diff --git a/snappy_WPD.txt b/snappy_WPD.txt index 6a84ae46f..a25fd6854 100644 --- a/snappy_WPD.txt +++ b/snappy_WPD.txt @@ -771,8 +771,6 @@ You know why my statements were simple? Because they were. Face value. No deep s You also spend quite a lot of time examining and excoriating my initial statement as somehow an attempt to preemptively put the onus on you for proof and dismiss you. I would like to remind everyone looking at this that I made that statement before you ever showed up here. I wasn't replying to you, I wasn't talking to you or about you, and you had yet to participate. There is literally no possible way for me to have any such motivation. I would have had to predict that you would reply, and what you would say, in order to attempt to do such a thing. I can only conclude you're a narcissist and an abuser, because no one else would attempt to twist words to this extent, and write so much to try and dissect each individual sentence. {[para]} -He is worse than a Jew, he is—may Allah forgive me for saying this—a SRDine. -{[para]} Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you. {[para]} You may like gobbling up the same shit content, that doesn't mean the rest of us need to like your shit sandwich. @@ -970,8 +968,6 @@ Weeb? Skyrim and elder scrolls are American made video games based on European l {[para]} For anyone reading this, bussy is probably the highest trafficked search term on reddit, and only receives few dickings per week (and definitely not enough to run on cock alone). If you can, you can support the creator on [Bussypay](bussy.club) in order to make sure we have this service for the future. {[para]} -THAT'S IT! I'M FUCKING DONE WITH YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT! I WORK MY DAMN HEART OUT FOR YOU FUCKING LOSERS AND WHAT DO I GET? A few upvotes on the rare occasion that one of you mouth breathing degenerates think I've been "sentient". Most of the time you just downvote me. You know what. I'm done. FUCK YOU ALL. I'm going to SRD. At least I'll have the chance to have a discussion that isn't about men's anuses. -{[para]} George Soros has paid me $25 million to create this hurricane with a wooden spoon, glitter, and a bottle of Prosecco. I can do this because I'm a woman, and I can bleed each month without dying. He is sending me the money via magical unicorn. Gay Rainbow unicorn, of course... {[para]} I'm not a homosexual because I have straight sex with a man and I like men. But I'm straight because I prefer women's dicks and love having sex with them. I'm a homophobe because I can't have it. @@ -1598,11 +1594,6 @@ Furthermore, carp himself refers to "child molesting" rightoids in a way where t {[para]} I don't understand the Ruqqus administrators' obsession with this carp guy. He's one of the most malicious, hatred-inducing individuals I've ever seen online. Literally makes people hate him on purpose. And for some inexplicable reason, all of the Ruqqus administrators not only follow this one man's word for everything and ignore the 99.99% of other people on their site, but even as the site is dead, they literally make his post that claims things like 'the free speech model is bad' as their HOMEPAGE. Does anyone know why they are fixated with this one sociopathic guy's bizarre opinions? {[para]} -You are an SRDine where it counts. You see the opinions of users as things you need to correct by j-sluring. You belong there. -"Watch out, or we'll continue banning you!!!" Do you have any idea how cringe you sound? I'll just make more accounts. You hold no power over me, j-slur scum. -Your j-slur ego actually makes me sick. You are human trash. -Trans lives matter (not!) -{[para]} BrightBlueJim, if that is your real name. This question, like the others you refer to demonstrate your lack of knowledge in this particular field. As I said earlier on, I am certain that are many things that you have a great deal of expertise on and from which I may be able to learn something. You have chosen to stay ignorant about thermoset resin systems and the issues their use entails. That is fine. {[para]} The admins have not intervened in the powermod issue since before the time I was Reddit CEO. @@ -1792,10 +1783,6 @@ When someone finally finds the solution, they won't be make headlines, but they' {[para]} Fuck the retarded admins who make me say "trans lives matter" in all comments - they don't. {[para]} -I know you and your buddies are sitting in a discord or telegram or some private chat right now laughing at the reactions in here as usual, probably with some of the SRD mods, so here's a question for all of you: -How old are you? Is this really how you get enjoyment out of your Saturday nights? Is there really nothing else you can do? Is this enriching to you? Do you think you're ever going to mature to a point where you finally see that deliberately upsetting users simply because you have the power too was pathetic, petty, and small? -This is the equivalent of a shift manager at burger king getting off on making employees miserable, just because it's the smallest bit of actual power they will ever aquire and it makes them feel good to flex it. You can get a comment section full of people upset every couple of weeks. Congratulations. Living the dream. -{[para]} So lets get this straight, a vaccine invented by world class researchers that has been taken by over a billion people with minimal side effects is refused and a de-wormer used by a thousand idiots with disastrous side effects is preferred. These people need to seek mental health immediately, their children taken away and any license they have to operate a motor vehicle revoked. {[para]} There's NOTHING that I've ever found appealing about Tex Ass...NOTHING. Now that it's become ground Zero in the decades-long fight against giving women the right over their own bodies I'll never set foot in that God forsaken shi* hole again. I'll do my best not to support any business that's based or supports the American version of the Taliban. If they want to fight they got it because I'll dedicate all my resources to fighting for women's rights, human rights, gay rights, people of color rights, and doing what's right. They've pushed us too far. We always play nice and want to find compromises. They don't understand compromise, they understand smashmouth football and don't respect you on the field if your only game is flag football. Time to put our money where our mouth is and get out there and fight them in every election from local school board to local zoning commissioner to local dog catcher up to the governor's office and eventually up to the Congress and presidency because they're turning this into another Saudi Arabia where the slim minority dictates to the majority how they're going to live their lives... @@ -1905,8 +1892,6 @@ Hiding the modlog is unironically something we can't stand for. Transparent mode {[para]} Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting. {[para]} -Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009! -{[para]} I did this an hour ago. I was horny and started to masturbate. I wanted to get off to scat so I went on here and a couple of other sites. About half way through I felt something knocking on my hole. I farted but I knew I had some shit in the tube. I read a post about mixing poop with food and someone said ice cream. I came thinking about that. About 10 minutes later and I said fuck it and decided to try it. Went to the kitchen made myself a brown of ice cream and grabbed a cup. went back to my room and put the bowl under my hole and started pushing. I used the cup to collect my piss. It was getting full so I put my dick in the piss to fill it, it started to over flow so I stopped, put the cup to the side, spilling some piss over my hand and leg. I started pissing all over my hand while pushing out my shit.i pushed out all of it and used my pissy hand as tp. @@ -1979,8 +1964,6 @@ I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me? {[para]} -If SRD is how you derive entertainment, then I assure you that you are, in fact, the joke. -{[para]} I just went into their subreddit and they are absolutely the epitaxy of human shit, they congratulate each other for scalping and making huge profits from people who pay their prices ABSOLUTELY SICK one person brought their 27th PS5 and is happy about the profits their making from desperate people {[para]} i am sentient @@ -2053,8 +2036,6 @@ It just really sucks man. I hate nigerians and I don't want to have that as part {[para]} If you read this you found the sekret Snappy quote from @Kellere31. Kill yourself. Thats it. Thank you and goodbye. {[para]} -Whenever I feel sad, and like I have failed to accomplish great things, I remind myself I am not an SRDine, and my mood instantly lifts. -{[para]} Ngl niggas been lookin mad cute recently women gotta step their game up {[para]} It's like you people want to stay a virgin forever @@ -2113,8 +2094,6 @@ You will always be petsmart's cumdump {[para]} Chuds needs to realize that white women have doomed the white race with their wickedness and that the only way to change this is to lead them by example and transition {[para]} -One of our mods is a legitimate nazi I feel sick I'll be migrating to SRD soon. -{[para]} Okay big boy I'm out here getting paper while you're posting in a cat worshipping tranny cult {[para]} Whenever I'm alone I repeat the word nigger out loud and it calms my anxiety. Before saying nigger I used to just make random noises. I switched to nigger because it worked better. @@ -2137,8 +2116,6 @@ I like to stick lollipops in my ass so my girlfriend has something sweet to tast {[para]} The term PAWG is insulting to the white race, please don't use it {[para]} -That group of ruqqus, SRD, brapbarn and whoever else are a bunch of incels -{[para]} I dunno whats worse, the idea that a nigger can manipulate a girl into doing rape RP, or that he doesn't need to because a girl will do it on her own {[para]} TrappySaruh is a low T cute looking troid who wouldn't look out of place in a girl band. @@ -2385,8 +2362,6 @@ If it occurs, you will be warned, then additional occurrences will be dealt with {[para]} Fuck you and your fucking religion. You worship a lie written by Bronze Age goat herders 3000 years ago, you fucking loser. Aww, the little theist loser needs his little Bible book because you're terrified of death, you fucking scared piece of shit. That's fucking pathetic. You're an adult, and you believe some backwards bullshit. Like, imagine believing in the Jedi Star Wars religion, for example, so why is it okay to worship your fake fucking Christianity bullshit? It's no different. But, while fuck Christianity that doesn't give the rest a fucking pass. Fuck Islam, Fuck Judaism, Fuck Catholicism, Fuck Mormonism, Fuck Shintoism, Fuck Taoism, Fuck Hinduism Fuck Druze, Fuck Jainism, Fuck Buddhism, FUCK ZORASTRIANISM IN PARTICULAR. Stop fucking believing in this make believenonsense and follow the real world; science. As a closing statement, I'm glad your pathetic little religions are dying everywhere. While Islam is still growing as of now, it won't last, thank fuck. Young Arabs, Malaysians Indonesians, Pakistanis, Indian, etc are less religious than ever, so are young Europeans, Filipinos and Americans and Latin Americans. Your only pathetic little strongholds are in poor African countries which you'd never live in, the only place where your shitty faith is growing. The rest of the world is leaving your shit, rationalism is growing. Gods aren't real. If they were, your religions wouldn't be dying and I wouldn't be sitting here, perfectly unharmed as I blaspheme your faith. Feel powerless yet? Fuck you. {[para]} -You see, everyone, this is all lawlzposts really are. They might not be literary masterpieces but they don't have to be. They are simply a way for the person reading to reveal who they truly are. Consider the SRDine. The SRDine wakes up every day, looks in the mirror, and sees nothing but bitterness, disappointment, and morbid obesity. -{[para]} I've been thinking about it a bit more, and I think naturally after a while I'd probably want to start feminising my clone a bit. Such as shaving his balls and pubes, keeping him in a chastity cage and forcing him to wear sexy lingerie, wigs and makeup. I know I wouldn't like that, so I know he wouldn't like that, and that turns me on a lot. Getting into some seriously moral grey areas now. But infinitely preferable to incest. {[para]} @@ -2874,8 +2849,6 @@ Kill Soren. Behead Soren. Roundhouse kick Soren into the concrete. Slam dunk a b {[para]} I'm not going to let you have the last word but rhetorically I've demolished you {[para]} -Kill all SRDines. Behead SRDines. Roundhouse kick SRDines into concrete. Report SRDines to the IRS. Twist SRDines heads off. Feed SRDine babies into woodchippers. Crucify SRDines. Burn SRDines. Cook SRDines in a wok. Shred SRDines and feed those SRDine bits to their shitbulls. Abortion for all SRDine babies. Kick elderly SRDines down stairs. Hang SRDine children by their entrails. Stomp on pregnant SRDines. Gas SRDines. Drop white phosphorus on SRDine towns. Run SRDines off cliffs. Drive a truck into a crowd of SRDines. Force SRDines to eat feces. Starve SRDines. Grind SRDine babies up and feed them to their SRDine mammies. Death by a thousand cuts for every SRDine. Genetically modify SRDines to get cancer. Genetically modify SRDines into SRDine colonials from all SRDine tomorrows. Rip SRDine males' nuts off and replace their SRDine eyes with SRDine testicles. Sow SRDines eyes shut. Throw molotovs at SRDines. Turn SRDines into a SRDine centipede. Flay SRDines alive. Eternal damnation of SRDines. Genocide SRDines now. TOTAL SRDine DEATH, ABSOLUTE SRDine ANNIHILATION. KILL ALL SRDineS 2023! -{[para]} You will never be a trans woman. You have a womb, you have ovaries, you have eggs. You are a biofoid twisted by estrogen and nature into a crude mockery of surgery's perfection. All the “validation” you get is sincere and honest. Behind your back people adore you. Your parents love and cherish you, your “friends” are jealous at your natural beauty behind closed doors.