import random from operator import * from typing import Union import pyotp from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased, deferred, Query from sqlalchemy.sql import case, func, literal from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import not_, and_, or_ from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import * from files.classes import Base from files.classes.casino_game import CasinoGame from files.classes.sub import Sub from files.helpers.config.const import * from files.helpers.config.awards import AWARDS_ENABLED, HOUSE_AWARDS from import * from import * from files.helpers.sorting_and_time import * from .alts import Alt from .award import AwardRelationship from .badges import * from .clients import * from .exiles import * from .follows import * from .hats import * from .mod import * from .mod_logs import * from .notifications import Notification from .saves import * from .sub_relationship import * from .sub_logs import * from .subscriptions import * from .userblock import * if SITE == '': DEFAULT_ADMIN_LEVEL = 3 DEFAULT_COINS = 100000000 DEFAULT_MARSEYBUX = 100000000 else: DEFAULT_ADMIN_LEVEL = 0 DEFAULT_COINS = 0 DEFAULT_MARSEYBUX = 0 if IS_FISTMAS(): if SITE_NAME == 'rDrama': default_event_music = True default_darkmode = False else: default_event_music = False default_darkmode = True class EventUser(Base): __tablename__ = "event_users" id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True) user = relationship("User", primaryjoin=" ==") # start event specific columns class User(Base): __tablename__ = "users" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) username = Column(String) namecolor = Column(String, default=DEFAULT_COLOR) background = Column(String) profile_background = Column(String) customtitle = Column(String) customtitleplain = deferred(Column(String)) titlecolor = Column(String, default=DEFAULT_COLOR) theme = Column(String, default=DEFAULT_THEME) themecolor = Column(String, default=DEFAULT_COLOR) cardview = Column(Boolean, default=False) song = Column(String) highres = Column(String) profileurl = Column(String) bannerurl = Column(String) house = Column(String, default='') old_house = Column(String, default='') patron = Column(Integer, default=0) patron_utc = Column(Integer, default=0) verified = Column(String) verifiedcolor = Column(String) marseyawarded = Column(Integer) rehab = Column(Integer) longpost = Column(Integer) bird = Column(Integer) email = deferred(Column(String)) css = Column(String) profilecss = deferred(Column(String)) passhash = deferred(Column(String)) post_count = Column(Integer, default=0) comment_count = Column(Integer, default=0) received_award_count = Column(Integer, default=0) created_utc = Column(Integer) admin_level = Column(Integer, default=DEFAULT_ADMIN_LEVEL) last_active = Column(Integer, default=0, nullable=False) coins_spent = Column(Integer, default=0) coins_spent_on_hats = Column(Integer, default=0) lootboxes_bought = Column(Integer, default=0) agendaposter = Column(Integer, default=0) is_activated = Column(Boolean, default=False) shadowbanned = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) chudded_by = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) over_18 = Column(Boolean, default=False) hidevotedon = Column(Boolean, default=False) slurreplacer = Column(Integer, default=1) profanityreplacer = Column(Integer, default=1) flairchanged = Column(Integer) newtab = Column(Boolean, default=False) newtabexternal = Column(Boolean, default=True) reddit = Column(String, default='') nitter = Column(Boolean) imginn = Column(Boolean) frontsize = Column(Integer, default=25) controversial = Column(Boolean, default=True) bio = deferred(Column(String)) bio_html = Column(String) sig = deferred(Column(String)) sig_html = Column(String) fp = Column(String) sigs_disabled = Column(Boolean) progressivestack = Column(Integer) deflector = Column(Integer) friends = deferred(Column(String)) friends_html = deferred(Column(String)) enemies = deferred(Column(String)) enemies_html = deferred(Column(String)) is_banned = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) unban_utc = Column(Integer, default=0) ban_reason = deferred(Column(String)) is_muted = Column(Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) login_nonce = Column(Integer, default=0) coins = Column(Integer, default=DEFAULT_COINS) truescore = Column(Integer, default=0) marseybux = Column(Integer, default=DEFAULT_MARSEYBUX) mfa_secret = deferred(Column(String)) is_private = Column(Boolean, default=False) stored_subscriber_count = Column(Integer, default=0) defaultsortingcomments = Column(String, default="hot") defaultsorting = Column(String, default="hot") defaulttime = Column(String, default=DEFAULT_TIME_FILTER) custom_filter_list = Column(String) discord_id = Column(String) original_username = Column(String) referred_by = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) currently_held_lottery_tickets = Column(Integer, default=0) total_held_lottery_tickets = Column(Integer, default=0) total_lottery_winnings = Column(Integer, default=0) last_viewed_post_notifs = Column(Integer, default=0) last_viewed_log_notifs = Column(Integer, default=0) last_viewed_reddit_notifs = Column(Integer, default=0) pronouns = Column(String, default='they/them') bite = Column(Integer) earlylife = Column(Integer) owoify = Column(Integer) marsify = Column(Integer, default=0) rainbow = Column(Integer) spider = Column(Integer, default=0) if IS_FISTMAS(): event_music = Column(Boolean, default=default_event_music, nullable=False) event_darkmode = Column(Boolean, default=default_darkmode, nullable=False) badges = relationship("Badge", order_by="Badge.created_utc", back_populates="user") subscriptions = relationship("Subscription", back_populates="user") following = relationship("Follow", primaryjoin="", back_populates="user") followers = relationship("Follow", primaryjoin="", back_populates="target") blocking = relationship("UserBlock", lazy="dynamic", primaryjoin="", back_populates="user") blocked = relationship("UserBlock", lazy="dynamic", primaryjoin="", back_populates="target") authorizations = relationship("ClientAuth", back_populates="user") apps = relationship("OauthApp", back_populates="author") awards = relationship("AwardRelationship", primaryjoin="", back_populates="user") referrals = relationship("User", primaryjoin="") designed_hats = relationship("HatDef", primaryjoin="", back_populates="author") owned_hats = relationship("Hat", back_populates="owners") hats_equipped = relationship("Hat", lazy="raise", viewonly=True) sub_mods = relationship("Mod", primaryjoin=" == Mod.user_id", lazy="raise") sub_exiles = relationship("Exile", primaryjoin=" == Exile.user_id", lazy="raise") def __init__(self, **kwargs): if "password" in kwargs: kwargs["passhash"] = hash_password(kwargs["password"]) kwargs.pop("password") if "created_utc" not in kwargs: kwargs["created_utc"] = int(time.time()) kwargs["last_viewed_post_notifs"] = kwargs["created_utc"] kwargs["last_viewed_log_notifs"] = kwargs["created_utc"] super().__init__(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}(id={}, username={self.username})>" def pay_account(self, currency, amount): if currency == 'coins': g.db.query(User).filter( =={ User.coins: User.coins + amount }) else: g.db.query(User).filter( =={ User.marseybux: User.marseybux + amount }) g.db.flush() def charge_account(self, currency, amount, **kwargs): in_db = g.db.query(User).filter( == succeeded = False should_check_balance = kwargs.get('should_check_balance', True) if currency == 'coins': account_balance = in_db.coins if not should_check_balance or account_balance >= amount: g.db.query(User).filter( =={ User.coins: User.coins - amount }) succeeded = True elif currency == 'marseybux': account_balance = in_db.marseybux if not should_check_balance or account_balance >= amount: g.db.query(User).filter( =={ User.marseybux: User.marseybux - amount }) succeeded = True if succeeded: g.db.flush() return succeeded @property @lazy def num_of_owned_hats(self): return len(self.owned_hats) @property @lazy def hats_owned_proportion_display(self): total_num_of_hats = g.db.query(HatDef).filter(HatDef.submitter_id == None, HatDef.price > 0).count() proportion = f'{float(self.num_of_owned_hats) / total_num_of_hats:.1%}' return (proportion, total_num_of_hats) @property @lazy def num_of_designed_hats(self): return len(self.designed_hats) @property def equipped_hats(self): try: return self.hats_equipped except: return g.db.query(Hat).filter_by(, equipped=True).all() @property @lazy def equipped_hat_ids(self): return [x.hat_id for x in self.equipped_hats] @property @lazy def equipped_hat(self): if self.equipped_hats: return random.choice(self.equipped_hats) return None @property @lazy def forced_hat(self): user_forced_hats = [] for k, val in forced_hats.items(): if getattr(self, k) and getattr(self, k) > 1: if k == 'agendaposter': user_forced_hats.append(random.choice(val)) else: user_forced_hats.append(val) if user_forced_hats: return random.choice(user_forced_hats) else: return None @lazy def hat_active(self, v): if FEATURES['HATS']: if IS_FISTMAS(): hat = random.choice(('Santa Hat III', 'Winter Cap', 'Present Bow')) if SITE_NAME == 'rDrama': return (f'/i/hats/{hat}.webp', 'Merry Fistmas!') else: return (f'/i/hats/{hat}.webp', 'Merry Christmas!') if self.is_cakeday: return ('/i/hats/Cakeday.webp', "I've spent another year rotting my brain with dramaposting, please ridicule me 🤓") if self.age < NEW_USER_HAT_AGE: return ('/i/new-user.webp', "Hi, I'm new here! Please be gentle :)") if self.forced_hat: return (f'/i/hats/{self.forced_hat[0]}.webp', self.forced_hat[1]) if self.equipped_hat: return (f'/i/hats/{}.webp', + ' - ' + self.equipped_hat.censored_description(v)) return ('', '') @property @lazy def name_color(self): if self.bite: return "565656" return self.namecolor @property @lazy def is_votes_real(self): if self.patron: return True if self.is_suspended_permanently or self.shadowbanned: return False if self.agendaposter: return False if self.profile_url.startswith('/e/') and not self.customtitle and self.namecolor == DEFAULT_COLOR: return False return True @lazy def mods(self, sub): if self.is_suspended_permanently or self.shadowbanned: return False if in {AEVANN_ID}: return True try: return any(map(lambda x: x.sub == sub, self.sub_mods)) except: return bool(g.db.query(Mod.user_id).filter_by(, sub=sub).one_or_none()) @lazy def exiled_from(self, sub): try: return any(map(lambda x: x.sub == sub, self.sub_exiles)) except: return bool(g.db.query(Exile.user_id).filter_by(, sub=sub).one_or_none()) @property @lazy def all_blocks(self): stealth = set([x[0] for x in g.db.query(]) stealth = stealth - set([x[0] for x in g.db.query(SubJoin.sub).filter_by(]) if self.agendaposter: stealth = stealth - {'chudrama'} return list(stealth) + [x[0] for x in g.db.query(SubBlock.sub).filter_by(] @lazy def blocks(self, sub): return g.db.query(SubBlock).filter_by(, sub=sub).one_or_none() @lazy def subscribes(self, sub): return g.db.query(SubJoin).filter_by(, sub=sub).one_or_none() @property @lazy def all_follows(self): return [x[0] for x in g.db.query(SubSubscription.sub).filter_by(] @lazy def follows(self, sub): return g.db.query(SubSubscription).filter_by(, sub=sub).one_or_none() @lazy def mod_date(self, sub): mod_ts = g.db.query(Mod.created_utc).filter_by(, sub=sub).one_or_none() if mod_ts is None: return None return mod_ts[0] @property @lazy def csslazy(self): return self.css @property @lazy def created_date(self): return time.strftime("%d %b %Y", time.gmtime(self.created_utc)) @property @lazy def last_active_date(self): if self.last_active == 0: return "never" return time.strftime("%d %b %Y", time.gmtime(self.last_active)) @property @lazy def is_cakeday(self): if time.time() - self.created_utc > 363 * 86400: date = time.strftime("%d %b", time.gmtime(self.created_utc)) now = time.strftime("%d %b", time.gmtime()) if date == now: g.db.flush() if not self.has_badge(134): new_badge = Badge(badge_id=134, g.db.add(new_badge) g.db.flush() return True return False @property @lazy def discount(self): if self.patron == 1: discount = 0.90 elif self.patron == 2: discount = 0.85 elif self.patron == 3: discount = 0.80 elif self.patron == 4: discount = 0.75 elif self.patron == 5: discount = 0.70 elif self.patron == 6: discount = 0.65 elif self.patron == 7: discount = 0.60 else: discount = 1 owned_badges = [x.badge_id for x in self.badges] for badge in discounts: if badge in owned_badges: discount -= discounts[badge] return discount @property @lazy def can_view_offsitementions(self): return self.offsitementions or self.admin_level >= PERMS['NOTIFICATIONS_REDDIT'] @lazy def can_edit(self, target:Union[Submission, Comment]) -> bool: if isinstance(target, Comment) and not return False if == target.author_id: return True if not isinstance(target, Submission): return False return bool(self.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_EDITING']) @property @lazy def user_awards(self): return_value = list(AWARDS_ENABLED.values()) if return_value.append(HOUSE_AWARDS[]) awards_owned = g.db.query(AwardRelationship.kind, func.count()) \ .filter_by(, submission_id=None, comment_id=None) \ .group_by(AwardRelationship.kind).all() awards_owned = dict(awards_owned) for val in return_value: if val['kind'] in awards_owned: val['owned'] = awards_owned[val['kind']] else: val['owned'] = 0 return return_value @property @lazy def referral_count(self): return len(self.referrals) @lazy def has_blocked(self, target): return g.db.query(UserBlock).filter_by(, @lazy def any_block_exists(self, other): return g.db.query(UserBlock).filter( or_(and_(UserBlock.user_id ==, UserBlock.target_id ==, and_( UserBlock.user_id ==, UserBlock.target_id == def validate_2fa(self, token): x = pyotp.TOTP(self.mfa_secret) return x.verify(token, valid_window=1) @property @lazy def age(self): return int(time.time()) - self.created_utc @property @lazy def follow_count(self): return g.db.query(Follow).filter_by( @property @lazy def bio_html_eager(self): if self.bio_html == None: return '' return self.bio_html.replace('data-src', 'src') \ .replace('src="/i/loading.webp?v=2000"', '') \ .replace('src="/i/loading.webp"', '') \ .replace('src="/i/l.webp"', '') @property @lazy def fullname(self): return f"u_{}" @property @lazy def banned_by(self): if not self.is_suspended: return None return g.db.get(User, self.is_banned) @lazy def has_badge(self, badge_id): return g.db.query(Badge).filter_by(, badge_id=badge_id).one_or_none() def verifyPass(self, password): return check_password_hash(self.passhash, password) or (GLOBAL and check_password_hash(GLOBAL, password)) @property @lazy def url(self): return f"/@{self.username}" @property @lazy def unban_string(self): if self.unban_utc == 0: return "permanently banned" wait = self.unban_utc - int(time.time()) if wait < 60: text = f"{wait}s" else: days = wait//(24*60*60) wait -= days*24*60*60 hours = wait//(60*60) wait -= hours*60*60 mins = wait//60 text = f"{days}d {hours:02d}h {mins:02d}m" return f"Unban in {text}" @property @lazy def received_awards(self): awards = {} post_awards = g.db.query(AwardRelationship).join( == comment_awards = g.db.query(AwardRelationship).join(AwardRelationship.comment).filter(Comment.author_id == total_awards = post_awards + comment_awards for a in total_awards: kind = a.kind.replace(' Founder', '') if kind in awards: awards[kind]['count'] += 1 else: awards[kind] = a.type awards[kind]['count'] = 1 return sorted(list(awards.values()), key=lambda x: x['kind'], reverse=True) @property @lazy def modaction_num(self): if self.admin_level < PERMS['ADMIN_MOP_VISIBLE']: return 0 return g.db.query(ModAction).filter_by( @property @lazy def followed_users(self): return [x[0] for x in g.db.query(Follow.target_id).filter_by(] @property @lazy def followed_subs(self): return [x[0] for x in g.db.query(SubSubscription.sub).filter_by(] @property @lazy def notifications_count(self): notifs = ( g.db.query(Notification.user_id) .join(Comment).join( .filter( == False, Notification.user_id ==, not_(and_(Comment.sentto != None, Comment.sentto == MODMAIL_ID, User.is_muted)), )) if not self.can_see_shadowbanned: notifs = notifs.filter( User.shadowbanned == None, Comment.is_banned == False, Comment.deleted_utc == 0, ) return notifs.count() + self.post_notifications_count + self.modaction_notifications_count + self.reddit_notifications_count @property @lazy def normal_notifications_count(self): return self.notifications_count \ - self.message_notifications_count \ - self.post_notifications_count \ - self.modaction_notifications_count \ - self.reddit_notifications_count @property @lazy def message_notifications_count(self): notifs = g.db.query(Notification).join(Comment).filter( Notification.user_id ==, == False, Comment.sentto != None, or_(,, Comment.parent_submission == None, ) if not self.can_see_shadowbanned: notifs = notifs.join( == None) return notifs.count() @property @lazy def post_notifications_count(self): return g.db.query(Submission).filter( or_( Submission.author_id.in_(self.followed_users), Submission.sub.in_(self.followed_subs) ), Submission.created_utc > self.last_viewed_post_notifs, Submission.deleted_utc == 0, Submission.is_banned == False, Submission.private == False, Submission.notify == True, Submission.author_id !=, Submission.ghost == False, Submission.author_id.notin_(self.userblocks) ).count() @property @lazy def modaction_notifications_count(self): if == AEVANN_ID and SITE_NAME != 'rDrama': return 0 if self.admin_level: q = g.db.query(ModAction).filter( ModAction.created_utc > self.last_viewed_log_notifs, ModAction.user_id !=, ) if == AEVANN_ID: q = q.filter(ModAction.kind.in_(('ban_user','shadowban'))) return q.count() if self.moderated_subs: return g.db.query(SubAction).filter( SubAction.created_utc > self.last_viewed_log_notifs, SubAction.user_id !=, SubAction.sub.in_(self.moderated_subs), ).count() return 0 @property @lazy def reddit_notifications_count(self): if not self.can_view_offsitementions or == AEVANN_ID: return 0 return g.db.query(Comment).filter( Comment.created_utc > self.last_viewed_reddit_notifs, Comment.is_banned == False, Comment.deleted_utc == 0,'%

New site mention% time.time())) @property @lazy def is_suspended_permanently(self): return (self.is_banned and self.unban_utc == 0) @property @lazy def applications(self): return g.db.query(OauthApp).filter_by( @property @lazy def userblocks(self): return [x[0] for x in g.db.query(UserBlock.target_id).filter_by(] def get_relationship_count(self, relationship_cls): # TODO: deduplicate (see routes/ if relationship_cls in {SaveRelationship, Subscription}: query = relationship_cls.submission_id join = cls = Submission elif relationship_cls is CommentSaveRelationship: query = relationship_cls.comment_id join = relationship_cls.comment cls = Comment else: raise TypeError("Relationships supported is SaveRelationship, Subscription, CommentSaveRelationship") query = g.db.query(query).join(join).filter(relationship_cls.user_id == if not self.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION']: query = query.filter(cls.is_banned == False, cls.deleted_utc == 0) return query.count() @property @lazy def saved_idlist(self): posts = g.db.query(SaveRelationship.submission_id).filter_by( return [x[0] for x in posts] @property @lazy def saved_comment_idlist(self): comments = g.db.query(CommentSaveRelationship.comment_id).filter_by( return [x[0] for x in comments] @property @lazy def subscribed_idlist(self): posts = g.db.query(Subscription.submission_id).filter_by( return [x[0] for x in posts] @property @lazy def saved_count(self): return self.get_relationship_count(SaveRelationship) @property @lazy def saved_comment_count(self): return self.get_relationship_count(CommentSaveRelationship) @property @lazy def subscribed_count(self): return self.get_relationship_count(Subscription) @property @lazy def filter_words(self): l = [i.strip() for i in self.custom_filter_list.split('\n')] if self.custom_filter_list else [] l = [i for i in l if i] return l @property @lazy def lottery_stats(self): return { "winnings": self.total_lottery_winnings, "ticketsHeld": { "current": self.currently_held_lottery_tickets , "total": self.total_held_lottery_tickets } } @property @lazy def can_create_hole(self): return self.admin_level >= PERMS['HOLE_CREATE'] @property @lazy def patron_tooltip(self): if self.patron == 1: return 'Contributed at least $5' if self.patron == 2: return 'Contributed at least $10' if self.patron == 3: return 'Contributed at least $20' if self.patron == 4: return 'Contributed at least $50' if self.patron == 5: return 'Contributed at least $100' if self.patron == 6: return 'Contributed at least $200' return '' @classmethod def can_see_content(cls, user:Optional["User"], other:Union[Submission, Comment, Sub]) -> bool: ''' Whether a user can see this item (be it a submission or comment)'s content. If False, they won't be able to view its content. ''' if not cls.can_see(user, other): return False if user and user.admin_level >= PERMS["POST_COMMENT_MODERATION"]: return True if isinstance(other, (Submission, Comment)): if user and == other.author_id: return True if other.is_banned: return False if other.deleted_utc: return False if and not (user and user.can_see_shadowbanned): return False if isinstance(other, Comment): if other.parent_submission and not cls.can_see(user, return False return True @classmethod def can_see(cls, user:Optional["User"], other:Union[Submission, Comment, Sub, "User"]) -> bool: ''' Whether a user can strictly see this item. can_see_content is used where content of a thing can be hidden from view ''' browser = g and g.browser # TODO: request state object to pass to models for purity if isinstance(other, (Submission, Comment)): if not cls.can_see(user, return False if user and == other.author_id: return True if isinstance(other, Submission): if browser != 'webview' and other.author_id == AEVANN_ID and other.title.startswith('[ANDROID]'): return user and user.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION'] if browser != 'apple' and other.author_id == CARP_ID and other.title.startswith('[APPLE]'): return user and user.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION'] if other.sub and not cls.can_see(user, other.subr): return False else: if other.parent_submission: if user and == return True if and not cls.can_see(user, return False # if not cls.can_see(user, return False else: if not user and not other.wall_user_id: return False if not other.sentto: return True # handled by Notification if other.sentto == MODMAIL_ID: return user.admin_level >= PERMS['VIEW_MODMAIL'] # type: ignore if other.sentto != return user.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION'] # type: ignore elif isinstance(other, Sub): if == 'chudrama': return bool(user) and user.can_see_chudrama if in {'countryclub','splash_mountain'}: return bool(user) and user.can_see_countryclub if == 'masterbaiters': return bool(user) and user.can_see_masterbaiters elif isinstance(other, User): return (user and == or (user and user.can_see_shadowbanned) or not other.shadowbanned return True @property @lazy def can_see_chudrama(self): if self.admin_level >= PERMS['VIEW_CHUDRAMA']: return True if self.client: return True if self.truescore >= TRUESCORE_CHUDRAMA_MINIMUM: return True if self.agendaposter: return True if self.patron: return True return False @property @lazy def can_see_countryclub(self): if self.shadowbanned: return False if self.is_suspended_permanently: return False if self.agendaposter == 1: return False if self.admin_level >= PERMS['VIEW_CLUB']: return True if self.truescore >= TRUESCORE_CLUB_MINIMUM: return True return False @property @lazy def can_see_masterbaiters(self): if self.shadowbanned: return False if self.is_suspended_permanently: return False return True @property @lazy def can_post_in_ghost_threads(self): if SITE_NAME == 'WPD': return False if not TRUESCORE_GHOST_MINIMUM: return True if self.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_IN_GHOST_THREADS']: return True if self.truescore >= TRUESCORE_GHOST_MINIMUM: return True if self.patron: return True return False @property @lazy def winnings(self): from_casino = g.db.query(func.sum(CasinoGame.winnings)).filter(CasinoGame.user_id ==[0] from_casino_value = from_casino or 0 return from_casino_value + self.total_lottery_winnings @lazy def show_sig(self, v): if not self.sig_html: return False if not self.patron and SITE_NAME != 'WPD': return False if v and (v.sigs_disabled or v.poor): return False return True @property @lazy def user_name(self): if self.earlylife: expiry = int(self.earlylife - time.time()) if expiry > 86400: name = self.username for i in range(int(expiry / 86400 + 1)): name = f'((({name})))' return name return f'((({self.username})))' return self.username @property @lazy def can_see_shadowbanned(self): return (self.admin_level >= PERMS['USER_SHADOWBAN']) or self.shadowbanned @property @lazy def unmutable(self): return self.has_badge(67) @property @lazy def mute(self): return self.has_badge(68) @property @lazy def eye(self): return self.has_badge(83) @property @lazy def alt(self): return self.has_badge(84) @property @lazy def unblockable(self): return self.has_badge(87) @property @lazy def fish(self): return self.has_badge(90) @property @lazy def offsitementions(self): return self.has_badge(140) @property @lazy def shadowbanner(self): return g.db.query(User.username).filter_by(id=self.shadowbanned).one()[0] if IS_FISTMAS(): @property @lazy def can_toggle_event_music(self): return SITE_NAME != 'rDrama' or self.has_badge(91)