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Post-nanoemoji processing of the Noto COLRv1 Emoji file.
For now substantially based on copying from a correct bitmap build.
from absl import app
2022-01-07 04:28:57 +00:00
import functools
from fontTools import ttLib
2022-01-07 04:28:57 +00:00
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables as ot
2021-12-24 01:44:08 +00:00
import map_pua_emoji
from nototools import add_vs_cmap
from nototools import unicode_data
def _is_colrv1(font):
return (
"COLR" in font
and font["COLR"].version == 1
def _is_cbdt(font):
return "CBDT" in font
def _is_compat_font(font):
return (
"meta" in font
and "Emji" in font["meta"].data
def _copy_emojicompat_data(colr_font, cbdt_font):
colr_font["meta"] = cbdt_font["meta"]
def _set_name(name_table, nameID):
name_table.getName(value, nameID, 3, 1, 0x409)
def _set_name(name_table, nameID, value):
name_table.setName(value, nameID, 3, 1, 0x409)
def _copy_names(colr_font, cbdt_font):
colr_font["name"] = cbdt_font["name"]
name_table = colr_font["name"]
assert all((n.platformID, n.platEncID, n.langID) == (3, 1, 0x409)
for n in name_table.names), "Should only have names Android uses"
# Amendments
_set_name(name_table, 10, "Color emoji font using COLRv1.")
_set_name(name_table, 11, "")
2021-12-24 01:44:08 +00:00
_set_name(name_table, 12, "")
# CBDT build step: @$(VS_ADDER) -vs 2640 2642 2695 --dstdir '.' -o "$@-with-pua-varsel" "$@-with-pua"
def _add_vs_cmap(colr_font):
emoji_variants = unicode_data.get_unicode_emoji_variants() | {0x2640, 0x2642, 0x2695}
add_vs_cmap.modify_font("COLRv1 Emoji", colr_font, "emoji", emoji_variants)
def _is_variation_selector_cmap_table(table):
assert table.format in {4, 12, 14}
return table.format == 14
def _lookup_in_cmap(colr_font, codepoint):
result = set()
for table in colr_font["cmap"].tables:
if _is_variation_selector_cmap_table(table):
assert codepoint in table.cmap
assert len(result) == 1, f"Ambiguous mapping for {codepoint}: {result}"
return next(iter(result))
2022-01-07 04:28:57 +00:00
def _add_cmap_entries(colr_font, codepoint, glyph_name):
for table in colr_font["cmap"].tables:
if _is_variation_selector_cmap_table(table):
if not _is_bmp(codepoint) and table.format == 4:
table.cmap[codepoint] = gn_space
print(f"Map 0x{codepoint:04x} to {glyph_name}, format {table.format}")
def _map_flag_tag_chars_to_space(colr_font):
gn_space = _lookup_in_cmap(colr_font, ord(" "))
# Add all tag characters used in flags
2022-01-06 05:14:23 +00:00
tag_cps = (
set(range(0xE0030, 0xE0039 + 1))
| set(range(0xE0061, 0xE007A + 1))
# Cancel tag maps to space in bitmap font
tag_cps |= {0xE007F}
# CBDT maps these things to space based on hb-shape testing
# Android fontchain_lint is unhappy if no such mapping exists
2022-01-07 04:28:57 +00:00
for cp in tag_cps:
_add_cmap_entries(colr_font, cp, gn_space)
def _is_bmp(cp):
return cp in range(0x0000, 0xFFFF + 1)
2022-01-07 04:28:57 +00:00
def _ligaset_for_glyph(lookup_list, glyph_name):
for lookup in lookup_list.Lookup:
if lookup.LookupType != 4:
for liga_set in lookup.SubTable:
if glyph_name in liga_set.ligatures:
return liga_set.ligatures[glyph_name]
return None
def _Cmap(ttfont):
def _Reducer(acc, u):
return acc
unicode_cmaps = (t.cmap for t in ttfont['cmap'].tables if t.isUnicode())
return functools.reduce(_Reducer, unicode_cmaps, {})
def _map_empty_flag_tag_to_black_flag(colr_font):
# fontchain_lint wants direct support for empty flag tags
# so map them to the default flag to match cbdt behavior
# if the emoji font starts using extensions this code will require revision
cmap = _Cmap(colr_font)
black_flag_glyph = cmap[0x1f3f4]
cancel_tag_glyph = cmap[0xe007f]
lookup_list = colr_font["GSUB"].table.LookupList
liga_set = _ligaset_for_glyph(lookup_list, black_flag_glyph)
assert liga_set is not None, "There should be existing ligatures using black flag"
# Map black flag + cancel tag to just black flag
# Since this is the ligature set for black flag, component is just cancel tag
# Since we only have one component its safe to put our rule at the front
liga = ot.Ligature()
liga.Component = [cancel_tag_glyph]
liga.LigGlyph = black_flag_glyph
liga_set.insert(0, liga)
def main(argv):
if len(argv) != 3:
raise ValueError("Must have two args, a COLRv1 font and a CBDT emojicompat font")
colr_font = ttLib.TTFont(argv[1])
if not _is_colrv1(colr_font):
raise ValueError("First arg must be a COLRv1 font")
cbdt_font = ttLib.TTFont(argv[2])
if not _is_cbdt(cbdt_font) or not _is_compat_font(cbdt_font):
raise ValueError("Second arg must be a CBDT emojicompat font")
_copy_emojicompat_data(colr_font, cbdt_font)
_copy_names(colr_font, cbdt_font)
2021-12-24 01:44:08 +00:00
# CBDT build step: @$(PYTHON) $(PUA_ADDER) "$@" "$@-with-pua"
2022-01-07 04:28:57 +00:00
2021-12-24 01:44:08 +00:00'fonts/Noto-COLRv1-noflags.ttf')
if __name__ == "__main__":