forked from rDrama/rDrama
Fork 0

enable permanence code and fix some bugs with setting frontsize and some other things

justcool393 2022-11-06 16:55:31 -06:00
parent d26294de5c
commit 4d2f429954
2 changed files with 8 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -395,7 +395,6 @@ COMMENT_BODY_HTML_LENGTH_LIMIT = 20000 # do not make larger than 20000 character
TRANSFER_MESSAGE_LENGTH_LIMIT = 200 # do not make larger than 10000 characters (comment limit) without altering the table
MIN_REPOST_CHECK_URL_LENGTH = 9 # also change the constant in checkRepost() of submit.js

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def remove_background(v):
@limiter.limit("1/second;30/minute;200/hour;1000/day", key_func=lambda:f'{SITE}-{session.get("lo_user")}')
def settings_profile_post(v):
def settings_personal_post(v):
updated = False
def update_flag(column_name:str, request_name:str):
@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ def settings_profile_post(v):
if not request.values.get(request_name): return False
current_value = getattr(v, column_name)
if FEATURES['USERS_PERMANENT_WORD_FILTERS'] and current_value > 1:
abort(403, "Cannot disable the word filter after you've already set it permanently!")
request_flag = request.values.get(request_name, '') == 'true' #int(request.values.get(request_name, '') == 'true')
abort(403, f"Cannot disable the {{friendly_name}} after you've already set it permanently!")
request_flag = int(request.values.get(request_name, '') == 'true')
if current_value and request_flag and request.values.get("permanent", '') == 'true' and request.values.get("username") == v.username:
if v.client: abort(403, "Cannot set filters permanently from the API")
request_flag = int(time.time())
# setattr(v, column_name, request_flag)
setattr(v, column_name, request_flag)
if badge_id: badge_grant(v, badge_id)
return render_template("settings_personal.html", v=v, msg=f"Set the {friendly_name} filter permanently!")
return render_template("settings_personal.html", v=v, msg=f"Set the {friendly_name} permanently! Enjoy your new badge!")
elif current_value != request_flag:
setattr(v, column_name, request_flag)
return True
@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ def settings_profile_post(v):
updated = updated or update_flag("over_18", "over18")
updated = updated or update_flag("is_private", "private")
updated = updated or update_flag("is_nofollow", "nofollow")
if not updated and request.values.get("spider", v.spider) != v.spider and v.spider <= 1:
updated = True
v.spider = int(request.values.get("spider") == 'true')
@ -152,9 +153,6 @@ def settings_profile_post(v):
msg="Your sig has been updated.")
elif not updated and FEATURES['USERS_PROFILE_BODYTEXT'] and request.values.get("friends"):
friends = request.values.get("friends")[:500]
@ -210,11 +208,8 @@ def settings_profile_post(v):
elif not updated and FEATURES['USERS_PROFILE_BODYTEXT'] and \
(request.values.get("bio") or request.files.get('file')):
bio = request.values.get("bio")[:1500]
bio += process_files()
bio = bio.strip()
bio_html = sanitize(bio)
if len(bio_html) > 10000:
@ -234,8 +229,9 @@ def settings_profile_post(v):
frontsize = request.values.get("frontsize")
if frontsize:
frontsize = int(frontsize)
if frontsize in PAGE_SIZES:
v.frontsize = int(frontsize)
v.frontsize = frontsize
updated = True
else: abort(400)