{%- set VISITORS_HERE_FLAVOR = [ ' incels currently stalking roasties', ' gooners currently edging to ', ' fanboys currently obsessing over Carp', ' postmodern obscurantists currently whistling for dogs', ' NEETs currently LDARmaxxing', ' valid women currently dilating ', ' stochastic terrorists currently writing manifestos', ' negholes currently being pozzed', ' bussies currently on standby', ' gamers currently harassing women', ' dramanauts hurtling through Safe Space™', ' Soros shills currently plotting the mayocide', ' furries currently yiffing', ' incels currently harassing women ', ' chuds currently agendaposting', ' coomers currently gooning', ' oopsie woopsie fucko boingos narwhaling bacons', ' well-behaved rule following goodthinkers', ' throwing shade right now', ] -%}