{% extends "settings2.html" %} {% block pagetitle %}Alts{% if u %} for @{{u.username}}{% endif %}{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if u %}
Alts for @{{u.username}}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if u %} {% set count=alts|length %}

@{{u.username}} created their account {{u.created_utc|timestamp}} and has {{count}} known alt{{macros.plural(count)}}.
They are {% if not u.is_permabanned %}not {% endif %}permanently banned{% if v.can_see_shadowbanned %} and they are {% if not u.shadowbanned %}not {% endif %}shadowbanned{% endif %}.

{% for user in alts %} {% endfor %}
# Name Account Created Manual Actions
{{loop.index}} {% include "user_in_table.html" %} {{user.created_utc|timestamp}} {{user._is_manual}} Alts {% if v.admin_level >= PERMS['VIEW_ALT_VOTES'] %} Alt Votes {% endif %}
Add Alt

This tool allows you to link an alt.

{% endif %} {% endblock %}