70 lines
1.7 KiB
70 lines
1.7 KiB
Post-nanoemoji processing of the Noto COLRv1 Emoji file.
For now substantially based on copying from a correct bitmap build.
from absl import app
from fontTools import ttLib
def _is_colrv1(font):
return (
"COLR" in font
and font["COLR"].version == 1
def _is_cbdt(font):
return "CBDT" in font
def _is_compat_font(font):
return (
"meta" in font
and "Emji" in font["meta"].data
def _copy_emojicompat_data(colr_font, cbdt_font):
colr_font["meta"] = cbdt_font["meta"]
def _set_name(name_table, nameID):
name_table.getName(value, nameID, 3, 1, 0x409)
def _set_name(name_table, nameID, value):
name_table.setName(value, nameID, 3, 1, 0x409)
def _copy_names(colr_font, cbdt_font):
colr_font["name"] = cbdt_font["name"]
name_table = colr_font["name"]
assert all((n.platformID, n.platEncID, n.langID) == (3, 1, 0x409)
for n in name_table.names), "Should only have names Android uses"
# Amendments
_set_name(name_table, 10, "Color emoji font using COLRv1.")
_set_name(name_table, 11, "https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji")
def main(argv):
if len(argv) != 3:
raise ValueError("Must have two args, a COLRv1 font and a CBDT emojicompat font")
colr_font = ttLib.TTFont(argv[1])
if not _is_colrv1(colr_font):
raise ValueError("First arg must be a COLRv1 font")
cbdt_font = ttLib.TTFont(argv[2])
if not _is_cbdt(cbdt_font) or not _is_compat_font(cbdt_font):
raise ValueError("Second arg must be a CBDT emojicompat font")
_copy_emojicompat_data(colr_font, cbdt_font)
_copy_names(colr_font, cbdt_font)
if __name__ == "__main__":