ if len(glyphstr) == 1:
+ self.cmap[ord(glyphstr)] = name
+ self.hmtx[name] = [0, 0]
+ self.glyph_order.append(name)
+ if hasattr(self, 'glyphs'):
+ self.glyphs[name] = _g_l_y_f.Glyph()
+ def add_components_and_ligature(self, glyphstr):
+ """Convert glyphstr to a name and check if it already exists. If not, check if it is a
+ ligature (longer than one codepoint), and if it is, generate empty glyphs with cmap
+ entries for any missing ligature components and add a ligature record. Then generate
+ an empty glyph for the name. Return a tuple with the name, index, and a bool
+ indicating whether the glyph already existed."""
+ name = self.glyph_name(glyphstr)
+ index = self.glyph_name_to_index(name)
+ exists = index >= 0
+ if not exists:
+ if len(glyphstr) > 1:
+ for char in glyphstr:
+ if ord(char) not in self.cmap:
+ char_name = self.glyph_name(char)
+ self._add_empty_glyph(char, char_name)
+ self._add_ligature(glyphstr)
+ index = len(self.glyph_order)
+ self._add_empty_glyph(glyphstr, name)
+ return name, index, exists
+ def add_svg(self, doc, hmetrics, name, index):
+ """Add an svg table entry. If hmetrics is not None, update the hmtx table. This
+ expects the glyph has already been added."""
+ # sanity check to make sure name and index correspond.
+ assert name == self.glyph_index_to_name(index)
+ if hmetrics:
+ self.hmtx[name] = hmetrics
+ svg_record = (doc, index, index) # startGlyphId, endGlyphId are the same
+ self.svgs.append(svg_record)
+def collect_glyphstr_file_pairs(prefix, ext, include=None, exclude=None, verbosity=1):
+ """Scan files with the given prefix and extension, and return a list of (glyphstr,
+ filename) where glyphstr is the character or ligature, and filename is the image file
+ associated with it. The glyphstr is formed by decoding the filename (exclusive of the
+ prefix) as a sequence of hex codepoints separated by underscore. Include, if defined, is
+ a regex string to include only matched filenames. Exclude, if defined, is a regex string
+ to exclude matched filenames, and is applied after include."""
+ image_files = {}
+ glob_pat = "%s*.%s" % (prefix, ext)
+ leading = len(prefix)
+ trailing = len(ext) + 1 # include dot
+ if verbosity:
+ print "Looking for images matching '%s'." % glob_pat
+ ex_count = 0
+ ex = re.compile(exclude) if exclude else None
+ inc = re.compile(include) if include else None
+ if verbosity and inc:
+ print "Including images matching '%s'." % include
+ if verbosity and ex:
+ print "Excluding images matching '%s'." % exclude
+ for image_file in glob.glob(glob_pat):
+ if inc and not inc.search(image_file):
+ continue
+ if ex and ex.search(image_file):
+ if verbosity > 1:
+ print "Exclude %s" % image_file
+ ex_count += 1
+ continue
+ codes = image_file[leading:-trailing]
+ if "_" in codes:
+ pieces = codes.split ("_")
+ u = "".join ([unichr(int(code, 16)) for code in pieces])
+ else:
+ u = unichr(int(codes, 16))
+ image_files[u] = image_file
+ if verbosity and ex_count:
+ print "Excluded %d files." % ex_count
+ if not image_files:
+ raise Exception ("No image files matching '%s'." % glob_pat)
+ if verbosity:
+ print "Included %s files." % len(image_files)
+ return image_files.items()
+def sort_glyphstr_tuples(glyphstr_tuples):
+ """The list contains tuples whose first element is a string representing a character or
+ ligature. It is sorted with shorter glyphstrs first, then alphabetically. This ensures
+ that ligature components are added to the font before any ligatures that contain them."""
+ glyphstr_tuples.sort(key=lambda t: (len(t[0]), t[0]))
+def add_image_glyphs(in_file, out_file, pairs, verbosity=1):
+ """Add images from pairs (glyphstr, filename) to .ttx file in_file and write
+ to .ttx file out_file."""
+ quiet = verbosity < 2
+ font = ttx.TTFont(quiet=quiet)
+ font.importXML(in_file, quiet=quiet)
+ sort_glyphstr_tuples(pairs)
+ font_builder = FontBuilder(font)
+ # we've already sorted by length, so the longest glyphstrs are at the end. To see if
+ # we have ligatures, we just need to check the last one.
+ if len(pairs[-1][0]) > 1:
+ font_builder.init_gsub()
+ img_builder = svg_builder.SvgBuilder(font_builder)
+ for glyphstr, filename in pairs:
+ if verbosity > 1:
+ print "Adding glyph for U+%s" % ",".join(["%04X" % ord(char) for char in glyphstr])
+ img_builder.add_from_filename(glyphstr, filename)
+ font.saveXML(out_file, quiet=quiet)
+ if verbosity:
+ print "added %s images to %s" % (len(pairs), out_file)
+def main(argv):
+ usage = """This will search for files that have image_prefix followed by one or more
+ hex numbers (separated by underscore if more than one), and end in ".svg".
+ For example, if image_prefix is "icons/u", then files with names like
+ "icons/u1F4A9.svg" or "icons/u1F1EF_1F1F5.svg" will be loaded. The script
+ then adds cmap, htmx, and potentially GSUB entries for the Unicode
+ characters found. The advance width will be chosen based on image aspect
+ ratio. If Unicode values outside the BMP are desired, the existing cmap
+ table should be of the appropriate (format 12) type. Only the first cmap
+ table and the first GSUB lookup (if existing) are modified."""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Update cmap, glyf, GSUB, and hmtx tables from image glyphs.", epilog=usage)
+ parser.add_argument('in_file', help="Input ttx file name.")
+ parser.add_argument('out_file', help="Output ttx file name.")
+ parser.add_argument('image_prefix', help="Location and prefix of image files.")
+ parser.add_argument('-i', '--include', help='include files whoses name matches this regex')
+ parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', help='exclude files whose name matches this regex')
+ parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', dest='v', help="quiet operation.", default=1,
+ action='store_const', const=0)
+ parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', dest='v', help="verbose operation.",
+ action='store_const', const=2)
+ args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ pairs = collect_glyphstr_file_pairs(args.image_prefix, 'svg', include=args.include,
+ exclude=args.exclude, verbosity=args.v)
+ add_image_glyphs(args.in_file, args.out_file, pairs, verbosity=args.v)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/generate_test_html.py b/generate_test_html.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d4df53713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generate_test_html.py
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Google Author(s): Doug Felt
+import argparse
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
+from fontTools import ttx
+import add_svg_glyphs
+def do_generate_test_html(font_basename, pairs, glyph=None, verbosity=1):
+ header = r"""
+ body_head = r"""
Test for SVG glyphs in %(font)s. It uses the proposed
+SVG-in-OpenType format.
+View using Firefox 26 and later.
+ body_tail = r"""
+ font_name = font_basename + ".woff"
+ html_name = font_basename + "_test.html"
+ found_initial_glyph = False
+ initial_glyph_str = None;
+ initial_glyph_hex = None;
+ text_parts = []
+ for glyphstr, _ in pairs:
+ name_parts = []
+ hex_parts = []
+ for cp in glyphstr:
+ hex_str = hex(ord(cp))
+ name_parts.append('%s;' % hex_str[2:])
+ hex_parts.append(hex_str)
+ glyph_str = ''.join(name_parts)
+ if not found_initial_glyph:
+ if not glyph or glyph_str == glyph:
+ initial_glyph_str = glyph_str
+ initial_glyph_hex = ' '.join(hex_parts)
+ found_initial_glyph = True
+ elif not initial_glyph_str:
+ initial_glyph_str = glyph_str
+ initial_glyph_hex = ' '.join(hex_parts)
+ text = '%s' % glyph_str
+ text_parts.append(text)
+ if verbosity and glyph and not found_initial_glyph:
+ print "Did not find glyph '%s', using initial glyph '%s'" % (glyph, initial_glyph_str)
+ elif verbosity > 1 and not glyph:
+ print "Using initial glyph '%s'" % initial_glyph_str
+ lines = [header % font_name]
+ lines.append(body_head % {'font':font_name, 'glyph':initial_glyph_str,
+ 'glyph_hex':initial_glyph_hex})
+ lines.extend(text_parts) # we'll end up with space between each emoji
+ lines.append(body_tail)
+ output = '\n'.join(lines)
+ with open(html_name, 'w') as fp:
+ fp.write(output)
+ if verbosity:
+ print 'Wrote ' + html_name
+def do_generate_fonts(template_file, font_basename, pairs, reuse=False, verbosity=1):
+ out_woff = font_basename + '.woff'
+ if reuse and os.path.isfile(out_woff) and os.access(out_woff, os.R_OK):
+ if verbosity:
+ print 'Reusing ' + out_woff
+ return
+ out_ttx = font_basename + '.ttx'
+ add_svg_glyphs.add_image_glyphs(template_file, out_ttx, pairs, verbosity=verbosity)
+ quiet=verbosity < 2
+ font = ttx.TTFont(flavor='woff', quiet=quiet)
+ font.importXML(out_ttx, quiet=quiet)
+ font.save(out_woff)
+ if verbosity:
+ print 'Wrote ' + out_woff
+def main(argv):
+ usage = """This will search for files that have image_prefix followed by one or more
+ hex numbers (separated by underscore if more than one), and end in ".svg".
+ For example, if image_prefix is "icons/u", then files with names like
+ "icons/u1F4A9.svg" or "icons/u1F1EF_1F1F5.svg" will be found. It generates
+ an SVG font from this, converts it to woff, and also generates an html test
+ page containing text for all the SVG glyphs."""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Generate font and html test file.', epilog=usage)
+ parser.add_argument('template_file', help='name of template .ttx file')
+ parser.add_argument('image_prefix', help='location and prefix of image files')
+ parser.add_argument('-i', '--include', help='include files whoses name matches this regex')
+ parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', help='exclude files whose name matches this regex')
+ parser.add_argument('-o', '--out_basename', help='base name of (ttx, woff, html) files to generate, '
+ 'defaults to the template base name')
+ parser.add_argument('-g', '--glyph', help='set the initial glyph text (html encoded string), '
+ 'defaults to first glyph')
+ parser.add_argument('-r', '--reuse_font', help='use existing woff font', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', dest='v', help='quiet operation', default=1,
+ action='store_const', const=0)
+ parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='v', help='verbose operation',
+ action='store_const', const=2)
+ args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ pairs = add_svg_glyphs.collect_glyphstr_file_pairs(
+ args.image_prefix, 'svg', include=args.include, exclude=args.exclude, verbosity=args.v)
+ add_svg_glyphs.sort_glyphstr_tuples(pairs)
+ out_basename = args.out_basename
+ if not out_basename:
+ out_basename = args.template_file.split('.')[0] # exclude e.g. '.tmpl.ttx'
+ if args.v:
+ print "Output basename is %s." % out_basename
+ do_generate_fonts(args.template_file, out_basename, pairs, reuse=args.reuse_font, verbosity=args.v)
+ do_generate_test_html(out_basename, pairs, glyph=args.glyph, verbosity=args.v)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/svg_builder.py b/svg_builder.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4684fc963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svg_builder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Google Author(s): Doug Felt
+import svg_cleaner
+class SvgBuilder(object):
+ """Modifies a font to add SVG glyphs from a document or string. Once built you
+ can call add_from_filename or add_from_doc multiple times to add SVG
+ documents, which should contain a single root svg element representing the glyph.
+ This element must have width and height attributes (in px), these are used to
+ determine how to scale the glyph. The svg should be designed to fit inside
+ this bounds and have its origin at the top left. Adding the svg generates a
+ transform to scale and position the glyph, so the svg element should not have
+ a transform attribute since it will be overwritten. Any id attribute on the
+ glyph is also overwritten.
+ Adding a glyph can generate additional default glyphs for components of a
+ ligature that are not already present.
+ It is possible to add SVG images to a font that already has corresponding
+ glyphs. If a glyph exists already, then its hmtx advance is assumed valid.
+ Otherwise we will generate an advance based on the image's width and scale
+ factor. Callers should ensure that glyphs for components of ligatures are
+ added before the ligatures themselves, otherwise glyphs generated for missing
+ ligature components will be assigned zero metrics metrics that will not be
+ overridden later."""
+ def __init__(self, font_builder):
+ font_builder.init_svg()
+ self.font_builder = font_builder
+ self.cleaner = svg_cleaner.SvgCleaner()
+ font = font_builder.font
+ self.font_ascent = font['hhea'].ascent
+ self.font_height = self.font_ascent - font['hhea'].descent
+ self.font_upem = font['head'].unitsPerEm
+ def add_from_filename(self, ustr, filename):
+ with open(filename, "r") as fp:
+ return self.add_from_doc(ustr, fp.read())
+ def _get_int_px(self, val):
+ if not val.lower().endswith('px'):
+ raise "expected width or height ending in 'px' but got: %s" % val
+ return int(val[:-2])
+ def add_from_doc(self, ustr, svgdoc):
+ """Cleans the svg doc, tweaks the root svg element's
+ attributes, then updates the font. ustr is the character or ligature
+ string, svgdoc is the svg document xml. The doc must have a single
+ svg root element."""
+ # The svg element must have an id attribute of the form 'glyphNNN' where NNN
+ # is the glyph id. We capture the index of the glyph we're adding and write
+ # it into the svg.
+ #
+ # We generate a transform that places the origin at the top left of the
+ # ascent and uniformly scales it to fit both the font height (ascent -
+ # descent) and glyph advance if it is already present. The width and height
+ # attributes are not used by rendering, so they are removed from the element
+ # once we're done with them.
+ cleaner = self.cleaner
+ fbuilder = self.font_builder
+ tree = cleaner.tree_from_text(svgdoc)
+ cleaner.clean_tree(tree)
+ name, index, exists = fbuilder.add_components_and_ligature(ustr)
+ tree.attrs['id'] = 'glyph%s' % index
+ image_width = self._get_int_px(tree.attrs.pop('width'))
+ image_height = self._get_int_px(tree.attrs.pop('height'))
+ scale = float(self.font_height) / image_height;
+ if exists:
+ width = fbuilder.hmtx[name][0]
+ # Special case for preexisting zero advance, we scale to height.
+ if width > 0:
+ hscale = float(width) / image_width;
+ if hscale < scale:
+ scale = hscale
+ transform = 'translate(0, -%s) scale(%s)' % (self.font_ascent, scale)
+ tree.attrs['transform'] = transform
+ svgdoc = cleaner.tree_to_text(tree)
+ hmetrics = None
+ if not exists:
+ # horiz advance and lsb
+ hmetrics = [int(round(image_width * scale)), 0]
+ fbuilder.add_svg(svgdoc, hmetrics, name, index)
diff --git a/svg_cleaner.py b/svg_cleaner.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..aaff92760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svg_cleaner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Google Author(s): Doug Felt
+import argparse
+import codecs
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
+from xml.parsers import expat
+from xml.sax import saxutils
+# Expat doesn't allow me to identify empty tags (in particular, with an
+# empty tag the parse location for the start and end is not the same) so I
+# have to take a dom-like approach if I want to identify them. There are a
+# lot of empty tags in svg. This way I can do some other kinds of cleanup
+# as well (remove unnecessary 'g' elements, for instance).
+# Use nodes instead of tuples and strings because it's easier to mutate
+# a tree of these, and cleaner will want to do this.
+class _Elem_Node(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, attrs, contents):
+ self.name = name
+ self.attrs = attrs
+ self.contents = contents
+ def __repr__(self):
+ line = ["elem(name: '%s'" % self.name]
+ if self.attrs:
+ line.append(" attrs: '%s'" % self.attrs)
+ if self.contents:
+ line.append(" contents[%s]: '%s'" % (len(self.contents), self.contents))
+ line.append(')')
+ return ''.join(line)
+class _Text_Node(object):
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ self.text = text
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "text('%s')" % self.text
+class SvgCleaner(object):
+ """Strip out unwanted parts of an svg file, primarily the xml declaration and
+ doctype lines, comments, and some attributes of the outermost