403 lines
13 KiB
403 lines
13 KiB
import time
from math import floor
from random import randint
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlencode, urlparse
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import TSVECTOR
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, scoped_session
from sqlalchemy.schema import FetchedValue
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import *
from files.classes import Base
from files.helpers.const import *
from files.helpers.lazy import lazy
from files.helpers.regex import *
from files.helpers.sorting_and_time import *
def normalize_urls_runtime(body, v):
if not v: return body
if v.reddit != 'old.reddit.com':
body = reddit_to_vreddit_regex.sub(rf'\1https://{v.reddit}/\2/', body)
if v.nitter:
body = body.replace('https://twitter.com/', 'https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/')
body = body.replace('https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/i/', 'https://twitter.com/i/')
if v.imginn:
body = body.replace('https://instagram.com/', 'https://imginn.com/')
return body
class Comment(Base):
__tablename__ = "comments"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
author_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("users.id"))
parent_submission = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("submissions.id"))
created_utc = Column(Integer)
edited_utc = Column(Integer, default=0)
is_banned = Column(Boolean, default=False)
ghost = Column(Boolean, default=False)
bannedfor = Column(String)
chuddedfor = Column(String)
distinguish_level = Column(Integer, default=0)
deleted_utc = Column(Integer, default=0)
is_approved = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("users.id"))
level = Column(Integer, default=1)
parent_comment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("comments.id"))
top_comment_id = Column(Integer)
over_18 = Column(Boolean, default=False)
is_bot = Column(Boolean, default=False)
stickied = Column(String)
stickied_utc = Column(Integer)
stickied_child_id = Column(Integer)
sentto = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("users.id"))
app_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("oauth_apps.id"))
upvotes = Column(Integer, default=1)
downvotes = Column(Integer, default=0)
realupvotes = Column(Integer, default=1)
body = Column(String)
body_html = Column(String)
body_ts = Column(TSVECTOR(), server_default=FetchedValue())
ban_reason = Column(String)
wordle_result = Column(String)
treasure_amount = Column(String)
slots_result = Column(String)
blackjack_result = Column(String)
casino_game_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("casino_games.id"))
oauth_app = relationship("OauthApp")
post = relationship("Submission", back_populates="comments")
author = relationship("User", primaryjoin="User.id==Comment.author_id")
senttouser = relationship("User", primaryjoin="User.id==Comment.sentto")
parent_comment = relationship("Comment", remote_side=[id])
awards = relationship("AwardRelationship", order_by="AwardRelationship.awarded_utc.desc()", back_populates="comment")
flags = relationship("CommentFlag", order_by="CommentFlag.created_utc")
options = relationship("CommentOption", order_by="CommentOption.id")
casino_game = relationship("Casino_Game")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if "created_utc" not in kwargs:
kwargs["created_utc"] = int(time.time())
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Comment(id={self.id})>"
def top_comment(self, db:scoped_session):
return db.get(Comment, self.top_comment_id)
def controversial(self):
if self.downvotes > 5 and 0.25 < self.upvotes / self.downvotes < 4: return True
return False
def created_datetime(self):
return time.strftime("%d/%B/%Y %H:%M:%S UTC", time.gmtime(self.created_utc))
def age_string(self):
notif_utc = self.__dict__.get("notif_utc")
if notif_utc: timestamp = notif_utc
elif self.created_utc: timestamp = self.created_utc
else: return None
return make_age_string(timestamp)
def edited_string(self):
return make_age_string(self.edited_utc)
def score(self):
return self.upvotes - self.downvotes
def fullname(self):
return f"c_{self.id}"
def parent(self, db:scoped_session):
if not self.parent_submission: return None
if self.level == 1: return self.post
else: return db.get(Comment, self.parent_comment_id)
def parent_fullname(self):
if self.parent_comment_id: return f"c_{self.parent_comment_id}"
elif self.parent_submission: return f"p_{self.parent_submission}"
def replies(self, sort, v, db:scoped_session):
if self.replies2 != None:
return self.replies2
replies = db.query(Comment).filter_by(parent_comment_id=self.id).order_by(Comment.stickied, Comment.stickied_child_id)
if not self.parent_submission: sort='old'
return sort_objects(sort, replies, Comment,
include_shadowbanned=(v and v.can_see_shadowbanned)).all()
def replies2(self):
return self.__dict__.get("replies2")
def replies2(self, value):
self.__dict__["replies2"] = value
def shortlink(self):
return f"{self.post.shortlink}/{self.id}?context=8#context"
def permalink(self):
return f"{SITE_FULL}{self.shortlink}"
def log_link(self):
return f"{SITE_FULL}/transfers/{self.id}"
def morecomments(self):
return f"{self.post.permalink}/{self.id}#context"
def author_name(self):
if self.ghost: return '👻'
return self.author.user_name
def award_count(self, kind, v):
if v and v.poor and kind.islower(): return 0
return len([x for x in self.awards if x.kind == kind])
def json(self, db:scoped_session):
if self.is_banned:
data = {'is_banned': True,
'ban_reason': self.ban_reason,
'id': self.id,
'post': self.post.id if self.post else 0,
'level': self.level,
'parent': self.parent_fullname
elif self.deleted_utc:
data = {'deleted_utc': self.deleted_utc,
'id': self.id,
'post': self.post.id if self.post else 0,
'level': self.level,
'parent': self.parent_fullname
flags = {}
for f in self.flags: flags[f.user.username] = f.reason
data = {
'id': self.id,
'level': self.level,
'author_name': self.author_name,
'body': self.body,
'body_html': self.body_html,
'is_bot': self.is_bot,
'created_utc': self.created_utc,
'edited_utc': self.edited_utc or 0,
'is_banned': bool(self.is_banned),
'deleted_utc': self.deleted_utc,
'is_nsfw': self.over_18,
'permalink': f'/comment/{self.id}',
'stickied': self.stickied,
'distinguish_level': self.distinguish_level,
'post_id': self.post.id if self.post else 0,
'score': self.score,
'upvotes': self.upvotes,
'downvotes': self.downvotes,
'is_bot': self.is_bot,
'flags': flags,
'author': '👻' if self.ghost else self.author.json,
'replies': [x.json(db=db) for x in self.replies(sort="old", v=None, db=db)]
if self.level >= 2: data['parent_comment_id'] = self.parent_comment_id
return data
def total_poll_voted(self, v):
if v:
for o in self.options:
if o.voted(v): return True
return False
def realbody(self, v):
if self.post and self.post.club and not (v and (v.paid_dues or v.id in {self.author_id, self.post.author_id} or (self.parent_comment and v.id == self.parent_comment.author_id))):
return f"<p>{CC} ONLY</p>"
if self.deleted_utc != 0 and not (v and (v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION'] or v.id == self.author.id)): return "[Deleted by user]"
if self.is_banned and not (v and v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION']) and not (v and v.id == self.author.id): return ""
body = self.body_html or ""
if body:
body = censor_slurs(body, v)
body = normalize_urls_runtime(body, v)
if not v or v.controversial:
captured = []
for i in controversial_regex.finditer(body):
if i.group(1) in captured: continue
url = i.group(1)
p = urlparse(url).query
p = parse_qs(p, keep_blank_values=True)
if 'sort' not in p: p['sort'] = ['controversial']
url_noquery = url.split('?')[0]
body = body.replace(f'"{url}"', f'"{url_noquery}?{urlencode(p, True)}"')
body = body.replace(f'>{url}<', f'>{url_noquery}?{urlencode(p, True)}<')
if self.options:
curr = [x for x in self.options if x.exclusive and x.voted(v)]
if curr: curr = " value=comment-" + str(curr[0].id)
else: curr = ''
body += f'<input class="d-none" id="current-comment-{self.id}"{curr}>'
for o in self.options:
input_type = 'radio' if o.exclusive else 'checkbox'
body += f'<div class="custom-control"><input type="{input_type}" class="custom-control-input" id="comment-{o.id}" name="option-{self.id}"'
if o.voted(v): body += " checked"
if v:
sub = self.post.sub
if sub in ('furry','vampire','racist','femboy') and not v.house.lower().startswith(sub): body += ' disabled '
body += f''' onchange="poll_vote_{o.exclusive}('{o.id}', '{self.id}', 'comment')"'''
body += f''' onchange="poll_vote_no_v()"'''
body += f'''><label class="custom-control-label" for="comment-{o.id}">{o.body_html}<span class="presult-{self.id}'''
if not self.total_poll_voted(v): body += ' d-none'
body += f'"> - <a href="/votes/comment/option/{o.id}"><span id="score-comment-{o.id}">{o.upvotes}</span> votes</a></label></div>'''
if not self.ghost and self.author.show_sig(v):
body += f"<hr>{self.author.sig_html}"
return body
def plainbody(self, v):
if self.post and self.post.club and not (v and (v.paid_dues or v.id in {self.author_id, self.post.author_id} or (self.parent_comment and v.id == self.parent_comment.author_id))):
return f"{CC} ONLY"
if self.deleted_utc != 0 and not (v and (v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION'] or v.id == self.author.id)): return "[Deleted by user]"
if self.is_banned and not (v and v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION']) and not (v and v.id == self.author.id): return ""
body = self.body
if not body: return ""
body = censor_slurs(body, v).replace('<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":marseytrain:" title=":marseytrain:" src="/e/marseytrain.webp">', ':marseytrain:')
return body
def collapse_for_user(self, v, path):
if v and self.author_id == v.id: return False
if path == '/admin/removed/comments': return False
if '?context' in path or f'/{self.id}' in path: return False
if self.over_18 and not (v and v.over_18) and not (self.post and self.post.over_18): return True
if self.is_banned: return True
if self.author.shadowbanned and not (v and v.shadowbanned): return True
if (self.wordle_result) and (not self.body or len(self.body_html) <= 100) and 9 > self.level > 1: return True
if v and v.filter_words and self.body and any(x in self.body for x in v.filter_words): return True
return False
def is_op(self): return self.author_id==self.post.author_id
def filtered_flags(self, v):
return [f for f in self.flags if (v and v.shadowbanned) or not f.user.shadowbanned]
def active_flags(self, v):
return len(self.filtered_flags(v))
def wordle_html(self, v):
if not self.wordle_result: return ''
split_wordle_result = self.wordle_result.split('_')
wordle_guesses = split_wordle_result[0]
wordle_status = split_wordle_result[1]
wordle_answer = split_wordle_result[2]
body = f"<span id='wordle-{self.id}' class='ml-2'><small>{wordle_guesses}</small>"
if wordle_status == 'active' and v and v.id == self.author_id:
body += f'''<input autocomplete="off" id="guess_box" type="text" name="guess" class="form-control" maxsize="4" style="width: 200px;display: initial"placeholder="5-letter guess"></input><button class="action-{self.id} btn btn-success small" style="text-transform: uppercase; padding: 2px"onclick="handle_action('wordle','{self.id}',document.getElementById('guess_box').value)">Guess</button>'''
elif wordle_status == 'won':
body += "<strong class='ml-2'>Correct!</strong>"
elif wordle_status == 'lost':
body += f"<strong class='ml-2'>Lost. The answer was: {wordle_answer}</strong>"
body += '</span>'
return body
def blackjack_html(self):
if not self.blackjack_result: return ''
split_result = self.blackjack_result.split('_')
blackjack_status = split_result[3]
player_hand = split_result[0].replace('X', '10')
dealer_hand = split_result[1].split('/')[0] if blackjack_status == 'active' else split_result[1]
dealer_hand = dealer_hand.replace('X', '10')
wager = int(split_result[4])
try: kind = split_result[5]
except: kind = "coins"
currency_kind = "Coins" if kind == "coins" else "Marseybux"
try: is_insured = split_result[6]
except: is_insured = "0"
body = f"<span id='blackjack-{self.id}' class='ml-2'><em>{player_hand} vs. {dealer_hand}</em>"
if blackjack_status == 'push':
body += f"<strong class='ml-2'>Pushed. Refunded {wager} {currency_kind}.</strong>"
elif blackjack_status == 'bust':
body += f"<strong class='ml-2'>Bust. Lost {wager} {currency_kind}.</strong>"
elif blackjack_status == 'lost':
body += f"<strong class='ml-2'>Lost {wager} {currency_kind}.</strong>"
elif blackjack_status == 'won':
body += f"<strong class='ml-2'>Won {wager} {currency_kind}.</strong>"
elif blackjack_status == 'blackjack':
body += f"<strong class='ml-2'>Blackjack! Won {floor(wager * 3/2)} {currency_kind}.</strong>"
if is_insured == "1":
body += f" <em class='text-success'>Insured.</em>"
body += '</span>'
return body