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Raw Normal View History

# Copyright 2015 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Google Author(s): Doug Felt
"""Tool to update GSUB, hmtx, cmap, glyf tables with svg image glyphs."""
import argparse
import glob
import os
import re
import sys
# find the noto root, so we can get nototools
# alternatively we could just define PYTHONPATH or always run this from
# noto root, but for testing we might not always be doing that.
_noto_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..'))
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import _g_l_y_f
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import S_V_G_ as SVG
from fontTools import ttx
from nototools import add_emoji_gsub
import svg_builder
import svg_cleaner
class FontBuilder(object):
"""A utility for mutating a ttx font. This maintains glyph_order, cmap, and hmtx tables,
and optionally GSUB, glyf, and SVN tables as well."""
def __init__(self, font):
self.font = font;
self.glyph_order = font.getGlyphOrder()
self.cmap = font['cmap'].tables[0].cmap
self.hmtx = font['hmtx'].metrics
def init_gsub(self):
"""Call this if you are going to add ligatures to the font. Creates a GSUB table
if there isn't one already."""
if hasattr(self, 'ligatures'):
font = self.font
if 'GSUB' not in font:
ligature_subst = otTables.LigatureSubst()
ligature_subst.ligatures = {}
lookup = otTables.Lookup()
lookup.LookupType = 4
lookup.LookupFlag = 0
lookup.SubTableCount = 1
lookup.SubTable = [ligature_subst]
font['GSUB'] = add_emoji_gsub.create_simple_gsub([lookup])
lookup = font['GSUB'].table.LookupList.Lookup[0]
assert lookup.LookupType == 4
assert lookup.LookupFlag == 0
self.ligatures = lookup.SubTable[0].ligatures
def init_glyf(self):
"""Call this if you need to create empty glyf entries in the font when you add a new
if hasattr(self, 'glyphs'):
font = self.font
if 'glyf' not in font:
glyf_table = _g_l_y_f.table__g_l_y_f()
glyf_table.glyphs = {}
glyf_table.glyphOrder = self.glyph_order
font['glyf'] = glyf_table
self.glyphs = font['glyf'].glyphs
def init_svg(self):
"""Call this if you expect to add SVG images in the font. This calls init_glyf since SVG
support currently requires fallback glyf records for each SVG image."""
if hasattr(self, 'svgs'):
# svg requires glyf
font = self.font
if 'SVG ' not in font:
svg_table = SVG.table_S_V_G_()
svg_table.docList = []
svg_table.colorPalettes = None
font['SVG '] = svg_table
self.svgs = font['SVG '].docList
def glyph_name(self, string):
return "_".join(["u%04X" % ord(char) for char in string])
def glyph_name_to_index(self, name):
return self.glyph_order.index(name) if name in self.glyph_order else -1;
def glyph_index_to_name(self, glyph_index):
if glyph_index < len(self.glyph_order):
return self.glyph_order[glyph_index]
return ''
def have_glyph(self, name):
return self.name_to_glyph_index >= 0
def _add_ligature(self, glyphstr):
lig = otTables.Ligature()
lig.CompCount = len(glyphstr)
lig.Component = [self.glyph_name(ch) for ch in glyphstr[1:]]
lig.LigGlyph = self.glyph_name(glyphstr)
first = self.glyph_name(glyphstr[0])
except KeyError:
self.ligatures[first] = [lig]
def _add_empty_glyph(self, glyphstr, name):
"""Create an empty glyph. If glyphstr is not a ligature, add a cmap entry for it."""
if len(glyphstr) == 1:
self.cmap[ord(glyphstr)] = name
self.hmtx[name] = [0, 0]
if hasattr(self, 'glyphs'):
self.glyphs[name] = _g_l_y_f.Glyph()
def add_components_and_ligature(self, glyphstr):
"""Convert glyphstr to a name and check if it already exists. If not, check if it is a
ligature (longer than one codepoint), and if it is, generate empty glyphs with cmap
entries for any missing ligature components and add a ligature record. Then generate
an empty glyph for the name. Return a tuple with the name, index, and a bool
indicating whether the glyph already existed."""
name = self.glyph_name(glyphstr)
index = self.glyph_name_to_index(name)
exists = index >= 0
if not exists:
if len(glyphstr) > 1:
for char in glyphstr:
if ord(char) not in self.cmap:
char_name = self.glyph_name(char)
self._add_empty_glyph(char, char_name)
index = len(self.glyph_order)
self._add_empty_glyph(glyphstr, name)
return name, index, exists
def add_svg(self, doc, hmetrics, name, index):
"""Add an svg table entry. If hmetrics is not None, update the hmtx table. This
expects the glyph has already been added."""
# sanity check to make sure name and index correspond.
assert name == self.glyph_index_to_name(index)
if hmetrics:
self.hmtx[name] = hmetrics
svg_record = (doc, index, index) # startGlyphId, endGlyphId are the same
def collect_glyphstr_file_pairs(prefix, ext, include=None, exclude=None, verbosity=1):
"""Scan files with the given prefix and extension, and return a list of (glyphstr,
filename) where glyphstr is the character or ligature, and filename is the image file
associated with it. The glyphstr is formed by decoding the filename (exclusive of the
prefix) as a sequence of hex codepoints separated by underscore. Include, if defined, is
a regex string to include only matched filenames. Exclude, if defined, is a regex string
to exclude matched filenames, and is applied after include."""
image_files = {}
glob_pat = "%s*.%s" % (prefix, ext)
leading = len(prefix)
trailing = len(ext) + 1 # include dot
if verbosity:
print "Looking for images matching '%s'." % glob_pat
ex_count = 0
ex = re.compile(exclude) if exclude else None
inc = re.compile(include) if include else None
if verbosity and inc:
print "Including images matching '%s'." % include
if verbosity and ex:
print "Excluding images matching '%s'." % exclude
for image_file in glob.glob(glob_pat):
if inc and not
if ex and
if verbosity > 1:
print "Exclude %s" % image_file
ex_count += 1
codes = image_file[leading:-trailing]
if "_" in codes:
pieces = codes.split ("_")
u = "".join ([unichr(int(code, 16)) for code in pieces])
u = unichr(int(codes, 16))
image_files[u] = image_file
if verbosity and ex_count:
print "Excluded %d files." % ex_count
if not image_files:
raise Exception ("No image files matching '%s'." % glob_pat)
if verbosity:
print "Included %s files." % len(image_files)
return image_files.items()
def sort_glyphstr_tuples(glyphstr_tuples):
"""The list contains tuples whose first element is a string representing a character or
ligature. It is sorted with shorter glyphstrs first, then alphabetically. This ensures
that ligature components are added to the font before any ligatures that contain them."""
glyphstr_tuples.sort(key=lambda t: (len(t[0]), t[0]))
def add_image_glyphs(in_file, out_file, pairs, verbosity=1):
"""Add images from pairs (glyphstr, filename) to .ttx file in_file and write
to .ttx file out_file."""
quiet = verbosity < 2
font = ttx.TTFont(quiet=quiet)
font.importXML(in_file, quiet=quiet)
font_builder = FontBuilder(font)
# we've already sorted by length, so the longest glyphstrs are at the end. To see if
# we have ligatures, we just need to check the last one.
if len(pairs[-1][0]) > 1:
img_builder = svg_builder.SvgBuilder(font_builder)
for glyphstr, filename in pairs:
if verbosity > 1:
print "Adding glyph for U+%s" % ",".join(["%04X" % ord(char) for char in glyphstr])
img_builder.add_from_filename(glyphstr, filename)
font.saveXML(out_file, quiet=quiet)
if verbosity:
print "added %s images to %s" % (len(pairs), out_file)
def main(argv):
usage = """This will search for files that have image_prefix followed by one or more
hex numbers (separated by underscore if more than one), and end in ".svg".
For example, if image_prefix is "icons/u", then files with names like
"icons/u1F4A9.svg" or "icons/u1F1EF_1F1F5.svg" will be loaded. The script
then adds cmap, htmx, and potentially GSUB entries for the Unicode
characters found. The advance width will be chosen based on image aspect
ratio. If Unicode values outside the BMP are desired, the existing cmap
table should be of the appropriate (format 12) type. Only the first cmap
table and the first GSUB lookup (if existing) are modified."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Update cmap, glyf, GSUB, and hmtx tables from image glyphs.", epilog=usage)
parser.add_argument('in_file', help="Input ttx file name.")
parser.add_argument('out_file', help="Output ttx file name.")
parser.add_argument('image_prefix', help="Location and prefix of image files.")
parser.add_argument('-i', '--include', help='include files whoses name matches this regex')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', help='exclude files whose name matches this regex')
parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', dest='v', help="quiet operation.", default=1,
action='store_const', const=0)
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', dest='v', help="verbose operation.",
action='store_const', const=2)
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
pairs = collect_glyphstr_file_pairs(args.image_prefix, 'svg', include=args.include,
exclude=args.exclude, verbosity=args.v)
add_image_glyphs(args.in_file, args.out_file, pairs, verbosity=args.v)
if __name__ == '__main__':