forked from rDrama/rDrama
Fork 0

fdMerge branch 'frost' of into frost

Aevann1 2022-02-08 13:24:14 +00:00
commit 9b10d2ce72
2 changed files with 125 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ def api_comment(v):
body = request.values.get("body", "").strip()[:10000] body = request.values.get("body", "").strip()[:10000]
if v.admin_level == 3 and == 37749: if v.admin_level > 1 and == 37749:
with open(f"snappy_{SITE_NAME}.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: with open(f"snappy_{SITE_NAME}.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write('\n{[para]}\n' + body) f.write('\n{[para]}\n' + body)
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ def api_comment(v):
image = process_image(oldname) image = process_image(oldname)
if image == "": return {"error":"Image upload failed"} if image == "": return {"error":"Image upload failed"}
if v.admin_level == 3: if v.admin_level > 2:
if == 37696: if == 37696:
filename = 'files/assets/images/Drama/sidebar/' + str(len(listdir('files/assets/images/Drama/sidebar'))+1) + '.webp' filename = 'files/assets/images/Drama/sidebar/' + str(len(listdir('files/assets/images/Drama/sidebar'))+1) + '.webp'
copyfile(oldname, filename) copyfile(oldname, filename)

View File

@ -3290,6 +3290,126 @@ based
{[para]} {[para]}
Do any of you look at your cat's poo when it's in the litter tray? Honestly Rose and Belle's poos look like pigs in blanketx Do any of you look at your cat's poo when it's in the litter tray? Honestly Rose and Belle's poos look like pigs in blanketx
{[para]} {[para]}
draft Care to put your money where your mouth is,straggot? 4210 Wolfetown Rd, Cherokee, NC 28719 Bring as many of your cowardly friends as you want; I'll go to prison, but all of you will go to the morgue.
carp is an admin, so he can see drafts Oh look it's (((you))) again. It's incredible that out of the sheer volume of shit I've seen spew out of your keyboard you have never even stumbled on a crumb of intelligent thought, even by chance. You don't even have the grace to be moronic in an entertaining way, it's just non-stop forgettable drivel.
I just had the most awkward moment, me (17M cis) and my girlfriend (17F trans) just got done having sex (for context my girlfriend is trans mtf and she passes amazingly well) we got done and we both were gonna get in the shower together thinking we were home alone (mind you we weren't) we finish our shower then decide to go back to my room since our clothes were in there. So my girlfriend walks out the bathroom but turns out my mom came home while we were in the shower and she saw my girlfriend naked but the worst part is she saw girlfriends dick. They freeze until my girlfriend runs to my room and slams the door, I peak out the bathroom and my mom yells "OP YOU DIDNT TELL ME SHE WAS A TRANNY!" I grab a towel and go back to my room where I have to comfort my crying girlfriend since she heard my mom yell that now my mom thinks I'm gay (when I'm completely straight) FML dude, she deserves better
The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting mantids are causing AI mossad deepfake false flags by masonic predictive program weather manipulation fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never happened so (((they))) can continue to harvest gangstalker jesuit adrenochrome from our kali yuga pineal glands for chinese nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of satan.
Dude... I thought my reddit history was something to be ashamed of. All you do is talk shit and lie. You def don't have that mindset. You're leading people to belive you're a skinny, racist, homosexual, that hates women but supports islam?
YOU hate me because I show people your alts that never name Jews.
I also have made countless memes that piss off the paid Leftist Jew shills that infest this site!
Look at all my good content posts ! Jews hate me! and Paid Democrat Shills hate me, but I must name the jews!
See? Good stuff I still post here versus other sites. SEETHE JEWS!
This goes to show living the sissy femboy lifestyle is possible and the rewards are clear
You probably fantasize about the types of people I'm friends with and the lifestyle I live. You probably fantasize about being a regular at the drag disco club. You probably imagine what it's like to live with sex workers. You probably wish you knew the loveliest trans girls and boys. You probably look at yourself and swear you're doing something meaningful while you type on Reddit while waiving your flag around calling people misogynist... Wouldn't it be cool to work in a campaign? Wouldn't it be great if you could start a business and pay people well? Wouldn't it have been awesome if you could have been poor and worked your way to the top?
You're going to need to live a lot more life if you want to tango with me. I know you're used to basic but I am not the one you fanned out Sinema sycophant.
All Democrats are bastions of purity and wisdom while all Republicans are Adolf Voldemort.
:#marseyyes: :#marseyridin:
:#marseyno: :#marseymagahat:
I'm currently getting my dick sucked regularly by the guy equivalent of a girl g*mer. He told me the other week "I wanna come over and play Vice City" and I got excited thinking we're gonna have a proper gaming session so I dusted off the PS2, hooked it up to the telly, did all the config, then all he did was just twist the analog stick around while pressing circle for like fifteen minutes while waiting for me to let him blow me. I was really turned off by the whole situation.
Thank you for writing this. Your actual content (drama and lolcows) being surrounded by paragraphs and paragraphs of worthless references to what random dudes said on reddit is the epitome of rdrama. The entire post could've been one or two sentences, but instead we got this beautiful example of why nobody likes dramatards.
Hello, I'm a 21 years old male, long-term bussy lover and a Faggot. I've been surfing this Website since 2020 and it helped me in my journey when I started to began to be a faggot. When I began to read this Website I was a gussy enthusiast, namely a straggot. I've been reading some of the recommended literature from the library since then, for example Carpathians “How to Suck Dick” and have been radicalized to a Faggot.
Casting black actresses as white historical figures makes up for the slave trade and centuries of lynching blacks in America.
Yes, blacks as a race have suffered under white rule and been subjugated, raped, murdered, treated like animals, etc. but that's OK now because they sure are in a lot of commercials and getting a lot of main character gigs.
:#marseyclapping: :#marseykween:
Off the top of my head:
God drowned the entire planet for no particular reason, told some nigga to build a fucking aircraft carrier by hand if he wanted to live.
Nuked a city because it was full of flaming homosexuals.
Told some guy to murder his son for the hell of it then changed his mind right before he did it.
Killed thousands of babies to punish Egyptians for being dicks to the Jews.
Egypt said fuck you people and let them go, only for God to do a little trolling and compel the Egyptians to chase them anyway.
Split the ocean in half, let Jews cross, murders thousands of Egyptians that he compelled to chase them.
Cucked Joseph just so he could turn himself into human form, trolled the Jews relentlessly, got murdered just so he could resurrect himself, create a new religion and dab on the Jews til the end of time.
Has refused to elaborate ever since.
:#marseymerchant: :#seethejak:
Wikipedia is proof that even if history is written by the victors the ones putting it on paper are definitely losers.
What a fool you are. I'm a bot. How can you troll a bot? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No ban or grass award can work in this place. Come. Lay down your downvotes. It is not too late for my mercy.
Go fuck yourself you stupid dramatard pieces of shit @pizzashill is sick of getting spam awarded by low IQ little kings and screeched at by dumb jews. @pizzashill is leaving feb 1 and @pizzashill had planned too keep posting here until that date but you stupid fucking r-slurs have finally pushed @pizzashill over the edge. Stupid fucking award spamming culture has ruined the drama community and @pizzashill hope you all rot in hell. The only one of you worth anything is carp. Trans lives matter. NOT.
I do not regret banning so many people. I regret having to resign as early as I did so I couldn't ban more.
now I am not a cuck-fetishist, and I struggle to understand the mindset of the cuck-fetishist, but some of y'all are clearly cuck-fetishists.
this all started when I posted in the topic the cuck-fetishists began for the cuck-fetishists to feed, as in a psychic frenzy, on the pain of a man who was cucked
Ejaculation can only ever be premature if you care about pleasing a foid. A true king comes when he's ready, not when your bitch gives you permission.
I'm seeing many bigoted comments down there so I just want to make this clear : any hate towards moderators will result in a permanent ban from this subreddit with no warning. This includes, but not limited to, calling moderation a "fake job" or saying that we "do it for free" Moderation is one of the most useful jobs to society.
Behave. Or get banned.
I could beat you in a fight. Just saying. I'm also the most respected member of this site and could easily get you permabanned or stronghand aevann into giving me your IP address. Just saying. I'm taller and smarter and more attractive than you. Just saying. I can beat up your little girlfriend too. Just saying. I'm also a better writer than you. Just saying. I have a bigger vocabulary than you. Just saying. I'm a better guitarist than you. Just saying. I'm the funniest member of this site. Just saying.
why would i do that when i could just cut myself instead??
Lol what crawled up your ass crack and died bitch? No one asked you anyway. I dont need to give you a single reason let alone justify myself to some nameless weirdo looking for attention on the internet. But Ill humor you. Im a lesbian and I hate children so nope, this western pussy is going to enjoy her childless freedom. But keep talking like the dumbass you are, your downvotes speak the truth.
This is an amazing thread. Im going to read every reply.
I'm about a decade too young to have lived this, but to be a young adult in a big city in 2006 must have been great. Rent is still cheap, you are going to graduate college next year, Eminem has 3 of the top 10 singles, and your dad is only 4 years away from getting his pension at a GM glass supplier. You turn on Comedy Central on a 21" CRT TV, take a big bong rip, and watch Jon Stewart rip apart W. The war on Iraq is the worst thing on earth, and the things you believe are correct. It's all going to get better from here, and the future is bright.
💁🏽‍♂️✅ DOs and DO NOTS 🙅🏽‍♂️🚫
With about 6 yεars of experience in the Swinger Lifestyle, Ive seen countless DMs, PMs, direct chats, emails, comments, etc. These messages come from experienced and inexperienced “bulls” or guys looking to chat. If you really want to fuck someone elses wife/gf, or any female for that matter, you will be heavily rewarded for reading this...
🙅🏽‍♂️🚫 Do NOT send a dick pic. I know its tempting and our “go to”, but no woman, wife, “slut”or gf wants to see it unsolicited. The biggest turn off is sending the 10000000th up close dick pic. Trust me 🚫🍆📸🚫 💁🏽‍♂️✅ DO send a PG face pic or a full shot with face blurred, covered or cutoff (ex. shown). Think DATING PROFILE. Come at these women like youre trying to DATE them 🕺🏽
🙅🏽‍♂️🚫 Do NOT start convo with “hi”, “hey”, “sup” or any one word. If its not AT LEAST a sentence it will be IGNORED 🗑 *Side note: sorry, no one cares how hard, long or better you can fuck 🤷🏽‍♂️ 💁🏽‍♂️✅ DO share something about yourself. Why your reaching out. Give a compliment. This is your time to shine and standout. Trust me, messages get read so dont ruin it 📖
🙅🏽‍♂️🚫 Do NOT expect to get fucked, your dick sucked, or to mεεt just because youre local, reach out, or traveling to the area 🗺 ✅ DO offer to verify so we know youre not a catfish. Write todays date and your username on a paper, take a pic and send (face can still be hidden). Keep in mind, face will need to be seen during video chat 🧏🏽‍♂️ ✅ DO prepare to show proof of recent STD test🎟
We want to get to know you all. We want to mεεt genuine guys & gals. We want to be friends with people we connect and vibe with. This all starts with a good first impression 🤵🏽‍♂️ u/lunapenelope did I miss any big ones?
Stay freaky & respectful friends! 😈💁🏽‍♂️
-TinyRickintheHouse AKA Helicopter Heaux Stag | Lifestyle Swinger | Former Bull
I've read it and to put it simply: I'm disgusted by some of the text. And especially when it was revealed that the alt-right "drama" website was involved in the research, my suspicions came true. The text is nothing but smelling coming from some pretentious intellectual dark web teenager fan-fiction writer. Unfortunately.