forked from rDrama/rDrama
Fork 0
Aevann1 2022-02-22 06:43:37 +02:00
parent 80666c1526
commit 790eb5019a
2 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ NOTIFIED_USERS = {
'soren': SOREN_ID
FORTUNE_REPLIES = ('<b style="color:#6023f8">Your fortune: Allah Wills It</b>','<b style="color:#d302a7">Your fortune: Inshallah, Only Good Things Shall Come To Pass</b>','<b style="color:#e7890c">Your fortune: Allah Smiles At You This Day</b>','<b style="color:#7fec11">Your fortune: Your Bussy Is In For A Blasting</b>','<b style="color:#43fd3b">Your fortune: You Will Be Propositioned By A High-Tier Twink</b>','<b style="color:#9d05da">Your fortune: Repent, You Have Displeased Allah And His Vengeance Is Nigh</b>','<b style="color:#f51c6a">Your fortune: Reply Hazy, Try Again</b>','<b style="color:#00cbb0">Your fortune: lmao you just lost 100 dramacoin</b>','<b style="color:#2a56fb">Your fortune: Yikes 😬</b>','<b style="color:#0893e1">Your fortune: You Will Be Blessed With Many Black Bulls</b>','<b style="color:#16f174">Your fortune: NEETmax, The Day Is Lost If You Venture Outside</b>','<b style="color:#fd4d32">Your fortune: A Taste Of Jannah Awaits You Today</b>','<b style="color:#bac200">Your fortune: Watch Your Back</b>','<b style="color:#6023f8">Your fortune: Outlook good</b>','<b style="color:#d302a7">Your fortune: Godly Luck</b>','<b style="color:#e7890c">Your fortune: Good Luck</b>','<b style="color:#7fec11">Your fortune: Bad Luck</b>','<b style="color:#43fd3b">Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail</b>','<b style="color:#9d05da">Your fortune: Very Bad Luck</b>','<b style="color:#00cbb0">Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!</b>','<b style="color:#2a56fb">Your fortune: Better not tell you now</b>','<b style="color:#0893e1">Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger</b>','<b style="color:#16f174">Your fortune:  ´_ゝ`)フーン</b>','<b style="color:#fd4d32">Your fortune: Excellent Luck</b>','<b style="color:#bac200">Your fortune: Average Luck</b>')
FORTUNE_REPLIES = ('<b style="color:#6023f8">Your fortune: Allah Wills It</b>','<b style="color:#d302a7">Your fortune: Inshallah, Only Good Things Shall Come To Pass</b>','<b style="color:#e7890c">Your fortune: Allah Smiles At You This Day</b>','<b style="color:#7fec11">Your fortune: Your Bussy Is In For A Blasting</b>','<b style="color:#43fd3b">Your fortune: You Will Be Propositioned By A High-Tier Twink</b>','<b style="color:#9d05da">Your fortune: Repent, You Have Displeased Allah And His Vengeance Is Nigh</b>','<b style="color:#f51c6a">Your fortune: Reply Hazy, Try Again</b>','<b style="color:#00cbb0">Your fortune: lmao you just lost 100 coins</b>','<b style="color:#2a56fb">Your fortune: Yikes 😬</b>','<b style="color:#0893e1">Your fortune: You Will Be Blessed With Many Black Bulls</b>','<b style="color:#16f174">Your fortune: NEETmax, The Day Is Lost If You Venture Outside</b>','<b style="color:#fd4d32">Your fortune: A Taste Of Jannah Awaits You Today</b>','<b style="color:#bac200">Your fortune: Watch Your Back</b>','<b style="color:#6023f8">Your fortune: Outlook good</b>','<b style="color:#d302a7">Your fortune: Godly Luck</b>','<b style="color:#e7890c">Your fortune: Good Luck</b>','<b style="color:#7fec11">Your fortune: Bad Luck</b>','<b style="color:#43fd3b">Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail</b>','<b style="color:#9d05da">Your fortune: Very Bad Luck</b>','<b style="color:#00cbb0">Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!</b>','<b style="color:#2a56fb">Your fortune: Better not tell you now</b>','<b style="color:#0893e1">Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger</b>','<b style="color:#16f174">Your fortune:  ´_ゝ`)フーン</b>','<b style="color:#fd4d32">Your fortune: Excellent Luck</b>','<b style="color:#bac200">Your fortune: Average Luck</b>')
no_pass_phrase = """<p>Sorry whiteboy, we're gonna need to see some ID before you start throwin that word around like it's nothing.\n\nTake a 10 minute time-out and come back when you've learned your lesson and/or paid reparations (by purchasing a BIPOC Approved™ rDrama NWord Pass© from the <a href="/shop">shop</a>) \n\n<em>This is an automated message; if you need help, you can message us <a href="/contact">here</a>.</em></p>"""

View File

@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ def steal(v):
v.ban(days=1, reason="Jailed thief")
v.fail_utc = int(time.time())
send_repeatable_notification(, f"You caught [this sniveling little renthog](/@{v.username}) trying to rob you. After beating him within an inch of his life, you showed mercy in exchange for a 500 dramacoin tip. This time.")
send_repeatable_notification(, "The ever-vigilant landchad has caught you trying to steal his hard-earned rent money. You were able to convince him to spare your life with a 500 dramacoin tip. This time.")
send_repeatable_notification(, f"You caught [this sniveling little renthog](/@{v.username}) trying to rob you. After beating him within an inch of his life, you showed mercy in exchange for a 500 coin tip. This time.")
send_repeatable_notification(, "The ever-vigilant landchad has caught you trying to steal his hard-earned rent money. You were able to convince him to spare your life with a 500 coin tip. This time.")
v.fail2_utc = int(time.time())
v.coins -= 500