forked from rDrama/rDrama
Fork 0

257 lines
22 KiB

INSERT INTO public.badge_defs VALUES
(1, 'Alpha User', 'Joined during open alpha', 0),
(2, 'Verified Email', 'Verified Email', 0),
(3, 'Code Contributor', 'Contributed to the site's source code', 0),
(4, 'White Hat', 'Discreetly reported an exploit', 0),
(6, 'Beta User', 'Joined during open beta', 0),
(7, 'Bug Chaser', 'Found and reported a bug', 0),
(10, 'Bronze Recruiter', 'Recruited 1 friend to join the site', 0),
(11, 'Silver Recruiter', 'Recruited 10 friends to join the site', 0),
(12, 'Gold Recruiter', 'Recruited 100 friends to join the site', 0),
(15, 'Idea Maker', 'Had a good idea for the site which was implemented by the developers', 0),
(16, 'Marsey Master', 'Contributed 10 (or more!!!!) Marsey emojis ✨', 0),
(17, 'Marsey Artisan', 'Contributed a Marsey emoji ✨', 0),
(18, 'Artisan', 'Contributed to site artwork', 0),
(22, 'Paypig', 'Donates at least $5/month', 0),
(23, 'Renthog', 'Donates at least $10/month', 0),
(24, 'Landchad', 'Donates at least $20/month', 0),
(25, 'Terminally online turboautist', 'Donates at least $50/month', 0),
(26, 'Marsey's Sugar Daddy', 'Donates at least $100/month', 0),
(27, 'JIDF Bankroller', 'Donates at least $200/month', 0),
(28, 'Rich Bich', 'Donates at least $500/month', 0),
(58, 'Chud', 'Marked as a chud', 0),
(59, 'Lolcow', 'Beautiful and valid milk provider', 0),
(60, 'Unironically Retarded', 'Demonstrated a wholesale inability to read the room', 0),
(61, 'Lab Rat', 'Helped test features in development', 0),
(62, 'Master Baiter', 'For outstanding achievement in the field of catching fish', 0),
(63, 'Balls', 'I wrote carp on my balls as a sign of submission', 0),
(64, 'The Other Kind Of Good Journalist', 'Contributed positive media attention to the site', 0),
(65, '2021 Spooooooky Marsey Artist', 'Contributed a VERY SCARY Marsey for Halloween 2021!', 0),
(66, 'Sk8r Boi', 'Certifies that this user is NOT a poser', 0),
(67, 'Unpausable'," 'Spent 40,000 coins on an unpausable profile anthem'", 0),
(68, 'Pause Button'," 'Spent 20,000 coins on a profile anthem pause button'", 0),
(69, 'Little Big Spender'," 'Dropped 10,000 coins at the award shop'", 0),
(70, 'Big Spender'," 'Dropped 100,000 coins at the award shop'", 0),
(71, 'Big Big Spender'," 'Dropped 250,000 coins at the award shop'", 0),
(72, 'Big Big Big Spender'," 'Dropped 500,000 coins at the award shop'", 0),
(73, 'Le Rich Gentlesir', 'Spent a fucking million coins at the award shop', 0),
(74, 'Grass Toucher', 'Awarded for molesting plant life', 0),
(75, 'Homoween 2021 Survivor', 'Awarded for surviving Homoween 2021', 0),
(76, 'Low Roller', 'Bought 10 lootboxes', 0),
(77, 'Middle Roller', 'Bought 50 lootboxes', 0),
(78, 'High Roller', 'Bought 150 lootboxes', 0),
(79, 'Merchant', 'Contributed a new line of product to Marsey's Coin Emporium', 0),
(80, 'Artist Laureate', '', 0),
(81, 'Patron of the Arts', 'Sponsored the creation of an approved Marsey', 0),
(83, 'All-Seeing Eye', 'Can view private profiles', 0),
(84, 'Alt-Seeing Eye', 'Can see alts', 0),
(85, 'Sigma User', '', 0),
(86, 'Holly Jolly Marsey Artist', 'Contributed a VERY JOLLY Marsey for Christmas 2021!', 0),
(87, 'Unblockable', 'This user is unblockable', 0),
(88, 'Provider', 'This user provided a bountiful feast for Thanksgiving', 0),
(89, 'Dinner'," 'Yes, it is edible'", 0),
(90, 'Fish', 'This user used to be impossible to unfollow', 0),
(91, 'Grinch', 'This user is a joyless grinch who pays money to avoid having fun', 0),
(92, 'NFT Artist', 'Drew a marsey that was used as an NFT', 0),
(93, 'NFT Owner', 'Bought a marsey NFT', 0),
(94, 'Progressive Stack', 'Upvotes/downvotes on this user's posts and comments have double the ranking effect', 0),
(95, 'Bird Site Award', 'This user is limited to 140 characters', 0),
(96, 'Flairlock', 'This user's flair has been locked by someone else', 0),
(97, 'Pizzashill Award', 'This user has to make their posts and comments more than 280 characters', 0),
(98, 'Hieroglyphs Award', 'This user is limited to posting emojis', 0),
(99, 'Sidebar Artist', 'Contributed artwork featured on the sidebar', 0),
(100, 'True Believer', 'This user sees through communist lies', 0),
(101, 'Banner Artist', 'Contributed a banner image to the site', 0),
(102, 'Fistmas 21 Survivor', 'Awarded for surviving Fistmas 2021', 0),
(103, 'Benefactor', 'Gave the Benefactor award to someone', 0),
(104, 'BADASS OUTLAW', 'Bad boy who does not play by the rules', 0),
(105, 'SCAM', 'lmao get fucked retard', 0),
(107, 'Certified BIPOC', 'The mayocide starts now', 0),
(108, 'Nword Pass', 'With great power comes great responsibility', 0),
(109, 'Rehab Award', 'Prevented from gambling', 0),
(110, 'Wolf Artisan', 'Contributed a Zombie Wolf emoji ✨', 0),
(111, 'Wolf Master', 'Contributed 10 (or more!!!!) Zombie Wolf emojis ✨', 0),
(112, 'Platy Artisan', 'Contributed a Platy emoji ✨', 0),
(113, 'Platy Master', 'Contributed 10 (or more!!!!) Platy emojis ✨', 0),
(114, 'Capy Artisan', 'Contributed a Capy emoji ✨', 0),
(115, 'Capy Master', 'Contributed 10 (or more!!!!) Capy emojis ✨', 0),
(116, 'Outreach Award', 'Brought invaluable drama to the starving masses off-site', 0),
(117, 'Stone Skeptic', 'This user rejects igneous lies', 0),
(118, 'Hit!', 'Confirmed removal of a r/stupidpol post for hate speech or threatening violence', 0),
(119, 'BIG Hit!', 'Confirmed removal of a /r/stupidpol MODERATOR'S post for hate speech or threatening violence', 0),
(120, 'Msar Bomba', 'Confirmed ban of a r/stupidpol user', 0),
(121," 'Order of Marsey, 2nd Class'", 'Confirmed temp ban of a r/stupidpol moderator', 0),
(122," 'Order of Marsey, 1st Class'", 'Confirmed permanent ban of a /r/stupidpol moderator', 0),
(123, 'Hero of the Marsey Union', 'Awarded to all soldiers who served during the Special Military Operation to de-nazify r/stupidpol', 0),
(124, 'COOL GUY', 'This user does NOT watch anime', 0),
(125, 'Certified LOSER', 'This user watches anime', 0),
(126, 'Survivor', 'This user braved the Oregon Trail and lived to tell the tale', 0),
(127, 'Wagonfire', 'This user braved the Oregon Trail and fucking died lmao', 0),
(128, 'Fart-Free', 'This user does NOT fart.', 0),
(129, 'Misinformation Superspreader', 'This poster was fact checked by real American patriots', 0),
(130, 'Columbine Enthusiast (TEMPORAL FLUX EDITION)', 'This user is an acclaimed Reb+VoDKa slash author', 0),
(131, '21st Century Hitlerite (TEMPORAL FLUX EDITION)', 'This user lost the love of their life in 1940s Berlin', 0),
(132, 'Duterte's Most Wanted (TEMPORAL FLUX EDITION)', 'dude weed lmao what year is it', 0),
(133, 'Rockstar', 'This user submitted an original piece to the song contest', 0),
(134, '1 Year Old πŸ₯°', 'This user has wasted an ENTIRE YEAR of their life here! Happy birthday!', 0),
(135, '1st Birthgay Bash Survivor', 'Awarded for surviving rDrama's first annual Birthgay Bash', 0),
(136, 'TRAIN 2022', 'Beware: Found to be one of the most transmisic commenters on the site!', 0),
(137, 'Lottershe Winner', 'This user won the Lottershe grand prize.', 0),
(139, 'Auspicious Incident', 'This user was fired from a volunteer position', 0),
(140, 'Y'all Seein' Eye', 'Gets notified when other sites talk about us', 0),
(141, 'Marsey Typographer', 'For substantial and exceptional contributions to Marsey Alphabet.', 0),
(142, 'Punching Down', 'This user mogs incels.', 0),
(143, 'Marsey God', 'Contributed 100 (or more!!!!) Marsey emojis ✨😻', 0),
(144, 'Energy Drink Enjoyer', 'Grip 'N Sip.', 0),
(145, 'Amphetamine Aficionado', 'Totally not addictedβ„’', 0),
(146, 'Coffee Consoomer', 'Don't talk to me until I've had my soy latte.', 0),
(147, 'Freebase Fiend', 'From the crack grew a glass rose.', 0),
(148, 'Blackpilled', 'Proud incel ally.', 0),
(149, 'Thin', 'This user has verified that they are calorically disciplined.', 0),
(150, 'Verified', 'Bought a Blue Checkmark.', 0),
(151, 'Responsible Citizen', 'This user upheld democracy by committing voter fraud.', 0),
(152, 'Amateur Hathead', 'Collected 25 unique hats', 0),
(153, 'Professional Hathead', 'Collected 100 unique hats', 0),
(154, 'Fiscally Irresponsible Hathead', 'Collected 250 unique hats', 0),
(155, 'Ride Or Die Dramalo/Dramalette', 'When I die show no pity / Send my soul to the juggalo city / Dig my grave six feet deep / And put two matches by my feet / Put two hatchets on my chest / And tell my homies I did my best / WHOOP WHOOP', 0),
(156, 'Hole Neglecter', 'Let a hole they owned die', 0),
(157, 'A Minor Setback'," 'Lost a 1,000 bet. Keep going!'", 0),
(158, 'Just One More Hand'," 'Lost a 10,000 bet. But it's fine, you're due for a big win!'", 0),
(159, 'It's Over'," 'Lost a 100,000 bet. It's fucking over.'", 0),
(160, 'Lil Goombler'," 'Won a 1,000 bet. Nice job!'", 0),
(161, 'Pro Goombler'," 'Won a 10,000 bet. Some would say to quit while you're ahead, but they didn't just win 10k - keep at it!'", 0),
(162, 'King Goombler'," 'Won a 100,000 bet. Wipe your sweaty palms off and bet it all again, you're on a roll!'", 0),
(163, 'Marsey Jacobs', 'Designed 10 hats!', 0),
(164, 'Marsey de Givenchy'," 'Designed 50 hats, holy cap.'", 0),
(165, 'Marsey Chanel', 'Designed 100 hats!!!', 0),
(166, 'Giorgio Armarsey', 'Designed 250 hats 😲', 0),
(167, 'OwOified', 'This user's comments get OwOified automatically', 0),
(168, 'BITTEN!', 'This user has been forcibly recruited to House Vampire', 0),
(169, 'Early Life Checked', 'The Early Life section of this user is on full display', 0),
(170, 'Marsified', 'This user's comments get Marsified automatically', 0),
(171, 'Rainbowed', 'This user has super cute text', 0),
(172, 'God Save The Kween', 'Commemorative badge awarded for outliving Her Maj', 0),
(174, 'George'," '@Marsey went to Spokane to fight @TrailerParkBride, but George the Mountain Lion was the real winner.'", 0),
(176, 'Fish Of The Year', 'Awarded for outstanding achievement in the field of achievement. Well done!', 1663340894),
(177, 'Sweatshop Laborer', 'lmao thanks retard', 1663616592),
(178, 'Marseyhypebeast', 'This user owns OFFICIAL MARSEY MERCH and has waaaaay more sex than you.', 1663616913),
(179, 'Spider!', 'This user is currently best friends with a spider', 1663696289),
(180, 'Marsey Consoomer', 'Conned rDrama out of sick merch in exchange for a donation to Redbubble.', 1664417205),
(181, 'INFECTED', 'This user is a mindless zombie.', 1666073382),
(182, 'VAXXMAXXED', 'This user is a mindless zombie.', 1666074754),
(183, '2022 Spooooooky Marsey Artist', 'Contributed a VERY SCARY Marsey for Halloween 2022!', 1666225718),
(184, 'Homoween 2022 Survivor', 'Awarded for surviving Homoween 2022', 1666225785),
(185, 'Hallowgrinch', 'TP this Halloween-hating loser's house.', 1666226224),
(186, 'Gigavaxxer', 'Vaccinated 10 people during Homoween 2022.', 1667275065),
(187, 'CDC Goon', 'Vaccinated 100 people during Homoween 2022.', 1667275076),
(188, 'Zombiechad', 'Zombified 10 people during Homoween 2022.', 1667275093),
(189, 'Super Spreader', 'Zombified 100 people during Homoween 2022.', 1667275100),
(190, 'Soapy-Mouthed Angel', 'This user has made a lifelong commitment to purity of tongue πŸ˜‡', 1667694324),
(192, 'Social Justice Berserker', 'This user has taken a solemn vow to Speak No Evil βš”', 1667695138),
(193, 'Web Design Is My Passion', 'This user is a very special boy who set his very own profile background πŸ€—', 1670213168),
(194, 'Master Baiter 2021', 'The cunning mastermind behind the ruse which was voted best rDrama bait of 2021.', 1670627103),
(197, 'Best Marsey 2021'," 'The creator of the best Marsey emoji of 2021, as voted by rDrama users.'", 1670627291),
(198, 'Best rDrama Post 2021'," 'The author of the best rDrama post of 2021, as voted by rDrama users.'", 1670627332),
(199, 'Dramatard of the Year 2021', 'Voted as the best rDrama user of 2021. Congratulations!', 1670627437),
(203, 'Best rDrama OC 2022'," 'The creator or commissioner of the best rDrama original content of 2022, as voted by rDrama users.'", 1670627675),
(208, 'Best rDrama Post 2022'," 'The author of the best rDrama post of 2022, as voted by rDrama users.'", 1670628577),
(212, 'Dramatard of the Year 2022', 'Voted as the best rDrama user of 2022. Congratulations!', 1670719153),
(213, 'Best Marsey 2022'," 'The creator of the best Marsey emoji of 2022, as voted by rDrama users.'", 1670719193),
(214, 'Master Baiter 2022', 'The cunning mastermind behind the ruse which was voted best rDrama bait of 2022.', 1670719221),
(215, 'Own Goal', 'Don't take this user's advice on sportsball betting.', 1671150354),
(216, 'Human Rights Abuse Profiteer', 'I hope those 6500 deaths were worth the coin.', 1671150403),
(217, 'Ghost of Qatar', 'Finished in the top 10 of the World Cup 2022 betting leaderboard.', 1671150449),
(221, 'Perfect Pundit', 'Finished #1 on the FIFA World Cup betting leaderboard. Congrats!', 1671151427),
(222, 'Fistmas 22 Survivor', 'Awarded for surviving Fistmas 2022 which may or may not have even happened', 1671157460),
(224, 'Died of Starvation', 'Couldn't work out which elf had the most calories', 1672289576),
(225, 'Monkey Playdate'," 'Forgot to check their worry levels during Advent of Code 2022, completing at least 1 star.'", 1672289660),
(226, 'Stargazer'," 'Kept themselves unworried throughout all of Advent of Code 2022, completing all 50 stars.'", 1672289696),
(227, 'Saved Christmas with Teh Codez', 'Got the highest score and completed all 50 stars during Advent of Code 2022.', 1672289744),
(229, 'Certified MONSTER Cock', 'This user submitted a photo of their dick and it was confirmed to be HUGE', 1674147916),
(230, 'Itty Bitty Clitty'," 'This user submitted a photo of their dick and it was determined to be more similar to a sad, undersized clit'", 1674147964),
(231, 'SICK FUCK', 'Awarded for contributing to the Morbid Marsey event', 1677791640),
(232, 'Hardcore Gaymer', 'Awarded for contributing to the Gaymer Marsey event', 1677799338),
(233, 'Grek', 'Won the rDrama Pet Beauty Pageant', 1677959128),
(234, 'JIDF Propagandist', 'Awarded for contributing to the Merchant Marsey event', 1678125395),
(235, 'Thing Enjoyer', 'Awarded for contributing to the MARVELous Marsey event', 1678131629),
(237, '2 Years Old πŸ₯°πŸ₯°', 'This user has wasted TWO WHOLE BUTT YEARS of their life here! Happy birthday!', 1678401489),
(238, 'Free Thinker', 'This user thinks for himself and doesn't need the crowd to tell him what to do πŸ€“', 1678721294),
(239, 'Crowd Follower', 'This user hasn't had an original thought in his life', 1678721346),
(240, 'dude bussy lmao', 'Posted bussy πŸ‘', 1678846500),
(241, 'SNITCH', 'This nigga snitched on a fellow rDrama user AND GOT PAID πŸ€‘πŸ’°πŸ’Έ', 1679066554),
(242, 'HOT', 'This user is verified HOT and better than you', 1679179619),
(243, 'Kongmaxxer: K', 'Contributed a KONGMAXXED banner during Donkey Kong December', 1679419172),
(244, 'Kongmaxxer: O', 'Contributed a KONGMAXXED piece of sidebar art during Donkey Kong December', 1679419192),
(245, 'Kongmaxxer: N', 'Contributed a KONGMAXXED Marsey or emoji during Donkey Kong December', 1679419208),
(247, 'Kongmaxxer: G', 'KONGED TO THE MAX during Donkey Kong December', 1679419297),
(248, 'Shithead', 'Shat out a Shit for the Bowel Movement Beauty Pageant', 1680057094),
(249, 'Marsey Madness GOLD', 'Had the best bracket in the 2023 Marsey Madness tournament', 1681309271),
(250, 'Marsey Madness SILVER', 'Had the second best bracket in the 2023 Marsey Madness tournament', 1681309285),
(251, 'Marsey Madness BRONZE', 'Had the third best bracket in the 2023 Marsey Madness tournament', 1681309300),
(252, 'Marsey Madness Participation Trophy!', 'This lil fella did his best in the Marsey Madness 2023 tournament', 1681309336),
(253, 'Matchmaker', 'Awarded for contributing to the Matchmaker Marsey event', 1681321487),
(254, 'Peacemaker', 'Awarded for contributing to the rDrama-Reddit Alliance event', 1681321561),
(255, '2nd Birthgay Bash Survivor', 'Awarded for surviving rDrama's second annual Birthgay Bash', 1683505877),
(256, 'Birthgay Banner Artist', 'Contributed a beautiful banner to Marsey's second birthgay celebration!', 1683506361),
(257, 'Bronze-Tier Venture Capitalist', 'This king has contributed a lifetime total of at least $100 to keeping rDrama thriving', 1683678214),
(258, 'Silver-Tier Venture Capitalist', 'This king has contributed a lifetime total of at least $500 to keeping rDrama thriving', 1683678250),
(259, 'Gold-Tier Venture Capitalist', 'This king has contributed a lifetime total of at least $2500 to keeping rDrama thriving', 1683678275),
(260, 'Platinum-Tier Venture Capitalist', 'This king has contributed a lifetime total of at least $5000 to keeping rDrama thriving', 1683678305),
(261, 'Double-Platinum-Tier Venture Capitalist', 'This king has contributed a lifetime total of at least $10000 to keeping rDrama thriving', 1683678332),
(262, 'AHS Supersoldier', 'A strong person stands up for themself. A stronger person stands up for others.', 1683849886),
(263, 'Antifa Supersoldier'," ''No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA.' β€”All Thinking People of Conscience Everywhere'", 1683849938),
(264, 'BLM Fist', 'Made a mayo monkey shut up and listen', 1683849976),
(265, 'Funko Floyd', 'Made a mayo monkey shut up and listen PERMANENTLY', 1683850005),
(266, 'Elder Wand', 'Sent a Death Eater to Azkaban', 1683850028),
(267, 'Order of Merlin 1st Class', 'Sent a Death Eater to Azkaban FOR LIFE', 1683850058),
(268, 'LGBTSaber', 'It takes strength to resist the Dark Side. Only the weak embrace it.', 1683850082),
(269, 'Rainbow Pussy Hat', 'The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up.', 1683850115),
(270, 'Slava Ukraini Flag', 'STAND WITH UKRAINE', 1683850138),
(271, 'Tranifesto', 'Sisters! We have nothing to lose but our balls!', 1683850162),
(272, 'Mushroom Plushie', 'Grow to SUPER SIZE and JUMP ON TRANSPHOBES', 1683850194),
(273, 'Fire Flower Plushie', 'Transphobes can't spew hate if you set them on fire', 1683850223),
(274, 'Mind Stone'," 'You, Marsey, are the piece of the Mind Stone that lives in me.'", 1683850259),
(275, 'Power Stone'," 'The bigger the target, the bigger the power surge.'", 1683850283),
(276, 'Reality Stone'," 'First, it's not a stone; someone called it a stone before. It's more of a... an angry sludge sort of thing.'", 1683850304),
(277, 'Soul Stone'," 'In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. A soul... for a soul.'", 1683850325),
(278, 'Space Stone'," 'A lifetime ago, I too sought the stones. I even held one in my hand.'", 1683850346),
(279, 'Time Stone', 'Our oath to protect the Time Stone cannot change. And this stone may be the best chance we have against Spezos.', 1683850381),
(280, 'Infinity Gauntlet', 'And so the sun rises on a grateful gay cartoon cat website.', 1683850413),
(281, 'Namelock', 'This user has been forcibly renamed', 1684120696),
(282, 'Rehab Counselor', 'Awarded for participating in the Marsey's Methlab Event', 1685121792),
(283, 'Summer Fun', 'Awarded for contributing to the Marsey's Summer Fun event', 1685121838),
(284, 'In Memoriam Theodora'," 'When God calls one of His most blessed angels home, the heavens rejoice while we are left behind to weep with the rain.'", 1686502188),
(285, 'Queen', 'This user SLAYS πŸ’…πŸ‘ πŸ’„', 1687282987),
(286, 'Pilgrimage', 'This user went on a quest to an rDrama holy site', 1687363815),
(287, 'Carp Artisan', 'Contributed a Carp emoji ✨', 1687530510),
(288, 'Carp Master', 'Contributed 10 (or more!!!!) Carp emojis ✨', 1687530535),
(289, 'Sharpened', 'No one understand this user.', 1687725417),
(290, 'Smartest Fish Award'," 'Awarded for outstanding achievement in the field of QA, signed by Aevann Himself. The highest honor that can be bestowed upon a codecel.'", 1687901922),
(291, 'Griller', 'Enough about trans rights! Enough about trans wrongs! I just wanna grill for God's sake!', 1689087935),
(292, 'George 'Hard R' Marsey', 'This user is an rDrama Times Best-Selling Author', 1690462861),
(293, 'Gloriously Girthy', 'This user consumes the FDA recommended amount of sustenance', 1690470720),
(294, 'Highest Roller', 'One of rDrama's Top 10 Sugar Leather Daddies 🀀', 1690858016),
(295, 'August's August August', 'This user had a very good time in August', 1690914173),
(296, 'SEX!', 'This user verifiably had sex with another dramatard.', 1692195588),
(297, 'Weather Balloon', 'This user was shot down over the territory of /r/UFOs.', 1694716945),
(298, 'Gray Alien', 'This user probed /r/UFOs and left the next morning.', 1694717005),
(299," 'Ashtar Sheran, Galactic Federation'", 'This user shared galactic knowledge with the users of /r/UFOs.', 1694717076),
(300," 'Gorloj, Galactic High Council'", 'This user cloaked /r/UFOs in their heavenly wisdom.', 1694717119),
(301, '2023 Spooooooky Marsey Artist', 'Contributed a VERY SCARY Marsey for Halloween 2023!', 1695911099),
(303, 'LGBTQIA+ Drip', 'This user has sworn lifelong allegiance to the most marginalized community πŸ₯°', 1696534759),
(304, 'Man in Black', 'The truth is out there. This user prevented /r/UFOs from finding it.', 1697728753),
(305, 'Boulder Badge', 'From the Pewter City Gym. Allows the HM Flash to be used outside of battle.', 1697740804),
(306, 'Cascade Badge'," 'From the Cerulean City Gym. Allows the HM Cut to be used outside of battle, and makes Pokemon up to level 30 obey.'", 1697740811),
(307, 'Thunder Badge', 'From the Vermillion City Gym. Allows the HM Fly to be used outside of battle.', 1697740819),
(308, 'Rainbow Badge'," 'From the Celadon City Gym. Allows the HM Strength to be used outside of battle, and makes Pokemon up to level 50 obey.'", 1697740829),
(309, 'Soul Badge', 'From the Fuschia City Gym. Allows the HM Surf to be used outside of battle.', 1697740839),
(310, 'Marsh Badge'," 'From the Saffron City Gym. Allows the HM Rock Smash to be used outside of battle, and makes Pokemon up to level 70 obey.'", 1697740847),
(311, 'Volcano Badge', 'From the Cinnabar Island Gym. Allows the HM Waterfall to be used outside of battle.', 1697740854),
(312, 'Earth Badge', 'From the Viridian City Gym. Makes all Pokemon obey and allows the bearer to challenge the Kanto Elite Four.', 1697740864),
(313, 'Zombiechad II', 'Zombified 10 people during Homoween 2023.', 1698600949),
(314, 'Superspreader II', 'Zombified 100 people during Homoween 2023.', 1698600973),
(315, 'Gigavaxxer II', 'Vaccinated 10 people during Homoween 2023.', 1698601009),
(316, 'CDC Goon II', 'Vaccinated 100 people during Homoween 2023.', 1698601029),
(317, 'Homoween 2023 Survivor', 'Awarded for surviving Homoween 2023', 1698601068)
ON CONFLICT (id) DO nothing;