{ "1": { "name": "Alpha User", "description": "Joined during open alpha" }, "2": { "name": "Verified Email", "description": "Verified Email" }, "3": { "name": "Code Contributor", "description": "Contributed to the site's source code" }, "4": { "name": "White Hat", "description": "Responsibly reported a security issue" }, "6": { "name": "Beta User", "description": "Joined during open beta" }, "7": { "name": "Bug Chaser", "description": "Found a bug" }, "10": { "name": "Bronze Recruiter", "description": "Recruited 1 friend to join the site" }, "11": { "name": "Silver Recruiter", "description": "Recruited 10 friends to join the site" }, "12": { "name": "Gold Recruiter", "description": "Recruited 100 friends to join the site" }, "15": { "name": "Idea Maker", "description": "Had a good idea for the site which was implemented by the developers" }, "16": { "name": "Marsey Master", "description": "Contributed 10 (or more!!!!) Marsey emojis ✨" }, "17": { "name": "Marsey Artisan", "description": "Contributed a Marsey emoji ✨" }, "18": { "name": "Artisan", "description": "Contributed to site artwork" }, "21": { "name": "Paypig", "description": "Contributed at least $5" }, "22": { "name": "Renthog", "description": "Contributed at least $10" }, "23": { "name": "Landchad", "description": "Contributed at least $20" }, "24": { "name": "Terminally online turboautist", "description": "Contributed at least $50" }, "25": { "name": "Rich Bich", "description": "Contributed at least $100" }, "26": { "name": "Rightoid", "description": "Forced to use the rightoid theme" }, "27": { "name": "Lolcow", "description": "Beautiful and valid milk provider" }, "60": { "name": "Unironically Retarded", "description": "Demonstrated a wholesale inability to read the room" }, "61": { "name": "Lab Rat", "description": "Helped test features in development" }, "62": { "name": "Master Baiter", "description": "For outstanding achievement in the field of catching fish" }, "63": { "name": "Balls", "description": "I wrote carp on my balls as a sign of submission" }, "64": { "name": "The Other Kind Of Good Journalist", "description": "Contributed positive media attention to the site" }, "65": { "name": "2021 Spooooooky Marsey Artist", "description": "Contributed a VERY SCARY Marsey for Halloween 2021!" }, "66": { "name": "Sk8r Boi", "description": "Certifies that this user is NOT a poser" }, "67": { "name": "Unpausable", "description": "Spent 40,000 coins on an unpausable profile anthem" }, "68": { "name": "Pause Button", "description": "Spent 20,000 coins on a profile anthem pause button" }, "69": { "name": "Little Big Spender", "description": "Dropped 10,000 coins at the shop" }, "70": { "name": "Big Spender", "description": "Dropped 100,000 coins at the shop" }, "71": { "name": "Big Big Spender", "description": "Dropped 250,000 coins at the shop" }, "72": { "name": "Big Big Big Spender", "description": "Dropped 500,000 coins at the shop" }, "73": { "name": "Le Rich Gentlesir", "description": "Spent a fucking million coins at the shop" }, "74": { "name": "Grass Toucher", "description": "Awarded for molesting plant life" }, "75": { "name": "Halloween 21", "description": "Awarded for surviving Homoween 2021" }, "76": { "name": "Low Roller", "description": "Bought 10 lootboxes" }, "77": { "name": "Middle Roller", "description": "Bought 50 lootboxes" }, "78": { "name": "High Roller", "description": "Bought 150 lootboxes" }, "79": { "name": "Merchant", "description": "Contributed a new line of product to Marsey's Coin Emporium" }, "80": { "name": "Artist Laureate", "description": "" }, "81": { "name": "Patron of the Arts", "description": "Sponsored the creation of an approved Marsey" }, "83": { "name": "All-Seeing Eye", "description": "Can view private profiles" }, "84": { "name": "Alt-Seeing Eye", "description": "Can see alts" }, "85": { "name": "Sigma User", "description": "" }, "86": { "name": "Holly Jolly Marsey Artist", "description": "Contributed a VERY JOLLY Marsey for Christmas 2021!" }, "87": { "name": "Unblockable", "description": "This user is unblockable" }, "88": { "name": "Provider", "description": "This user provided a bountiful feast for Thanksgiving" }, "89": { "name": "Dinner", "description": "Yes, it is edible" }, "90": { "name": "Fish", "description": "This user cannot be unfollowed" }, "91": { "name": "Grinch", "description": "This user is a joyless grinch who pays money to avoid having fun" }, "92": { "name": "NFT Artist", "description": "Drew a marsey that was used as an NFT" }, "93": { "name": "NFT Owner", "description": "Bought a marsey NFT" }, "94": { "name": "Progressive Stack Award", "description": "Upvotes/downvotes on this user's posts and comments have double the ranking effect" }, "95": { "name": "Bird Site Award", "description": "This user is limited to 140 characters" }, "96": { "name": "Flairlock Award", "description": "This user's flair has been locked by someone else" }, "97": { "name": "Pizzashill Award", "description": "This user has to make their posts and comments more than 280 characters" }, "98": { "name": "Marsey Award", "description": "This user is limited to posting marseys" }, "99": { "name": "Sidebar Artist", "description": "Contributed artwork featured on the sidebar" }, "100": { "name": "True Believer", "description": "This user sees through communist lies" }, "101": { "name": "Banner Artist", "description": "Contributed a banner image to the site" }, "102": { "name": "Christmas 21", "description": "Awarded for surviving Fistmas 2021" }, "103": { "name": "Benefactor", "description": "Gave the Benefactor award to someone" }, "104": { "name": "BADASS OUTLAW", "description": "Bad boy who does not play by the rules" }, "105": { "name": "SCAM", "description": "lmao get fucked retard" } }