import mistletoe from files.classes import * from flask import g from .markdown import * from .sanitize import * from .const import * def send_repeatable_notification(uid, text, autojanny=False): text = text.replace('r/', 'r\/').replace('u/', 'u\/') if autojanny: author_id = AUTOJANNY_ID else: author_id = NOTIFICATIONS_ID existing = g.db.query(, parent_submission=None, distinguish_level=6, body=text, created_utc=0).first() if existing: existing2 = g.db.query(, comment_id=existing[0]).first() if existing2: text_html = sanitize(CustomRenderer().render(mistletoe.Document(text))) new_comment = Comment(author_id=author_id, parent_submission=None, distinguish_level=6, body=text, body_html=text_html, created_utc=0) g.db.add(new_comment) g.db.flush() notif = Notification(, user_id=uid) g.db.add(notif) return send_notification(uid, text, autojanny) def send_notification(uid, text, autojanny=False): cid = notif_comment(text, autojanny) add_notif(cid, uid) def notif_comment(text, autojanny=False): text = text.replace('r/', 'r\/').replace('u/', 'u\/') if autojanny: author_id = AUTOJANNY_ID else: author_id = NOTIFICATIONS_ID existing = g.db.query(, parent_submission=None, distinguish_level=6, body=text, created_utc=0).first() if existing: cid = existing[0] else: text_html = sanitize(CustomRenderer().render(mistletoe.Document(text))) new_comment = Comment(author_id=author_id, parent_submission=None, distinguish_level=6, body=text, body_html=text_html, created_utc=0) g.db.add(new_comment) g.db.flush() cid = return cid def add_notif(cid, uid): existing = g.db.query(, user_id=uid).first() if not existing: notif = Notification(comment_id=cid, user_id=uid) g.db.add(notif) def send_admin(vid, text): text_html = Renderer().render(mistletoe.Document(text)) text_html = sanitize(text_html, True) new_comment = Comment(author_id=vid, parent_submission=None, level=1, sentto=0, body_html=text_html, ) g.db.add(new_comment) g.db.flush() admins = g.db.query(User).filter(User.admin_level > 0).all() for admin in admins: notif = Notification(, g.db.add(notif) def NOTIFY_USERS(text, vid): text = text.lower() notify_users = set() for word, id in NOTIFIED_USERS.items(): if id == 0: continue if word in text and id not in notify_users and vid != id: notify_users.add(id) return notify_users