
577 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2013 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Google Author(s): Behdad Esfahbod, Stuart Gill, Roozbeh Pournader
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, struct
from png import PNG
import os
from os import path
from nototools import font_data
unichr # py2
except NameError:
unichr = chr # py3
def get_glyph_name_from_gsub (string, font, cmap_dict):
ligatures = font['GSUB'].table.LookupList.Lookup[0].SubTable[0].ligatures
first_glyph = cmap_dict[ord (string[0])]
rest_of_glyphs = [cmap_dict[ord (ch)] for ch in string[1:]]
for ligature in ligatures[first_glyph]:
if ligature.Component == rest_of_glyphs:
return ligature.LigGlyph
def div (a, b):
return int (round (a / float (b)))
class FontMetrics:
def __init__ (self, upem, ascent, descent):
self.upem = upem
self.ascent = ascent
self.descent = descent
class StrikeMetrics:
def __init__ (self, font_metrics, advance, bitmap_width, bitmap_height):
self.width = bitmap_width # in pixels
self.height = bitmap_height # in pixels
self.advance = advance # in font units
self.x_ppem = self.y_ppem = div (bitmap_width * font_metrics.upem, advance)
class GlyphMap:
def __init__ (self, glyph, offset, image_format):
self.glyph = glyph
self.offset = offset
self.image_format = image_format
# Based on
class CBDT:
def __init__ (self, font_metrics, options = (), stream = None): = stream if stream != None else bytearray ()
self.options = options
self.font_metrics = font_metrics
self.base_offset = 0
self.base_offset = self.tell ()
def tell (self):
return len ( - self.base_offset
def write (self, data): (data)
def data (self):
def write_header (self):
self.write (struct.pack (">L", 0x00030000)) # FIXED version
def start_strike (self, strike_metrics):
self.strike_metrics = strike_metrics
self.glyph_maps = []
def write_glyphs (self, glyphs, glyph_filenames, image_format):
write_func = self.image_write_func (image_format)
for glyph in glyphs:
img_file = glyph_filenames[glyph]
# print 'writing data for glyph %s' % path.basename(img_file)
offset = self.tell ()
write_func (PNG (img_file))
self.glyph_maps.append (GlyphMap (glyph, offset, image_format))
def end_strike (self):
self.glyph_maps.append (GlyphMap (None, self.tell (), None))
glyph_maps = self.glyph_maps
del self.glyph_maps
del self.strike_metrics
return glyph_maps
def write_glyphMetrics (self, width, height, big_metrics):
ascent = self.font_metrics.ascent
descent = self.font_metrics.descent
upem = self.font_metrics.upem
y_ppem = self.strike_metrics.y_ppem
x_bearing = 0
# center vertically
line_height = (ascent + descent) * y_ppem / float (upem)
line_ascent = ascent * y_ppem / float (upem)
y_bearing = int (round (line_ascent - .5 * (line_height - height)))
# fudge y_bearing if calculations are a bit off
if y_bearing == 128:
y_bearing = 127
advance = width
vert_x_bearing = - width / 2
vert_y_bearing = 0
vert_advance = height
# print "big glyph metrics h: %d w: %d" % (height, width)
# smallGlyphMetrics
# Type Name
# BYTE height
# BYTE width
# CHAR horiBearingX
# CHAR horiBearingY
# BYTE horiAdvance
# add for bigGlyphMetrics:
# CHAR vertBearingX
# CHAR vertBearingY
# BYTE vertAdvance
if big_metrics:
self.write (struct.pack ("BBbbBbbB",
height, width,
x_bearing, y_bearing,
vert_x_bearing, vert_y_bearing,
self.write (struct.pack ("BBbbB",
height, width,
x_bearing, y_bearing,
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("%s, h: %d w: %d x: %d y: %d %d a:" % (
e, height, width, x_bearing, y_bearing, advance))
def write_format1 (self, png):
import cairo
img = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png ( ())
if img.get_format () != cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32:
raise Exception ("Expected FORMAT_ARGB32, but image has format %d" % img.get_format ())
width = img.get_width ()
height = img.get_height ()
stride = img.get_stride ()
data = img.get_data ()
self.write_smallGlyphMetrics (width, height)
if sys.byteorder == "little" and stride == width * 4:
# Sweet. Data is in desired format, ship it!
self.write (data)
# Unexpected stride or endianness, do it the slow way
offset = 0
for y in range (height):
for x in range (width):
pixel = data[offset + 4 * x: offset + 4 * (x + 1)]
# Convert to little endian
pixel = struct.pack ("<I", struct.unpack ("@I", pixel)[0])
self.write (pixel)
offset += stride
png_allowed_chunks = [b"IHDR", b"PLTE", b"tRNS", b"sRGB", b"IDAT", b"IEND"]
def write_format17 (self, png):
self.write_format17or18(png, False)
def write_format18 (self, png):
self.write_format17or18(png, True)
def write_format17or18 (self, png, big_metrics):
width, height = png.get_size ()
if 'keep_chunks' not in self.options:
png = png.filter_chunks (self.png_allowed_chunks)
self.write_glyphMetrics (width, height, big_metrics)
png_data = ()
# ULONG data length
self.write (struct.pack(">L", len (png_data)))
self.write (png_data)
def image_write_func (self, image_format):
if image_format == 1: return self.write_format1
if image_format == 17: return self.write_format17
if image_format == 18: return self.write_format18
return None
# Based on
class CBLC:
def __init__ (self, font_metrics, options = (), stream = None): = stream if stream != None else bytearray ()
self.streams = []
self.options = options
self.font_metrics = font_metrics
self.base_offset = 0
self.base_offset = self.tell ()
def tell (self):
return len ( - self.base_offset
def write (self, data): (data)
def data (self):
def push_stream (self, stream):
self.streams.append ( = stream
def pop_stream (self):
stream = = self.streams.pop ()
return stream
def write_header (self):
self.write (struct.pack (">L", 0x00030000)) # FIXED version
def start_strikes (self, num_strikes):
self.num_strikes = num_strikes
self.write (struct.pack (">L", self.num_strikes)) # ULONG numSizes
self.bitmapSizeTables = bytearray ()
self.otherTables = bytearray ()
def write_strike (self, strike_metrics, glyph_maps):
self.strike_metrics = strike_metrics
self.write_bitmapSizeTable (glyph_maps)
del self.strike_metrics
def end_strikes (self):
self.write (self.bitmapSizeTables)
self.write (self.otherTables)
del self.bitmapSizeTables
del self.otherTables
def write_sbitLineMetrics_hori (self):
ascent = self.font_metrics.ascent
descent = self.font_metrics.descent
upem = self.font_metrics.upem
y_ppem = self.strike_metrics.y_ppem
# sbitLineMetrics
# Type Name
# CHAR ascender
# CHAR descender
# BYTE widthMax
# CHAR caretSlopeNumerator
# CHAR caretSlopeDenominator
# CHAR caretOffset
# CHAR minOriginSB
# CHAR minAdvanceSB
# CHAR maxBeforeBL
# CHAR minAfterBL
# CHAR pad1
# CHAR pad2
line_height = div ((ascent + descent) * y_ppem, upem)
ascent = div (ascent * y_ppem, upem)
descent = - (line_height - ascent)
self.write (struct.pack ("bbBbbbbbbbbb",
ascent, descent,
0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, # TODO
0, 0))
def write_sbitLineMetrics_vert (self):
self.write_sbitLineMetrics_hori () # XXX
def write_indexSubTable1 (self, glyph_maps):
image_format = glyph_maps[0].image_format
self.write (struct.pack(">H", 1)) # USHORT indexFormat
self.write (struct.pack(">H", image_format)) # USHORT imageFormat
imageDataOffset = glyph_maps[0].offset
self.write (struct.pack(">L", imageDataOffset)) # ULONG imageDataOffset
for gmap in glyph_maps[:-1]:
self.write (struct.pack(">L", gmap.offset - imageDataOffset)) # ULONG offsetArray
assert gmap.image_format == image_format
self.write (struct.pack(">L", glyph_maps[-1].offset - imageDataOffset))
def write_bitmapSizeTable (self, glyph_maps):
# count number of ranges
count = 1
start = glyph_maps[0].glyph
last_glyph = start
last_image_format = glyph_maps[0].image_format
for gmap in glyph_maps[1:-1]:
if last_glyph + 1 != gmap.glyph or last_image_format != gmap.image_format:
count += 1
last_glyph = gmap.glyph
last_image_format = gmap.image_format
headersLen = count * 8
headers = bytearray ()
subtables = bytearray ()
start = glyph_maps[0].glyph
start_id = 0
last_glyph = start
last_image_format = glyph_maps[0].image_format
last_id = 0
for gmap in glyph_maps[1:-1]:
if last_glyph + 1 != gmap.glyph or last_image_format != gmap.image_format:
headers.extend (struct.pack(">HHL", start, last_glyph, headersLen + len (subtables)))
self.push_stream (subtables)
self.write_indexSubTable1 (glyph_maps[start_id:last_id+2])
self.pop_stream ()
start = gmap.glyph
start_id = last_id + 1
last_glyph = gmap.glyph
last_image_format = gmap.image_format
last_id += 1
headers.extend (struct.pack(">HHL", start, last_glyph, headersLen + len (subtables)))
self.push_stream (subtables)
self.write_indexSubTable1 (glyph_maps[start_id:last_id+2])
self.pop_stream ()
indexTablesSize = len (headers) + len (subtables)
numberOfIndexSubTables = count
bitmapSizeTableSize = 48 * self.num_strikes
indexSubTableArrayOffset = 8 + bitmapSizeTableSize + len (self.otherTables)
self.push_stream (self.bitmapSizeTables)
# bitmapSizeTable
# Type Name Description
# ULONG indexSubTableArrayOffset offset to index subtable from beginning of CBLC.
self.write (struct.pack(">L", indexSubTableArrayOffset))
# ULONG indexTablesSize number of bytes in corresponding index subtables and array
self.write (struct.pack(">L", indexTablesSize))
# ULONG numberOfIndexSubTables an index subtable for each range or format change
self.write (struct.pack(">L", numberOfIndexSubTables))
# ULONG colorRef not used; set to 0.
self.write (struct.pack(">L", 0))
# sbitLineMetrics hori line metrics for text rendered horizontally
self.write_sbitLineMetrics_hori ()
self.write_sbitLineMetrics_vert ()
# sbitLineMetrics vert line metrics for text rendered vertically
# USHORT startGlyphIndex lowest glyph index for this size
self.write (struct.pack(">H", glyph_maps[0].glyph))
# USHORT endGlyphIndex highest glyph index for this size
self.write (struct.pack(">H", glyph_maps[-2].glyph))
# BYTE ppemX horizontal pixels per Em
self.write (struct.pack(">B", self.strike_metrics.x_ppem))
# BYTE ppemY vertical pixels per Em
self.write (struct.pack(">B", self.strike_metrics.y_ppem))
# BYTE bitDepth the Microsoft rasterizer v.1.7 or greater supports the
# following bitDepth values, as described below: 1, 2, 4, and 8.
self.write (struct.pack(">B", 32))
# CHAR flags vertical or horizontal (see bitmapFlags)
self.write (struct.pack(">b", 0x01))
self.pop_stream ()
self.push_stream (self.otherTables)
self.write (headers)
self.write (subtables)
self.pop_stream ()
def main (argv):
import glob
from fontTools import ttx, ttLib
options = []
option_map = {
"-V": "verbose",
"-O": "keep_outlines",
"-U": "uncompressed",
"-S": "small_glyph_metrics",
"-C": "keep_chunks",
for key, value in option_map.items ():
if key in argv:
options.append (value)
argv.remove (key)
if len (argv) < 4:
Usage: [-V] [-O] [-U] [-S] [-A] font.ttf out-font.ttf strike-prefix...
This will search for files that have strike-prefix followed
by a hex number, and end in ".png". For example, if strike-prefix
is "icons/uni", then files with names like "icons/uni1f4A9.png" will
be loaded. All images for the same strike should have the same size
for best results.
If multiple strike-prefix parameters are provided, multiple
strikes will be embedded, in the order provided.
The script then embeds color bitmaps in the font, for characters
that the font already supports, and writes the new font out.
If -V is given, verbose mode is enabled.
If -U is given, uncompressed images are stored (imageFormat=1).
If -S is given, PNG images are stored with small glyph metrics (imageFormat=17).
By default, PNG images are stored with big glyph metrics (imageFormat=18).
If -O is given, the outline tables ('glyf', 'CFF ') and
related tables are NOT dropped from the font.
By default they are dropped.
If -C is given, unused chunks (color profile, etc) are NOT
dropped from the PNG images when embedding.
By default they are dropped.
""", file=sys.stderr)
sys.exit (1)
font_file = argv[1]
out_file = argv[2]
img_prefixes = argv[3:]
del argv
def add_font_table (font, tag, data):
tab = ttLib.tables.DefaultTable.DefaultTable (tag) = data
font[tag] = tab
def drop_outline_tables (font):
for tag in ['cvt ', 'fpgm', 'glyf', 'loca', 'prep', 'CFF ', 'VORG']:
del font[tag]
except KeyError:
font = ttx.TTFont (font_file)
print("Loaded font '%s'." % font_file)
font_metrics = FontMetrics (font['head'].unitsPerEm,
print("Font metrics: upem=%d ascent=%d descent=%d." % \
(font_metrics.upem, font_metrics.ascent, font_metrics.descent))
glyph_metrics = font['hmtx'].metrics
unicode_cmap = font['cmap'].getcmap (3, 10)
if not unicode_cmap:
unicode_cmap = font['cmap'].getcmap (3, 1)
if not unicode_cmap:
raise Exception ("Failed to find a Unicode cmap.")
image_format = 1 if 'uncompressed' in options else (17
if 'small_glyph_metrics' in options else 18)
ebdt = CBDT (font_metrics, options)
ebdt.write_header ()
eblc = CBLC (font_metrics, options)
eblc.write_header ()
eblc.start_strikes (len (img_prefixes))
def is_vs(cp):
return cp >= 0xfe00 and cp <= 0xfe0f
for img_prefix in img_prefixes:
img_files = {}
glb = "%s*.png" % img_prefix
print("Looking for images matching '%s'." % glb)
for img_file in glob.glob (glb):
codes = img_file[len (img_prefix):-4]
if "_" in codes:
pieces = codes.split ("_")
cps = [int(code, 16) for code in pieces]
uchars = "".join (unichr(cp) for cp in cps if not is_vs(cp))
cp = int(codes, 16)
if is_vs(cp):
print("ignoring unexpected vs input %04x" % cp)
uchars = unichr(cp)
img_files[uchars] = img_file
if not img_files:
raise Exception ("No image files found in '%s'." % glb)
print("Found images for %d characters in '%s'." % (len (img_files), glb))
glyph_imgs = {}
advance = width = height = 0
for uchars, img_file in img_files.items ():
if len (uchars) == 1:
glyph_name = unicode_cmap.cmap[ord (uchars)]
print("no cmap entry for %x" % ord(uchars))
raise ValueError("%x" % ord(uchars))
glyph_name = get_glyph_name_from_gsub (uchars, font, unicode_cmap.cmap)
glyph_id = font.getGlyphID (glyph_name)
glyph_imgs[glyph_id] = img_file
if "verbose" in options:
uchars_name = ",".join (["%04X" % ord (char) for char in uchars])
# print "Matched U+%s: id=%d name=%s image=%s" % (
# uchars_name, glyph_id, glyph_name, img_file)
advance += glyph_metrics[glyph_name][0]
w, h = PNG (img_file).get_size ()
width += w
height += h
glyphs = sorted (glyph_imgs.keys ())
if not glyphs:
raise Exception ("No common characters found between font and '%s'." % glb)
print("Embedding images for %d glyphs for this strike." % len (glyphs))
advance, width, height = (div (x, len (glyphs)) for x in (advance, width, height))
strike_metrics = StrikeMetrics (font_metrics, advance, width, height)
print("Strike ppem set to %d." % (strike_metrics.y_ppem))
ebdt.start_strike (strike_metrics)
ebdt.write_glyphs (glyphs, glyph_imgs, image_format)
glyph_maps = ebdt.end_strike ()
eblc.write_strike (strike_metrics, glyph_maps)
ebdt = ()
add_font_table (font, 'CBDT', ebdt)
print("CBDT table synthesized: %d bytes." % len (ebdt))
eblc.end_strikes ()
eblc = ()
add_font_table (font, 'CBLC', eblc)
print("CBLC table synthesized: %d bytes." % len (eblc))
if 'keep_outlines' not in options:
drop_outline_tables (font)
print("Dropped outline ('glyf', 'CFF ') and related tables.")
# hack removal of cmap pua entry for unknown flag glyph. If we try to
# remove it earlier, getGlyphID dies. Need to restructure all of this
# code.
font_data.delete_from_cmap(font, [0xfe82b]) (out_file)
print("Output font '%s' generated." % out_file)
if __name__ == '__main__':
main (sys.argv)