diff --git a/snappy_rDrama.txt b/snappy_rDrama.txt index c33bccbab..dfd090849 100644 --- a/snappy_rDrama.txt +++ b/snappy_rDrama.txt @@ -4829,3 +4829,9 @@ Take comfort in knowing that God will avenge the blood of the innocent. Every kn Sir this is a gay cat dating website {[para]} Of all the people (and "people") who use this site, carp's posts are the ones that fill me with the most dread. Why? Because every fricking time this shithead posts anything it's completely arbitrary whether he's serious or not. It could be about anything, have any written tone, any subject matter, political slant - anything, and every single time you'd be better off trying to predict the seriousness of the post by flipping a coin and calling it than by conducting any sort of serious analysis. And when even a SINGLE person loses the coin flip, out of the dozens that respond, he then goes on to post shit like this, sneeding about synthetic meta-drama for the umptillionth time that week. +{[para]} +Is there anything more cucked than marrying a woman? Honestly, think about it rationally. You are committing your life, time, and resources solely so she can eventually divorce you and take half your stuff. All the effort you put into the relationship - wining and dining her, remembering anniversaries, helping around the house - it all leads to one result: her leaving you for another man. + +Raised the perfect wife? Congrats. Who benefits? Some random divorce lawyer who had nothing to do with your relationship. He gets to take your hard-earned money. Your ex-wife gets the house you worked so hard to buy. The only thing you're left with are the fond memories of the good years before it all fell apart. + +You could have spent your time and effort improving yourself as a person. But instead you wasted it on a fickle woman who was never yours to begin with. Such is the destiny of the married man - a cuck from the very beginning.