from files.helpers.lazy import lazy import math import random import time class Stndrd: @property @lazy def created_date(self): return time.strftime("%d %B %Y", time.gmtime(self.created_utc)) @property @lazy def created_datetime(self): return str(time.strftime("%d/%B/%Y %H:%M:%S UTC", time.gmtime(self.created_utc))) @property @lazy def created_iso(self): t = time.gmtime(self.created_utc) return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00", t) class Age_times: @property def age(self): now = int(time.time()) return now - self.created_utc @property def created_date(self): return time.strftime("%d %b %Y", time.gmtime(self.created_utc)) @property def created_datetime(self): return str(time.strftime("%d/%B/%Y %H:%M:%S UTC", time.gmtime(self.created_utc))) @property def age_string(self): age = self.age if age < 60: return "just now" elif age < 3600: minutes = int(age / 60) return f"{minutes}m ago" elif age < 86400: hours = int(age / 3600) return f"{hours}hr ago" elif age < 2678400: days = int(age / 86400) return f"{days}d ago" now = time.gmtime() ctd = time.gmtime(self.created_utc) # compute number of months months = now.tm_mon - ctd.tm_mon + 12 * (now.tm_year - ctd.tm_year) # remove a month count if current day of month < creation day of month if now.tm_mday < ctd.tm_mday: months -= 1 if months < 12: return f"{months}mo ago" else: years = int(months / 12) return f"{years}yr ago" @property def edited_string(self): if not self.edited_utc: return "never" age = int(time.time()) - self.edited_utc if age < 60: return "just now" elif age < 3600: minutes = int(age / 60) return f"{minutes}m ago" elif age < 86400: hours = int(age / 3600) return f"{hours}hr ago" elif age < 2678400: days = int(age / 86400) return f"{days}d ago" now = time.gmtime() ctd = time.gmtime(self.edited_utc) months = now.tm_mon - ctd.tm_mon + 12 * (now.tm_year - ctd.tm_year) if months < 12: return f"{months}mo ago" else: years = now.tm_year - ctd.tm_year return f"{years}yr ago" @property def edited_date(self): return time.strftime("%d %B %Y", time.gmtime(self.edited_utc)) @property def edited_datetime(self): return str(time.strftime("%d/%B/%Y %H:%M:%S UTC", time.gmtime(self.edited_utc))) class Scores: @property def score_percent(self): return 101 @property def score(self): return int(self.score) or 0 class Fuzzing: @property def score_fuzzed(self): real = self.score real = int(real) if real <= 10: return real k = 0.01 a = math.floor(real * (1 - k)) b = math.ceil(real * (1 + k)) return random.randint(a, b) @property def upvotes_fuzzed(self): if self.upvotes <= 10: return self.upvotes lower = int(self.upvotes * 0.99) upper = int(self.upvotes * 1.01) + 1 return random.randint(lower, upper) @property def downvotes_fuzzed(self): if self.downvotes <= 10: return self.downvotes lower = int(self.downvotes * 0.99) upper = int(self.downvotes * 1.01) + 1 return random.randint(lower, upper)