diff --git a/snappy_rDrama.txt b/snappy_rDrama.txt index 4c6bcdd05..209a4e3d1 100644 --- a/snappy_rDrama.txt +++ b/snappy_rDrama.txt @@ -4845,3 +4845,7 @@ this is good for dramacoin https://i.rdrama.net/images/17001810610108244.webp {[para]} https://i.rdrama.net/images/17008291144940493.webp +{[para]} +Enter the rabbit hole where most vanilla shit will stop arousing you then porn doesnt affect you then you get more obscure and deeper down the hole. BSDM extreme forms of almost near torture or rape videos. then pain and cbd and eventually chicks with peeners then femboys then just straight up men. God forbid you reach the bottom of the ice berg where youre watching eldrich creatures rape each other in cosmical spatial mind blowing insane sex on a 5'11 sized woman as the entire realm of hell and its abominations run a train on it or you end up into scat porn. I have seen someone go down the rabbit hole to where i had to get him off porn due to him falling down so bad while having a girlfriend but couldnt get off without looking at femboys and their weenors. But meh regulate your sex like everything else too much weener time mean permanent weener time to were weener on ur mind and weener love weener life and weener is more important thatn food air and water. -Sun tzu art of war or some shit like that idk im retarded and on several drugs +{[para]} +good morning