forked from rDrama/rDrama
Fork 0
fireworks88 2021-07-23 17:51:07 +02:00
parent 936d93d5d3
commit 7a5b014de2
1 changed files with 59 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ class User(Base, Stndrd, Age_times):
following = relationship("Follow", primaryjoin="")
followers = relationship("Follow", primaryjoin="")
viewers = relationship("ViewerRelationship", primaryjoin=" == ViewerRelationship.user_id")
blocking = relationship("UserBlock", lazy="dynamic", primaryjoin="")
blocked = relationship("UserBlock", lazy="dynamic", primaryjoin="")
@ -995,3 +997,60 @@ class User(Base, Stndrd, Age_times):
def can_change_name(self):
return True
# return self.name_changed_utc < int(time.time())-60*60*24*90
class ViewerRelationship(Base):
__tablename__ = "viewers"
id = Column(Integer, Sequence('viewers_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
viewer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
last_view_utc = Column(Integer)
user = relationship("User", lazy="joined", primaryjoin="ViewerRelationship.user_id ==")
viewer = relationship("User", lazy="joined", primaryjoin="ViewerRelationship.viewer_id ==")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
if 'last_view_utc' not in kwargs:
kwargs['last_view_utc'] = int(time.time())
def last_view_since(self):
return int(time.time()) - self.last_view_utc
def last_view_string(self):
age = self.last_view_since
if age < 60:
return "just now"
elif age < 3600:
minutes = int(age / 60)
return f"{minutes}m ago"
elif age < 86400:
hours = int(age / 3600)
return f"{hours}hr ago"
elif age < 2678400:
days = int(age / 86400)
return f"{days}d ago"
now = time.gmtime()
ctd = time.gmtime(self.created_utc)
# compute number of months
months = now.tm_mon - ctd.tm_mon + 12 * (now.tm_year - ctd.tm_year)
# remove a month count if current day of month < creation day of month
if now.tm_mday < ctd.tm_mday:
months -= 1
if months < 12:
return f"{months}mo ago"
years = int(months / 12)
return f"{years}yr ago"