from files.__main__ import app, limiter, mail from files.helpers.alerts import * from files.helpers.wrappers import * from files.classes import * from .front import frontlist import tldextract"/exile/post/") @is_not_permabanned def exile_post(v, pid): try: pid = int(pid) except: abort(400) p = get_post(pid) sub = p.sub if not sub: abort(400) if not v.mods(sub): abort(403) u = if u.mods(sub): abort(403) if u.admin_level < 2 and not u.exiled_from(sub): exile = Exile(, sub=sub, g.db.add(exile) send_notification(, f"@{v.username} has exiled you from /h/{sub} for [{p.title}]({p.shortlink})") g.db.commit() return {"message": "User exiled successfully!"}"/exile/comment/") @is_not_permabanned def exile_comment(v, cid): try: cid = int(cid) except: abort(400) c = get_comment(cid) sub = if not sub: abort(400) if not v.mods(sub): abort(403) u = if u.mods(sub): abort(403) if u.admin_level < 2 and not u.exiled_from(sub): exile = Exile(, sub=sub, g.db.add(exile) send_notification(, f"@{v.username} has exiled you from /h/{sub} for [{c.permalink}]({c.shortlink})") g.db.commit() return {"message": "User exiled successfully!"}"/h//unexile/") @is_not_permabanned def unexile(v, sub, uid): u = get_account(uid) if not v.mods(sub): abort(403) if u.exiled_from(sub): exile = g.db.query(Exile).filter_by(, sub=sub).one_or_none() g.db.delete(exile) send_notification(, f"@{v.username} has revoked your exile from /h/{sub}") g.db.commit() if request.headers.get("Authorization") or request.headers.get("xhr"): return {"message": "User unexiled successfully!"} return redirect(f'/h/{sub}/exilees')"/h//block") @auth_required def block_sub(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) sub = if v.mods(sub): return {"error": "You can't block subs you mod!"} existing = g.db.query(SubBlock).filter_by(, sub=sub).one_or_none() if not existing: block = SubBlock(, sub=sub) g.db.add(block) g.db.commit() cache.delete_memoized(frontlist) return {"message": "Sub blocked successfully!"}"/h//unblock") @auth_required def unblock_sub(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) sub = block = g.db.query(SubBlock).filter_by(, sub=sub).one_or_none() if block: g.db.delete(block) g.db.commit() cache.delete_memoized(frontlist) return {"message": "Sub unblocked successfully!"}"/h//follow") @auth_required def follow_sub(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) existing = g.db.query(SubSubscription) \ .filter_by(, if not existing: subscription = SubSubscription(, g.db.add(subscription) g.db.commit() return {"message": "Sub followed successfully!"}"/h//unfollow") @auth_required def unfollow_sub(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) subscription = g.db.query(SubSubscription) \ .filter_by(, if subscription: g.db.delete(subscription) g.db.commit() return {"message": "Sub unfollowed successfully!"} @app.get("/h//mods") @auth_required def mods(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) users = g.db.query(User, Mod).join(Mod, return render_template("sub/mods.html", v=v, sub=sub, users=users) @app.get("/h//exilees") @auth_required def sub_exilees(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) users = g.db.query(User, Exile).join(Exile, return render_template("sub/exilees.html", v=v, sub=sub, users=users) @app.get("/h//blockers") @auth_required def sub_blockers(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) users = g.db.query(User).join(SubBlock, return render_template("sub/blockers.html", v=v, sub=sub, users=users, verb="blocking") @app.get("/h//followers") @auth_required def sub_followers(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) users = g.db.query(User) \ .join(SubSubscription, \ .filter_by( return render_template("sub/blockers.html", v=v, sub=sub, users=users, verb="following")"/h//add_mod") @limiter.limit("1/second;5/day") @limiter.limit("1/second;5/day", key_func=lambda:f'{}-{session.get("lo_user")}') @is_not_permabanned def add_mod(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) sub = if not v.mods(sub): abort(403) user = request.values.get('user') if not user: abort(400) user = get_user(user) existing = g.db.query(Mod).filter_by(, sub=sub).one_or_none() if not existing: mod = Mod(, sub=sub) g.db.add(mod) if != send_repeatable_notification(, f"@{v.username} has added you as a mod to /h/{sub}") g.db.commit() return redirect(f'/h/{sub}/mods')"/h//remove_mod") @is_not_permabanned def remove_mod(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) sub = if not v.mods(sub): abort(403) uid = request.values.get('uid') if not uid: abort(400) try: uid = int(uid) except: abort(400) user = g.db.get(User, uid) if not user: abort(404) mod = g.db.query(Mod).filter_by(, sub=sub).one_or_none() if not mod: abort(400) if not ( == or v.mod_date(sub) and v.mod_date(sub) < mod.created_utc): abort(403) g.db.delete(mod) if != send_repeatable_notification(, f"@{v.username} has removed you as a mod from /h/{sub}") g.db.commit() return redirect(f'/h/{sub}/mods') @app.get("/create_hole") @is_not_permabanned def create_sub(v): if not v.can_create_hole: abort(403) return render_template("sub/create_hole.html", v=v, cost=HOLE_COST)"/create_hole") @is_not_permabanned def create_sub2(v): if not v.can_create_hole: abort(403) name = request.values.get('name') if not name: abort(400) name = name.strip().lower() if not valid_sub_regex.fullmatch(name): return render_template("sub/create_hole.html", v=v, cost=HOLE_COST, error="Sub name not allowed."), 400 sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=name).one_or_none() if not sub: if v.coins < HOLE_COST: return render_template("sub/create_hole.html", v=v, cost=HOLE_COST, error="You don't have enough coins!"), 403 v.coins -= HOLE_COST g.db.add(v) sub = Sub(name=name) g.db.add(sub) g.db.flush() mod = Mod(, g.db.add(mod) g.db.commit() return redirect(f'/h/{}')"/kick/") @is_not_permabanned def kick(v, pid): try: pid = int(pid) except: abort(400) post = get_post(pid) if not post.sub: abort(403) if not v.mods(post.sub): abort(403) post.sub = None g.db.add(post) g.db.commit() cache.delete_memoized(frontlist) return {"message": "Post kicked successfully!"}"/rehole/", defaults={'hole': ''})"/rehole//") @admin_level_required(2) def rehole_post(v, pid, hole): post = get_post(pid) sub_from = post.sub sub_to = hole.strip().lower() sub_to = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub_to).one_or_none() sub_to = if sub_to else None if sub_from == sub_to: abort(400) post.sub = sub_to g.db.add(post) sub_from_str = 'frontpage' if sub_from is None else \ f'/h/{sub_from}' sub_to_str = 'frontpage' if sub_to is None else \ f'/h/{sub_to}' ma = ModAction( kind='move_hole',,, _note=f'{sub_from_str} → {sub_to_str}', ) g.db.add(ma) on_post_hole_entered(post) g.db.commit() return {"message": f"Post moved to {sub_to_str}!"} def on_post_hole_entered(post): if not post.sub or not post.subr: return hole = # Notify hole followers if not post.ghost and not post.private: text = f"/h/{hole} has a new " \ + f"post: [{post.title}]({post.shortlink})" cid = notif_comment(text, autojanny=True) for follow in post.subr.followers: user = get_account(follow.user_id) if and not user.paid_dues: continue add_notif(cid, @app.get('/h//settings') @is_not_permabanned def sub_settings(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) if not v.mods( abort(403) return render_template('sub/settings.html', v=v, sidebar=sub.sidebar, sub=sub)'/h//sidebar') @limiter.limit("1/second;30/minute;200/hour;1000/day") @limiter.limit("1/second;30/minute;200/hour;1000/day", key_func=lambda:f'{}-{session.get("lo_user")}') @is_not_permabanned def post_sub_sidebar(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) if not v.mods( abort(403) sub.sidebar = request.values.get('sidebar', '').strip()[:500] sub.sidebar_html = sanitize(sub.sidebar) if len(sub.sidebar_html) > 1000: return "Sidebar is too big!" g.db.add(sub) g.db.commit() return redirect(f'/h/{}/settings')'/h//css') @limiter.limit("1/second;30/minute;200/hour;1000/day") @limiter.limit("1/second;30/minute;200/hour;1000/day", key_func=lambda:f'{}-{session.get("lo_user")}') @is_not_permabanned def post_sub_css(v, sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) if not v.mods( abort(403) css = request.values.get('css', '').strip() for i in css_regex.finditer(css): url = if not is_safe_url(url): domain = tldextract.extract(url).registered_domain error = f"The domain '{domain}' is not allowed, please use one of these domains\n\n{approved_embed_hosts}." return render_template('sub/settings.html', v=v, sidebar=sub.sidebar, sub=sub, error=error) sub.css = css g.db.add(sub) g.db.commit() return redirect(f'/h/{}/settings') @app.get("/h//css") def get_sub_css(sub): sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.strip().lower()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) resp=make_response(sub.css or "") resp.headers.add("Content-Type", "text/css") return resp"/h//banner") @limiter.limit("1/second;10/day") @limiter.limit("1/second;10/day", key_func=lambda:f'{}-{session.get("lo_user")}') @is_not_permabanned def sub_banner(v, sub): if request.headers.get("cf-ipcountry") == "T1": return {"error":"Image uploads are not allowed through TOR."}, 403 sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.lower().strip()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) if not v.mods( abort(403) file = request.files["banner"] name = f'/images/{time.time()}'.replace('.','') + '.webp' bannerurl = process_image(name) if bannerurl: if sub.bannerurl and '/images/' in sub.bannerurl: fpath = '/images/' + sub.bannerurl.split('/images/')[1] if path.isfile(fpath): os.remove(fpath) sub.bannerurl = bannerurl g.db.add(sub) g.db.commit() return redirect(f'/h/{}/settings')"/h//sidebar_image") @limiter.limit("1/second;10/day") @limiter.limit("1/second;10/day", key_func=lambda:f'{}-{session.get("lo_user")}') @is_not_permabanned def sub_sidebar(v, sub): if request.headers.get("cf-ipcountry") == "T1": return {"error":"Image uploads are not allowed through TOR."}, 403 sub = g.db.query(Sub).filter_by(name=sub.lower().strip()).one_or_none() if not sub: abort(404) if not v.mods( abort(403) file = request.files["sidebar"] name = f'/images/{time.time()}'.replace('.','') + '.webp' sidebarurl = process_image(name) if sidebarurl: if sub.sidebarurl and '/images/' in sub.sidebarurl: fpath = '/images/' + sub.sidebarurl.split('/images/')[1] if path.isfile(fpath): os.remove(fpath) sub.sidebarurl = sidebarurl g.db.add(sub) g.db.commit() return redirect(f'/h/{}/settings') @app.get("/holes") @auth_desired def subs(v): subs = g.db.query(Sub, func.count(Submission.sub)).outerjoin(Submission, == Submission.sub).group_by( return render_template('sub/subs.html', v=v, subs=subs) def sub_inactive_purge_task(): if not HOLE_INACTIVITY_DELETION: return False one_week_ago = time.time() - 604800 active_holes = [x[0] for x in g.db.query(Submission.sub).distinct() \ .filter(Submission.sub != None, Submission.created_utc > one_week_ago).all()] dead_holes = g.db.query(Sub).filter( names = [ for x in dead_holes] mods = g.db.query(Mod).filter(Mod.sub.in_(names)).all() for x in mods: send_repeatable_notification(x.user_id, f":marseyrave: /h/{x.sub} has been deleted for inactivity after one week without new posts. All posts in it have been moved to the main feed :marseyrave:") admins = [x[0] for x in g.db.query( > 1).all()] for name in names: for admin in admins: send_repeatable_notification(admin, f":marseyrave: /h/{name} has been deleted for inactivity after one week without new posts. All posts in it have been moved to the main feed :marseyrave:") posts = g.db.query(Submission).filter(Submission.sub.in_(names)).all() for post in posts: post.sub = None g.db.add(post) to_delete = mods \ + g.db.query(Exile).filter(Exile.sub.in_(names)).all() \ + g.db.query(SubBlock).filter(SubBlock.sub.in_(names)).all() \ + g.db.query(SubSubscription).filter(SubSubscription.sub.in_(names)).all() for x in to_delete: g.db.delete(x) g.db.flush() for x in dead_holes: g.db.delete(x) g.db.commit() return True