const save_value = ['post-title', 'post-text', 'post-url', 'sub'] for (const id of save_value) { const value = localStorage.getItem(id) if (value) document.getElementById(id).value = value } autoExpand(document.getElementById('post-text')) markdown(document.getElementById("post-text")); const save_checked = ['post-notify', 'post-new', 'post-nsfw', 'post-private', 'post-ghost'] for (const key of save_checked) { const value = localStorage.getItem(key) if (value) { const element = document.getElementById(key) if (element) element.checked = (value == 'true') } } function savetext() { for (const id of save_value) { const value = document.getElementById(id).value if (value) localStorage.setItem(id, value) } for (const id of save_checked) { const element = document.getElementById(id) if (element) { localStorage.setItem(id, element.checked) } } } const submitButton = document.getElementById('submit-btn') function checkForRequired() { const title = document.getElementById("post-title"); const url = document.getElementById("post-url"); const text = document.getElementById("post-text"); const image = document.getElementById("file-upload"); const image2 = document.getElementById("file-upload-submit"); if (url.value.length > 0 || image.files.length > 0 || image2.files.length > 0) { text.required = false; url.required=false; } else if (text.value.length > 0 || image.files.length > 0 || image2.files.length > 0) { url.required = false; } else { text.required = true; url.required = true; } const isValidTitle = title.checkValidity(); const isValidURL = url.checkValidity(); const isValidText = text.checkValidity(); if (isValidTitle && (isValidURL || image.files.length > 0 || image2.files.length > 0)) { submitButton.disabled = false; } else if (isValidTitle && isValidText) { submitButton.disabled = false; } else { submitButton.disabled = true; } } checkForRequired(); function hide_image() { x=document.getElementById('image-upload-block'); url=document.getElementById('post-url').value; if (url.length>=1){ x.classList.add('d-none'); } else { x.classList.remove('d-none'); } } function autoSuggestTitle() { const urlField = document.getElementById("post-url"); const titleField = document.getElementById("post-title"); const isValidURL = urlField.checkValidity(); if (isValidURL && urlField.value.length > 0 && titleField.value === "") { const x = new XMLHttpRequest(); x.onreadystatechange = function() { if (x.readyState == 4 && x.status == 200 && !titleField.value) { title=JSON.parse(x.responseText)["title"]; titleField.value=title; checkForRequired() } }'get','/submit/title?url=' + urlField.value); x.setRequestHeader('xhr', 'xhr'); x.send(null); }; }; function ghost_toggle(t) { const followers = document.getElementById("post-notify") const sub = document.getElementById("sub") if (t.checked == true) { followers.checked = false; followers.disabled = true; sub.value = ''; sub.disabled = true; } else { followers.disabled = false; sub.disabled = false; } } function checkRepost() { const system = document.getElementById('system') system.innerHTML = ""; const url = document.getElementById('post-url').value const min_repost_check = 9; if (url && url.length >= min_repost_check) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"post", "/is_repost"); xhr.setRequestHeader('xhr', 'xhr'); const form = new FormData() form.append("url", url); form.append("formkey", formkey()); xhr.onload=function(){ try {data = JSON.parse(xhr.response)} catch(e) {console.error(e)} if (data && data["permalink"]) { const permalinkText = escapeHTML(data["permalink"]); const permalinkURI = encodeURI(data["permalink"]); if (permalinkText) { system.innerHTML = `This is a repost of ${permalinkText}`; } } } xhr.send(form) } } document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if(!((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.key === "Enter")) return;; }); checkRepost(); function submit(form) { submitButton.disabled = true; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); //needed for uploading to xhr.withCredentials=true; formData = new FormData(form); formData.append("formkey", formkey()); actionPath = form.getAttribute("action");"POST", actionPath); const upload_prog = document.getElementById('upload-prog'); xhr.upload.onprogress = (e) => {handleUploadProgress(e, upload_prog)}; xhr.setRequestHeader('xhr', 'xhr'); xhr.onload = function() { upload_prog.classList.add("d-none") if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) { const res = JSON.parse(xhr.response) const post_id = res['post_id']; if (res['success']) { for (const id of save_value) { localStorage.setItem(id, "") } for (const id of save_checked) { const value = (id == "post-notify") localStorage.setItem(id, value) } } location.href = "/post/" + post_id } else { submitButton.disabled = false; document.getElementById('toast-post-error-text').innerText = "Error, please try again later." try { let data=JSON.parse(xhr.response); bootstrap.Toast.getOrCreateInstance(document.getElementById('toast-post-error')).show(); document.getElementById('toast-post-error-text').innerText = data["error"]; if (data && data["details"]) document.getElementById('toast-post-error-text').innerText = data["details"]; } catch(e) { bootstrap.Toast.getOrCreateInstance(document.getElementById('toast-post-success')).hide(); bootstrap.Toast.getOrCreateInstance(document.getElementById('toast-post-error')).show(); } } }; xhr.send(formData); }