{% extends "default.html" %} {% block pagetype %}userpage{% endblock %} {% block pagetitle %}@{{u.username}}'s profile{% endblock %} {% block head_final %} {% if u and u.profile_background %} {% endif %} {% if u and (u.profilecss or u.profile_background) and not request.values.get('nocss') and u.can_see_my_shit %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {%- include 'userpage/banner.html' -%} {%- include 'userpage/header.html' -%} {% block userpage_content required %}{% endblock %} {% if FEATURES['USERS_PROFILE_SONG'] and u.song %} {% if v and v.id == u.id %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if v %}
{% if v.patron or u.patron %}0{% else %}0.03{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if (not (IS_FISTMAS() or IS_DKD()) or SITE_NAME == 'WPD') and u.can_see_my_shit %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block pagenav %} {% if listing %} {% include "pagination.html" %} {% endif %} {% if not request.path.endswith('/comments') and not request.path.endswith(u.username) %} {% endif %} {% if v and v.id != u.id and request.path.endswith('/posts') %} {% include "modals/emoji.html" %} {% include "modals/gif.html" %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block GIFpicker %}{% endblock %}