forked from rDrama/rDrama
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SneedBot 2024-01-12 07:00:15 +00:00
parent ecc05a5ede
commit add234c103
1 changed files with 8 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -4973,3 +4973,11 @@ I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
Staring :marseyunamused: at my jeans :marseypantsonfire: watching :marseyilluminati2: my genitals bulging, thats my my motherfrickin balls you better :marseysaulgoodman: let go of em, they belong in my scrotum youll never :marseyitsover: get hold of em
My mum (82F) told me (12M) to do the dishes (16) but I (12M) was too busy playing Fortnite (3 kills) so I (12M) grabbed my controller (DualShock 4) and threw it at her (138kph). She fucking died, and I (12M) went to prison (18 years). While in prison I (12M) incited several riots (3) and assumed leadership of a gang responsible for smuggling drugs (cocaine) into the country. I (12M) also ordered the assassination of several celebrities (Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley and Jeffrey Epstein) and planned a terrorist attack (9/11). Reddit, AITA?
"Meow"? Seriously? Wowwwww, you meow like a cat! That means you are one, right? Shut the fuck up. If you really want to be put on a leash and treated like a domestic animal then thats called a fetish, not “quirky” or “cute”. What part of you seriously thinks that any part of acting like a feline establishes a reputation of appreciation? Is it your lack of any defining aspect of personality that urges you to resort to shitty representations of cats to create an illusion of meaning in your worthless life? Wearing “cat ears” in the shape of headbands further notes the complete absence of human attribution to your false sense of personality, such as intelligence or charisma in any form or shape. Where do you think this mindsets gonna lead you? You think youre funny, random, quirky even? What makes you think that acting like a fucking cat will make a goddamn hyena laugh? I, personally, feel extremely sympathetic towards you as your only escape from the worthless thing you call your existence is to pretend to be an animal. But its not a worthy choice to assert this horrifying fact as a dominant trait, mainly because personality traits require an initial personality to lay their foundation on. Youre not worthy of anybodys time, so go fuck off, “cat-girl”.
Im here all weekend - come on ya fuckin punk ass swimmer 🙄 Ill be waiting on ya - Ill be waiting on your punk ass - wait matter of fact give me your address Ill come to wherever you are and give you a chance to make good on your promises since I know you wont actually come here me Navy SEAL lol what BUDS class were you in bitch? See youre talking to an Army Ranger - RSC 13-2 - Ive ACTUALLY been on clandestine missions - Ive ACTUALLY been in gunfights - and on the 1% chance that youre ACTUALLY a buds graduate Ill tell you RQRF in the korangal - we were saving baby seals on a daily basis because they have no fucking idea what to do when bullets start flying the other direction - so no - Im not worried about you - the USMC is still using gulf war hand me downs so youre saying your equipment is dated and sporting extensive wear and tear? Annnndddd no need to involve your top secret lies I mean spies whoops - cuzzzzz I just told you and the internet where I live - you can come here or give me your address and Ill come there - either way 😊
Let's say, hypothetically, your mom was wearing a yellow raincoat. Now, also in this scenario, there is a man needing to get home. When he sees your mom, he will yell "taxi, taxi!". Now, why does he do this? The answer is actually quite simple. Your mom is so fat she is the size of a taxi, and the yellow raincoat she is theoretically wearing is the same color as a taxi. Therefore, the man mistakes her for a taxi. So, what has this hypothetical scenario shown us? It has shown us that your mom is very, very, fat. Boom! Once again destroyed with facts and logic.